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# -*- cperl -*-
use strict;
use utf8;
use 5.008_001;
use Config;
use Devel::CheckLib 1.12;
require DBI;
require DBI::DBD;
my $TESTDB = "test";
# On WIN32 windows.h and winsock.h need to be included before mysql.h
# Otherwise SOCKET type which is needed for mysql.h is not defined
my @mysql_headers;
push @mysql_headers, 'windows.h', 'winsock.h' if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
push @mysql_headers, 'mysql.h';
our $opt = { "help" => \&Usage, };
my ($test_host, $test_port, $test_socket);
local ($::test_host, $::test_port, $::test_user, $::test_socket, $::test_password, $::test_db, $::test_mysql_config, $::test_cflags, $::test_libs);
eval { require "./t/MariaDB.mtest" } and do {
$opt->{'testuser'} = $::test_user;
$opt->{'testpassword'} = $::test_password;
$opt->{'testdb'} = $::test_db;
$opt->{'mysql_config'} = $::test_mysql_config;
$opt->{'cflags'} = $::test_cflags;
$opt->{'libs'} = $::test_libs;
$test_host = $::test_host;
$test_port = $::test_port;
$test_socket = $::test_socket;
) || die Usage();
$opt->{mysql_config} = delete $opt->{mariadb_config} if exists $opt->{mariadb_config};
my $source = {};
#Check for mysql_config first
$source->{'mysql_config'} = "guessed";
if ($opt->{'mysql_config'}) {
$source->{'mysql_config'} = "User's choice";
if (!$opt->{'mysql_config'} && $ENV{DBD_MARIADB_CONFIG}) {
$opt->{'mysql_config'} = $ENV{DBD_MARIADB_CONFIG};
$source->{'mysql_config'} = 'environment';
if ($opt->{'mysql_config'})
if ($opt->{'mysql_config'} ne 'skip') {
$opt->{'mysql_config'} = Win32::GetShortPathName($opt->{'mysql_config'})
if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
if (!CanExecute($opt->{'mysql_config'}))
die <<"MSG";
Specified mysql configuration script '$opt->{'mysql_config'}' doesn't exist.
Please check path/permissions.
if (CanExecute("mariadb_config"))
$opt->{'mysql_config'} = "mariadb_config";
elsif (CanExecute("mysql_config"))
$opt->{'mysql_config'} = "mysql_config";
print <<MSG;
Cannot find the file 'mariadb_config' nor 'mysql_config'! Your execution PATH doesn't seem
not contain the path to mariadb_config or mysql_config. Resorting to guessed values!
for my $key (qw(testdb testhost testuser testpassword testsocket testport cflags libs))
Configure($opt, $source, $key);
if (!$opt->{testport} && (!$opt->{testhost} || $opt->{testhost} eq 'localhost') && !defined $opt->{testsocket} && $test_socket) {
$opt->{testsocket} = $test_socket;
$source->{testsocket} = "User's choice";
if (!$opt->{testsocket}) {
if (!defined $opt->{testhost} && $test_host && (!$opt->{testport} || $test_host ne 'localhost')) {
$opt->{testhost} = $test_host;
$source->{testhost} = "User's choice";
if (!defined $opt->{testport} && $test_port && (!$opt->{testhost} || $opt->{testhost} ne 'localhost')) {
$opt->{testport} = $test_port;
$source->{testport} = "User's choice";
} else {
if (!defined $opt->{testhost} && $test_host && $test_host eq 'localhost') {
$opt->{testhost} = 'localhost';
$source->{testhost} = "User's choice";
#if we have a testport but no host, assume
if ( $opt->{testport} && !$opt->{testhost} ) {
$opt->{testhost} = '';
$source->{testhost} = 'guessed';
foreach (qw(testhost testport testsocket)) {
next if defined $opt->{$_};
$opt->{$_} = '';
$source->{$_} = 'default';
# testsocket makes sense only when testhost is localhost
if ($opt->{testsocket} && $opt->{testhost} && $opt->{testhost} ne 'localhost') {
die << "MSG";
Option --testport or --testhost different from localhost cannot be specified together with option --testsocket.
# testport cannot be specified when host is localhost
if ($opt->{testport} && $opt->{testhost} && $opt->{testhost} eq 'localhost') {
die << "MSG";
Option --testport cannot be specified when --testhost is localhost.
# testhost cannot be embedded
if ($opt->{testhost} && $opt->{testhost} eq 'embedded') {
die << "MSG";
Option --testhost cannot be embedded.
# Separate libs and libdirs from ldflags
# When linking libdirs must be specified before libs due to runtime linking problems
my ($main_lib, @libs, @libdirs, @ldflags);
for (split ' ', $opt->{libs}) {
if (not defined $main_lib and /^-l(?:.*mariadb.*|.*mysql.*)$/) {
$main_lib = $_;
} elsif (/^-l/) {
push @libs, $_;
} elsif (/^-L/) {
push @libdirs, $_;
} else {
push @ldflags, $_;
if (not defined $main_lib) {
$main_lib = shift @libs;
if (not defined $main_lib) {
die <<"MSG";
No MariaDB or MySQL client library was specified. Use
perl Makefile.PL --libs="-L<dir> -l<library>"
to set directory and client library. For details see the DBD::MariaDB::INSTALL,
section "Linker flags" or type
perl Makefile.PL --help
print <<"MSG";
I will use the following settings for compiling and testing:
delete $opt->{'help'};
my $keylen = 0;
for my $key (keys %$opt)
$keylen = length($key) if length($key) > $keylen;
my $slen = 0;
for my $val (values %$source)
$slen = length($val) if length($val) > $slen;
for my $key (sort { $a cmp $b} keys %$opt)
printf(" %-" . $keylen . "s (%-" . $slen . "s) = %s\n",
$key, $source->{$key}, $opt->{$key})
print <<"MSG";
To change these settings, see 'perl Makefile.PL --help' and
'perldoc DBD::MariaDB::INSTALL'.
print "Checking if libs and header files are available for compiling...\n";
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib, @libs),
ccflags => (join ' ', $opt->{cflags}, ($Config{usedl} ? $Config{cccdlflags} : ())),
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, @ldflags, ($Config{usedl} ? $Config{lddlflags} : ())),
header => \@mysql_headers,
not_execute => 1,
print "Checking if correct version of MariaDB or MySQL client is present...\n";
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib),
ccflags => $opt->{cflags},
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, @libs, @ldflags),
header => \@mysql_headers,
function => "\n#ifndef MYSQL_VERSION_ID\n#include <mysql_version.h>\n#endif\nreturn (MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 40108) ? 0 : 1;\n",
) or die <<"MSG";
ERROR: Wrong version or unable to check version of MariaDB/MySQL include files.
To build DBD::MariaDB it is needed MariaDB or MySQL client >= 4.1.8.
print "Looks good.\n\n";
my $have_embedded = check_lib(
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib),
ccflags => $opt->{cflags},
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, @libs, @ldflags),
header => \@mysql_headers,
function => 'return mysql_embedded() ? 0 : 1;',
print "Embedded server: " . ($have_embedded ? "supported" : "not supported by client library") . "\n\n";
my $have_get_charset_number = check_lib(
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib),
ccflags => $opt->{cflags},
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, @libs, @ldflags),
header => \@mysql_headers,
function => 'unsigned int get_charset_number(const char *cs_name, unsigned int cs_flags); mysql_server_init(-1, 0, 0); get_charset_number("utf8", 32); return 0;',
my $have_get_option = check_lib(
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib),
ccflags => $opt->{cflags},
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, @libs, @ldflags),
header => \@mysql_headers,
function => 'MYSQL mysql; char buf[1024]; mysql_server_init(-1, 0, 0); mysql_init(&mysql); mysql_get_option(&mysql, 0, &buf); return 0;',
my $have_deinitialize_ssl = check_lib(
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib),
ccflags => $opt->{cflags},
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, @libs, @ldflags),
header => \@mysql_headers,
function => 'mariadb_deinitialize_ssl = 0; return 0;',
# Check if mysql_server_end() deinitialize OpenSSL library functions
my $have_problem_with_openssl = !check_lib(
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib),
ccflags => $opt->{cflags},
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, @libs, @ldflags, $Config{perllibs}),
header => \@mysql_headers,
function => << 'EOF'
#ifndef _WIN32
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <dlfcn.h>
#define RTLD_DEFAULT ((void *)0)
int (*OPENSSL_init_ssl_func)(unsigned long long, const void *);
void (*SSL_load_error_strings_func)(void);
int (*SSL_library_init_func)(void);
void *(*SSL_CTX_new_func)(const void *method);
void (*SSL_CTX_free_func)(void *ctx);
const void *(*TLS_method_func)(void);
const void *method1;
const void *method2;
void *ctx1;
void *ctx2;
#ifdef _WIN32
HMODULE psapi_lib;
DWORD size, i;
HMODULE *modules;
modules = NULL;
psapi_lib = LoadLibraryA("Psapi.dll");
if (psapi_lib) {
EnumProcessModules_func = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD, LPDWORD))GetProcAddress(psapi_lib, "EnumProcessModules");
if (EnumProcessModules_func) {
if (EnumProcessModules_func((HANDLE)-1, NULL, 0, &size)) {
modules = (HMODULE *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size);
if (modules && !EnumProcessModules_func((HANDLE)-1, modules, size, &size))
modules = NULL;
#define SYMBOL(var, type, sym) do { \
var = (type)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(NULL), sym); \
if (!var) { \
if (!modules) \
return 1; \
for (i = 0; i < size/sizeof(*modules); ++i) { \
var = (type)GetProcAddress(modules[i], sym); \
if (var) \
break; \
} \
} \
} while (0)
#define SYMBOL(var, type, sym) do { var = (type)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, sym); } while (0)
SYMBOL(OPENSSL_init_ssl_func, int (*)(unsigned long long, const void *), "OPENSSL_init_ssl");
SYMBOL(SSL_library_init_func, int (*)(void), "SSL_library_init");
if (!OPENSSL_init_ssl_func && !SSL_library_init_func)
return 0;
SYMBOL(SSL_load_error_strings_func, void (*)(void), "SSL_load_error_strings");
if (!OPENSSL_init_ssl_func && !SSL_load_error_strings_func)
return 0;
SYMBOL(SSL_CTX_new_func, void *(*)(const void *), "SSL_CTX_new");
if (!SSL_CTX_new_func)
return 0;
SYMBOL(SSL_CTX_free_func, void (*)(void *), "SSL_CTX_free");
if (!SSL_CTX_free_func)
return 0;
SYMBOL(TLS_method_func, const void *(*)(void), "TLS_method");
if (!TLS_method_func)
SYMBOL(TLS_method_func, const void *(*)(void), "TLSv1_2_method");
if (!TLS_method_func)
SYMBOL(TLS_method_func, const void *(*)(void), "TLSv1_1_method");
if (!TLS_method_func)
SYMBOL(TLS_method_func, const void *(*)(void), "TLSv1_method");
if (!TLS_method_func)
return 0;
if (OPENSSL_init_ssl_func) {
OPENSSL_init_ssl_func(0, (void *)0);
} else {
method1 = TLS_method_func();
if (!method1)
return 1;
ctx1 = SSL_CTX_new_func(method1);
if (!ctx1)
return 1;
mysql_server_init(-1, 0, 0);
method2 = TLS_method_func();
if (!method2)
return 1;
ctx2 = SSL_CTX_new_func(method2);
if (!ctx2)
return 1;
return 0;
print "Client library deinitialize OpenSSL library functions: " . ($have_problem_with_openssl ? "yes" : "no") . "\n\n";
my $fileName = File::Spec->catfile("t", "MariaDB.mtest");
(open(FILE, ">$fileName") &&
(print FILE ("{ local " . Data::Dumper->Dump([$opt], ["opt"]) .
" local " . Data::Dumper->Dump([$source], ["source"]) .
"\$::test_host = \$opt->{'testhost'};\n" .
"\$::test_port = \$opt->{'testport'};\n" .
"\$::test_user = \$opt->{'testuser'};\n" .
"\$::test_socket = \$opt->{'testsocket'};\n" .
"\$::test_password = \$opt->{'testpassword'};\n" .
"\$::test_db = \$opt->{'testdb'};\n" .
"\$::test_dsn = \"DBI:MariaDB:\$::test_db\";\n" .
"\$::test_dsn .= \":\$::test_host\" if \$::test_host;\n" .
"\$::test_dsn .= \":\$::test_port\" if \$::test_port;\n".
"\$::test_dsn .= \";mariadb_socket=\$::test_socket\" if \$::test_socket;\n" .
"\$::test_dsn .= \";mariadb_connect_timeout=120;mariadb_read_timeout=120;mariadb_write_timeout=120\";\n" .
"\$::test_mysql_config = \$opt->{'mysql_config'} if \$source->{'mysql_config'} eq 'User\\'s choice';\n" .
"\$::test_cflags = \$opt->{'cflags'} if \$source->{'cflags'} eq 'User\\'s choice';\n" .
"\$::test_libs = \$opt->{'libs'} if \$source->{'libs'} eq 'User\\'s choice';\n" .
"} 1;\n")) &&
close(FILE)) || die "Failed to create $fileName: $!";
my $cflags = "-I\$(DBI_INSTARCH_DIR) $opt->{'cflags'}";
$cflags .= " -DHAVE_DBI_1_634" if eval { DBI->VERSION(1.634) };
$cflags .= " -DHAVE_DBI_1_642" if eval { DBI->VERSION(1.642) };
$cflags .= " -DHAVE_EMBEDDED" if $have_embedded;
$cflags .= " -DHAVE_GET_CHARSET_NUMBER" if $have_get_charset_number;
$cflags .= " -DHAVE_GET_OPTION" if $have_get_option;
$cflags .= " -DHAVE_DEINITIALIZE_SSL" if $have_deinitialize_ssl;
$cflags .= " -DHAVE_PROBLEM_WITH_OPENSSL" if $have_problem_with_openssl;
my %o = ( 'NAME' => 'DBD::MariaDB',
'INC' => $cflags,
'dist' => { 'SUFFIX' => ".gz",
'DIST_DEFAULT' => 'all tardist',
'COMPRESS' => "gzip -9f" },
'clean' => { 'FILES' => '*.xsi' },
'realclean' => { 'FILES' => 't/MariaDB.mtest' },
'C' => ["dbdimp.c", "MariaDB.c", "socket.c"],
'XS' => {'MariaDB.xs' => 'MariaDB.c'},
'OBJECT' => '$(O_FILES)',
'LIBS' => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib, @libs),
@ldflags ? (dynamic_lib => { OTHERLDFLAGS => (join ' ', @ldflags) }) : (),
'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/DBD/'
if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(5.43) }) {
ABSTRACT => 'MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)',
AUTHOR => 'Pali <>',
LICENSE => 'perl',
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.008001',
'meta-spec' => {
version => 2,
dynamic_config => 0,
resources => {
repository => {
type => 'git',
bugtracker => {
x_MailingList => '',
x_contributors => [
# a list of our awesome contributors generated from git
# using the command:
# git shortlog -se | cut -f2- | sed "s/^/ '/;s/$/',/"
'Alexandr Ciornii <>',
'Alexey Molchanov <>',
'Amiri Barksdale at Home <>',
'Andrew Miller <>',
'Aran Deltac <>',
'Bernt M. Johnsen <>',
'Branislav Zahradník <>',
'Chase Whitener <>',
'Chip Salzenberg <>',
'Chris Hammond <>',
'Chris Weyl <>',
'Christian Walde <>',
'Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker <>',
'Daisuke Murase <>',
'Damyan Ivanov <>',
'Dan Book <>',
'Daniël van Eeden <>',
'Dave Lambley <davel@isosceles.(none)>',
'David Farrell <>',
'David Steinbrunner <>',
'Dominik Sauer <>',
'Giovanni Bechis <>',
'Graham Ollis <>',
'H.Merijn Brand - Tux <>',
'Hanno <>',
'James McCoy <>',
'Jan Holcapek <>',
'Jim Winstead <>',
'Juergen Weigert <>',
'Kenny Gryp <>',
'Lu Shengliang <>',
'Masahiro Chiba <>',
'Matthew Horsfall (alh) <>',
'Michiel Beijen <>',
'Mike Pomraning <>',
'Mohammad S Anwar <>',
'Pali <>',
'Patrick Galbraith <>',
'Perlover <>',
'Peter Botha <>',
'Petr Písař <>',
'Reini Urban <>',
'Rob Hoelz <>',
'Rob Van Dam <>',
'Rudy Lippan <>',
'Scimon <>',
'Sergey Zhuravlev <>',
'Sergiy Borodych <>',
'Sharif Nassar <>',
'Steffen Mueller <>',
'Steven Hartland <>',
'Taro Kobayashi <>',
'Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>',
'Tim Mullin <>',
'Ville Skyttä <>',
'Vladimir Marek <>',
'katyavoid <>',
'kmx <>',
'tokuhirom <>',
'zefram <>',
'zentooo <>',
prereqs => {
test => {
recommends => {
'Net::SSLeay' => '1.43',
'Proc::ProcessTable' => 0,
'TAP::Harness' => '3.31',
'CPAN::Meta::YAML' => 0,
suggests => {
'Storable' => 0,
'Test::Pod' => '1.41',
'Test::DistManifest' => 0,
'strict' => 0,
'utf8' => 0,
'warnings' => 0,
'Config' => 0,
'Data::Dumper' => 0,
'DBI' => '1.608',
'Devel::CheckLib' => '1.12',
'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,
'File::Spec' => 0,
'Getopt::Long' => 0,
'strict' => 0,
'warnings' => 0,
'DBI' => 1.608,
'DynaLoader' => 0,
'bigint' => 0,
'lib' => 0,
'strict' => 0,
'utf8' => 0,
'vars' => 0,
'warnings' => 0,
'B' => 0,
'DBI' => 0,
'DBI::Const::GetInfoType' => 0,
'Data::Dumper' => 0,
'Encode' => 0,
'File::Temp' => 0,
'FindBin' => 0,
'Test::Deep' => 0,
'Test::More' => '0.90',
'Time::HiRes' => 0,
exit 0;
# Name: Usage
# Purpose: Print Usage message and exit with error status.
sub Usage {
print STDERR <<"USAGE";
Usage: perl $0 [options]
Possible options are:
--cflags=<flags> Use <flags> for running the C compiler; defaults
to the value of "mariadb_config --cflags" or a guessed
--libs=<libs> Use <libs> for running the linker; defaults
to the value of "mariadb_config --libs" or a guessed
--testdb=<db> Use the database <db> for running the test suite;
defaults to $TESTDB
--testuser=<user> Use the username <user> for running the test suite;
defaults to no username
--testpassword=<pwd> Use the password <pwd> for running the test suite;
defaults to no password
--testhost=<host> Use <host> as a database server for running the
test suite; defaults to localhost.
--testport=<port> Use <port> as the port number of the database;
by default the port number is chosen from the
mariadb/mysqlclient library; ignored when --testhost
is set to "localhost"
--testsocket=<socket> Use <socket> as a unix socket for connecting to
the database server; by default unix socket is chosen
by mariadb/mysqlclient library; takes effect only
when --testhost is set to "localhost"
--mariadb_config Synonym for --mysql_config, override it
--mysql_config=<path> Specify <path> for mariadb_config or mysql_config script
--help Print this message and exit
All options may be configured on the command line. If they are
not present on the command line, then mariadb_config is called (if
it can be found):
mariadb_config --cflags
mariadb_config --libs
and so on. See DBD::MariaDB::INSTALL for details.
exit 1;
sub CanExecute {
my ($command) = @_;
return MM->maybe_command($command) if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($command);
foreach my $dir (File::Spec->path) {
return 1 if MM->maybe_command(File::Spec->catfile($dir, $command));
return 0;
my %ParsedCache;
sub ParseMySQLConfig {
my ($opt, $param) = @_;
return $ParsedCache{$param} if exists $ParsedCache{$param};
return undef unless $opt->{'mysql_config'} and $opt->{'mysql_config'} ne 'skip';
my $output = `$opt->{'mysql_config'} --$param 2>&1`;
if ($? == 0 and defined $output and $output !~ /Options:|Usage:|unrecognized option/) {
$output =~ s/\s+$//s;
$output =~ s/^\s+//s;
$ParsedCache{$param} = $output;
} else {
$ParsedCache{$param} = undef;
return $ParsedCache{$param};
# Name: Configure
# Purpose: Automatic configuration
# Inputs: $param - Name of the parameter being configured
# Returns: Generated value, never undef
sub Configure {
my($opt, $source, $param) = @_;
if (defined($opt->{$param})) {
$source->{$param} = "User's choice";
# First try to get options values from mysql_config
if ($param eq 'cflags') {
my $str = ParseMySQLConfig($opt, 'cflags');
if (defined $str) {
$opt->{$param} = $str;
$source->{$param} = "mysql_config";
} elsif ($param eq 'libs') {
foreach (qw(libmysqld-libs libs_r libs)) {
my $str = ParseMySQLConfig($opt, $_);
next unless defined $str;
# Unfortunately ExtUtils::MakeMaker doesn't deal very well with -L'...'
$str =~ s/\-L\'(.*?)\'/-L$1/sg;
$str =~ s/\-L\"(.*?)\"/-L$1/sg;
# libmysqld-libs and libs_r do not have to be always installed
# check that we use correct library, sometimes library reported
# by mysql_config is not present but linker find different
# version in system wide location; so check that version in
# header file matches version in library
my ($main_lib, @libdirs, @ldflags);
for (split ' ', $str) {
if (not defined $main_lib and /^-l(?:.*mariadb.*|.*mysql.*)$/) {
$main_lib = $_;
} elsif (/^-L/) {
push @libdirs, $_;
} else {
push @ldflags, $_;
my $check_passed;
if (defined $main_lib) {
my $function = "\n#ifndef MYSQL_VERSION_ID\n#include <mysql_version.h>\n#endif\n";
if ($_ eq 'libmysqld-libs') {
# from MariaDB 10.3.1 - 10.3.7 is broken, unusable
# and always crash in mysql_real_connect() function, so avoid its usage
$function .= "\n#if defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION) || defined(MARIADB_PACKAGE_VERSION)\nif (mysql_get_client_version() >= 100301 && mysql_get_client_version() < 100308) return 1;\n#endif\n";
$function .= 'return (mysql_get_client_version() == MYSQL_VERSION_ID) ? 0 : 1;';
# libmysqld is built using g++ rather than gcc and sometimes
# we have to use libstdc++ to resolve linking problems
foreach my $add_ldflags (undef, '-lstdc++') {
my $ldflags = join ' ', @ldflags, (defined $add_ldflags ? $add_ldflags : ());
if ($Config{usedl}) {
# check that we can create a shared library (not executable)
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib),
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, $ldflags, $Config{lddlflags}),
ccflags => (join ' ', $opt->{cflags}, $Config{cccdlflags}),
header => \@mysql_headers,
function => $function,
not_execute => 1,
) or next;
# and now create executable and do real version check
LIBS => (join ' ', @libdirs, $main_lib),
ldflags => (join ' ', @libdirs, $ldflags),
ccflags => $opt->{cflags},
header => \@mysql_headers,
function => $function,
) or next;
$str .= ' ' . $add_ldflags if defined $add_ldflags;
$check_passed = 1;
# libs param is checked as last, so ensure that mysql_config
# error is reported back to the caller
next unless $_ eq 'libs' or $check_passed;
$opt->{$param} = $str;
$source->{$param} = "mysql_config";
# Ok, mysql_config doesn't work. We need to do our best
# First check environment variables
my $normparam = uc($param);
$normparam =~ tr/-/_/;
if (defined($ENV{'DBD_MARIADB_'.$normparam})) {
$opt->{$param} = $ENV{'DBD_MARIADB_'.$normparam};
$source->{$param} = 'environment';
# Then try to guess
unless ($opt->{$param}) {
if ($param eq 'testuser') {
my $user = $ENV{USER} || '';
print "
For 'make test' to run properly, you must ensure that the
database user '$user' can connect to your MariaDB or MySQL server
and has the proper privileges that these tests require such
as 'drop table', 'create table', 'drop procedure', 'create procedure'
as well as others.
mysql> grant all privileges on test.* to '$user'\@'localhost' identified by 's3kr1t';
You can also optionally set the user to run 'make test' with:
perl Makefile.PL --testuser=username
$opt->{$param} = $user;
$source->{$param} = 'guessed';
elsif ($param eq "testdb") {
$source->{$param} = "default";
$opt->{$param} = $TESTDB;
elsif ($param eq "testpassword") {
$source->{$param} = "default";
$opt->{$param} = "";
elsif ($param eq "cflags") {
$source->{$param} = "guessed";
my ($dir, $file) = SearchFor('include', 'mysql.h');
if ($dir) {
$opt->{$param} = "-I$dir";
die <<"MSG";
Failed to determine directory of mysql.h. Use
perl Makefile.PL --cflags=-I<dir>
to set this directory. For details see DBD::MariaDB::INSTALL,
section "C Compiler flags" or type
perl Makefile.PL --help
elsif ($param eq "libs") {
$source->{$param} = "guessed";
my @files = qw(mariadb.lib libmariadb.lib mariadbclient.lib mysqlclient.lib libmysqld.a libmariadb.a libmysqlclient.a);
my ($dir, $file) = SearchFor('lib', @files);
if ($dir) {
my $lib = $file;
$lib =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
$lib =~ s/^lib//;
$opt->{$param} = "-L$dir -l$lib";
die <<"MSG";
Failed to determine directory of MariaDB or MySQL client library. Use
perl Makefile.PL --libs="-L<dir> -l<library>"
to set directory and client library. For details see the DBD::MariaDB::INSTALL,
section "Linker flags" or type
perl Makefile.PL --help
elsif ($param eq "testhost" || $param eq "testport" || $param eq "testsocket") {
# known parameter, but do nothing
else {
die "Unknown configuration parameter: $param";
sub SearchFor {
my($subdir, @files) = @_;
my @dirs = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? qw(C:) : qw(/usr/local /usr /opt);
for my $f (@files) {
for my $dir (@dirs) {
my $try1 = File::Spec->catdir($dir, $subdir);
my $try2 = File::Spec->catdir($try1, "mariadb");
my $try3 = File::Spec->catdir($try1, "mysql");
for my $path ($try1, $try2, $try3) {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($path, $f);
if (-f $file) {
my (undef, undef, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($file);
return ($path, $file);
package MY;
sub postamble { return DBI::DBD::dbd_postamble(@_); }
package main;
sub WriteMakefile1 { #Written by Alexandr Ciornii, version 0.21. Added by eumm-upgrade.
my %params=@_;
my $eumm_version=$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION;
$eumm_version=eval $eumm_version;
die "EXTRA_META is deprecated" if exists $params{EXTRA_META};
die "License not specified" if not exists $params{LICENSE};
if ($params{META_MERGE} and $params{META_MERGE}->{'meta-spec'}->{version} >= 2 and $eumm_version < 6.68) {
#EUMM 6.68 has problems with meta-spec 2
delete $params{META_MERGE}->{'meta-spec'};
if ($params{META_MERGE}->{resources}) {
foreach (values %{$params{META_MERGE}->{resources}}) {
$_ = $_->{url} || $_->{web} if ref $_ eq 'HASH';
if ($params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}) {
$params{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} = { %{$params{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} || {'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0}}, %{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{configure}->{requires} || {}} };
$params{BUILD_REQUIRES} = { %{$params{BUILD_REQUIRES} || {'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0}}, %{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{build}->{requires} || {}} };
$params{TEST_REQUIRES} = { %{$params{TEST_REQUIRES} || {}}, %{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{test}->{requires} || {}} };
$params{PREREQ_PM} = { %{$params{PREREQ_PM} || {}}, %{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{runtime}->{requires} || {}} };
my @recommends = (
%{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{configure}->{recommends} || {}},
%{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{configure}->{suggests} || {}},
%{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{build}->{recommends} || {}},
%{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{build}->{suggests} || {}},
%{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{test}->{recommends} || {}},
%{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{test}->{suggests} || {}},
%{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{runtime}->{recommends} || {}},
%{$params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs}->{runtime}->{suggests} || {}},
$params{META_MERGE}->{recommends} = { %{$params{META_MERGE}->{recommends} || {}}, @recommends } if @recommends;
delete $params{META_MERGE}->{prereqs};
if ($params{BUILD_REQUIRES} and $eumm_version < 6.5503) {
#EUMM 6.5502 has problems with BUILD_REQUIRES
$params{PREREQ_PM}={ %{$params{PREREQ_PM} || {}} , %{$params{BUILD_REQUIRES}} };
delete $params{BUILD_REQUIRES};
if ($params{TEST_REQUIRES} and $eumm_version < 6.64) {
#EUMM 6.64 has problems with TEST_REQUIRES
$params{PREREQ_PM}={ %{$params{PREREQ_PM} || {}} , %{$params{TEST_REQUIRES}} };
delete $params{TEST_REQUIRES};
delete $params{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} if $eumm_version < 6.52;
delete $params{MIN_PERL_VERSION} if $eumm_version < 6.48;
delete $params{META_MERGE} if $eumm_version < 6.46;
delete $params{META_ADD} if $eumm_version < 6.46;
delete $params{LICENSE} if $eumm_version < 6.31;
delete $params{AUTHOR} if $] < 5.005;
delete $params{ABSTRACT_FROM} if $] < 5.005;
delete $params{BINARY_LOCATION} if $] < 5.005;