ptsb - Interact with you Permanent TSB homebanking!
ptsb [options]
Print accounts balance:
Print account statement:
- -h | --help
this help usage message!
- -D | --debug
Enable debug. This will be more verbose and will leave html on the current working directory.
- -F /path/to/config/file | --file /path/to/config/file
filename configuration file path (default: ~/.ptsbrc). Please refer to manual page to see how this file is built.
- -b | --balance
print account balance
- -s | --statement
print account statement
- -T type | --transation-type type
Type of transaction to look on the statement. Type can be: ALL, WITHDRAWAL, DEPOSIT
- -f | --from--date yyyy/mm/dd
from date
- -t | --to-date yyyy/mm/dd
to date
- -a [c | v] | --account-type [c | v]
account type: can be 'c' (current account) or 'v' for (visa card)
- -n digits | --account-num digits
4 digits representing the last 4 digits of the account number or visa card number.
- -N | --no-balance
Do not print balance when printing statement.
- -r | --regexp
When printing statement grep using the regexp provided
- -e | --expr
where expression is a mathematical expression like
'<300' '=300' '>=300'
the expression will test the euro amount column only lines matching the expression will be printed
- -g | --graph
Print graph of the statement using gnuplot. Gnuplot is required!
- -i path | --image path
Save PNG image in path.
- -v | --version
Print version
Configuration file default location is ~/.ptsbrc and it looks like this:
-------8< -- ~/.ptsbrc -->8----------
-------8< --------------->8----------
However you can put wherever you want. Just remember to use then the option -F /path/to/your/location.
Lines beginning with # will be interpreted as comment.
Starting from release 0.08 ptsb will use GnuPG to encrypt the configuration file using the private key of the user. Therefore you'll have to create your key if you didn't do this yet.
In case you want to decrypt your ptsbrc file use this command:
$ gpg -d /path/to/your/ptsbrc
This will print the encrypted file on the standard output.
Official CPAN page for Finance::Bank::IE::PermanentTSB
Author homepage
Author Blog (italian)
Author homepage on CPAN
Angelo "pallotron" Failla - <>
Please report bugs to the author, no bug tracking system is set up yet.
Copyright (C) 2009 by Angelo "pallotron" Failla
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.