Zoidberg - a modular perl shell
zoid - a frontend script to the Zoidberg shell
Zoidberg provides a shell written in perl, configured in perl and operated in perl. It is intended to be a replacement for command language interpreters like bash, ksh, csh in the future, but that is a long way. Although Zoidberg does not do the language interpreting itself -- it uses perl to do this -- it supplies powerfull language extensions aimed at creating an easy to use interface. Unlike bash Zoidberg does _not_ want to be POSIX compliant, and only is so when necessary. Also this won't be the most harware-efficient software you've ever seen - it is never intended to be so. Most likely you will have to be a perl programmer or developer to enjoy this.
You most likely want to use the default config files as installed by the ProgramFiles package and all the modules from the Zoidberg package.
The rest of this documentation supposses you to have both default packackages installed.
zoid [options]
--help Detailed help message
--exec execute string
--command does the same as --exec
--version display version information
--interaction start interactive shell
--nointeraction execute non-interactive
Abbreviations of options are also allowed.
- -h, --help
Print a this help message and exits.
- -e, --exec
Execute string as interpreted by zoidberg. If non-interactive exits with exit status of command string.
- -c, --command
Does the same as exec.
- -v, --version
Display version information. The displayed version is the version of the Zoidberg module, not of the program files.
- -i, --interaction
Start an interactive shell. This is the default if no exec string is supplied. If exec string is supplied nointeraction becomes default.
- --nointeraction
Do not start interactive shell - just execute commandline options and exit.
Many since Zoidberg is still in developement stage.
Jaap Karssenberg || Pardus [Larus] <>
R.L. Zwart, <>
Copyright (c) 2002 Jaap G Karssenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.