zoid - a frontend script to the Zoidberg shell


zoid [options]

   --help           Detailed help message
   --exec           execute string
   --command        does the same as --exec
   --version        display version information
   --interaction    start interactive shell
   --nointeraction  execute non-interactive

See also F<man zoid>


Abbreviations of options are also allowed.

-h, --help, -u, --usage
Print a this help message and exits.
-e, --exec
Execute string as interpreted by zoidberg.
If non-interactive exits with exit status
of command string.
-c, --command
Does the same as exec.
-v, --version
Display version information.
The displayed version is the version of the
Zoidberg module, not of the program files.
-i, --interaction
Start an interactive shell.
This is the default if no exec string is
supplied. If exec string is supplied
nointeraction becomes default.
Do not start interactive shel - just
execute commandline options and exit.