Zoidberg::Fish::Commands - Zoidberg plugin with builtin commands


This module is a Zoidberg plugin, see Zoidberg::Fish for details.


This object contains internal/built-in commands for the Zoidberg shell.


None by default.


cd dir

Changes the current working directory to dir.


Go one directory back in the directory history


Go one directory forward in the directory history

exec cmd

Execute cmd. This effectively ends the shell session, process flow will NOT return to the prompt.

eval cmd

Eval cmd like a shell command. Main use of this is to run code stored in variables.

export var=value

Set the environment variable var to value.

setenv var value

Like export, but with a slightly different syntax.

unsetenv var

Set var to undefined.

set [+-][abCefnmnuvx]
set [+o|-o] option value

Set or unset a shell option. Although sometimes confusing a '+' switch unsets the option, while the '-' switch sets it.

If no value is given the value is set to 'true'.

Short options correspond to the following names:

a  =>  allexport  *
b  =>  notify
C  =>  noclobber  *
e  =>  errexit    *
f  =>  noglob
m  =>  monitor    *
n  =>  noexec     *
u  =>  nounset    *
v  =>  verbose
x  =>  xtrace     *
*) Not yet supported by the rest of the shell

See zoiduser for a description what these and other options do.

source file

Run the perl script file. This script is NOT the same as the commandline syntax. Try using Zoidberg::Shell in these scripts.

alias name
alias name=command
alias name command

Make name an alias to command. Aliases work like macros in the shell, this means they are substituted before the commnd code is interpreted and can contain complex statements.

In zoid you also can use positional parameters ($_[0], $_[1] etc.) and @_, which will be replaced with the arguments to the alias.

Without command shows the alias defined for name if any; without arguments lists all aliases that are currently defined.

unalias name

Remove an alias definition.

read [-r] var1 var2 ..

Read a line from STDIN, split the line in words and assign the words to the named enironment variables. Remaining words are stored in the last variable.

Unless '-r' is specified the backslash is treated as an escape char and is it possible to escape the newline char.








A command that always returns an error without doing anything.


A command that never fails and does absolutely nothing.


Output the current dir stack.

TODO some options

popd dir

Pops a directory from the dir stack and cds to that directory.

TODO some options

pushd dir

Push dir on the dir stack.

TODO some options


Prints the current PWD.


List current jobs.

bg job_spec

Run the job corresponding to jobspec as an asynchronous background process.

Without argument uses the "current" job.

fg job_spec

Run the job corresponding to jobspec as a foreground process.

Without argument uses the "current" job.



kill -l
kill [-s sigspec|-n signum|-sigspec] [pid|job__pec]

Sends a signal to a process or a process group. By default the "TERM" signal is used.

The '-l' option list all possible signals.



Job specs

TODO tell bout job specs


Jaap Karssenberg || Pardus [Larus] <> R.L. Zwart, <>

Copyright (c) 2002 Jaap G Karssenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Zoidberg, Zoidberg::Fish,