RDF::Core::Function - a package of functions for query language.


When there is a function found while evaluating query, its parameters are evaluated and passed to RDF::Core::Function apropriate piece of code. The code reference is obtained in a hash returned by getFunctions() call. Each function accepts RDF::Core::Literal or RDF::Core::Resource objects as paramaters and returns an array reference to objects of the same type.

There is a special parameter - a subject parameter, which says that a function is at position of property. For example:


has no subject parameter defined and returns property names that are subproperties of given schema:SomeProperty.


has subject parameter data:SomeObject and return values of subproperties for subject.


  • new(%options)

    Available options are:

    • Data

      RDF::Core::Model object that contains data to be queried.

    • Schema

      RDF::Core::Model object that contains RDF schema.

    • Factory

      RDF::Core::NodeFactory object, that produces resource and literal objects.

  • getFunctions

    Returns a hash reference where each key is a name of a functions and value is a reference to an implementation code.

Functions implemented

  • subclass(X)

    Not defined subject parameter:

    Find all subclasses of X in Schema and return them if they have an instance in Data.

    Defined subject parameter:

    Result is not defined, dies.

  • subproperty(X)

    Not defined subject parameter:

    Find all subproperties of X in Schema and return them if they occur in Data.

    Defined subject parameter:

    Find all subproperties of X in Schema and return their values for subject, if found.


This package is subject to the MPL (or the GPL alternatively).


Ginger Alliance,

