#!/usr/bin/env perl
## :mode=perl:indentSize=2:tabSize=2:noTabs=true:
## * Before comitting this file to the repository, ensure Perl Critic can be
## invoked at the HARSH [3] level with no errors
use strict;
use feature 'say';
## Cannot use Find::Bin because script may be invoked as an
## argument to another script, so instead we use __FILE__
use File::Basename qw(dirname fileparse basename);
## Add script directory
use lib File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->splitdir(dirname(__FILE__)));
## Add script directory/lib
use lib File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->splitdir(dirname(__FILE__)), qq{lib});
## Add script directory/../lib
use lib File::Spec->catdir(
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Data::Dump qw( pp );
## Used for the version string
Readonly::Scalar my $VERSION => qq{0.01};
Readonly::Scalar my $DEFAULT_TITLE => qq{GnuCash Memebers List};
## Return codes for booleans
Readonly::Scalar my $FALSE => 0;
Readonly::Scalar my $TRUE => 1;
## A list of all command line options
## For GetOptions the following parameter indicaters are used
## = Required parameter
## : Optional parameter
## s String parameter
## i Integer parameter
## f Real number (float)
## + Parameter is inremented for each occurrence on
## command line
## ! boolean parameter that also allows "no-xxx"
## If a parameter is not indicated, then a value of 1
## indicates the parameter was found on the command line
#<<< begin perltidy exclusion zone
my @CommandLineOptions = (
#>>> end perltidy exclusion zone
## A hash to hold all default values for command line
## options
#<<< begin perltidy exclusion zone
my %gOptions = (
"all" => 0,
"help" => 0,
"man" => 0,
"version" => 0,
"debug" => 0,
"config" => "GnuCashMembershipUtils.yml",
"file" => undef,
#>>> end perltidy exclusion zone
## process_commandline($allow_extra_args)
## Process all the command line options
## $allow_extra_args - If TRUE, leave any unrecognized arguments in
## @ARGV. If FALSE, consider unrecognized arguements an error.
sub process_commandline
my $allow_extra_args = shift;
## Pass through un-handled options in @ARGV
GetOptions(\%gOptions, @CommandLineOptions);
## See if --man was on the command line
if ($gOptions{man})
-input => \*DATA,
-message => "\n",
-exitval => 1,
-verbose => 99,
-sections => '.*', ## ALL sections
## See if --help was on the command line
display_usage_and_exit(qq{}) if ($gOptions{help});
## See if --version was on the command line
if ($gOptions{version})
print(qq{"$DEFAULT_TITLE" v$VERSION\n});
## Determine the path to the script
$gOptions{ScriptPath} = abs_path($0);
$gOptions{ScriptPath} =~ s!/?[^/]*/*$!!x;
$gOptions{ScriptPath} .= "/" if ($gOptions{ScriptPath} !~ /\/$/x);
## See if we are running in windows
if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/x)
## Set the value
$gOptions{IsWindows} = $TRUE;
## Get the 8.3 short name (eliminates spaces and quotes)
$gOptions{ScriptPathShort} = Win32::GetShortPathName($gOptions{ScriptPath});
## Set the value
$gOptions{IsWindows} = $FALSE;
## Non-windows OSes don't care about short names
$gOptions{ScriptPathShort} = $gOptions{ScriptPath};
## See if there were any unknown parameters on the command line
if (@ARGV && !$allow_extra_args)
display_usage_and_exit("\n\nERROR: Invalid "
. (scalar(@ARGV) > 1 ? "arguments" : "argument") . ":\n "
. join("\n ", @ARGV)
. "\n\n");
return ($TRUE);
## @fn display_usage_and_exit($message, $filenameexitval)
## @brief Display the usage with the given message and exit with the given
## value
## @param $message - Message to display. DEFAULT: ""
## @param $exitval - Exit vaule DEFAULT: 1
## @return NONE
## @note
sub display_usage_and_exit
my $message = shift // qq{};
my $exitval = shift // 1;
-input => \*DATA,
-message => $message,
-exitval => $exitval,
-verbose => 1,
## Set STDOUT to autoflush
$| = 1; ## no critic (RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
## Parse the command line
my ($error, $config) = get_config($gOptions{config});
if ($error) {
printf STDERR "Error getting config: %s\n", $error;
my $schema;
($error, $schema) = open_gnucash(get_gnucash_filename($gOptions{file}, $config));
if ($error) {
printf STDERR "Error opening GnuCahs file: %s\n", $error;
my $warning;
($error, $warning) = validate_accounts_in_config({
schema => $schema,
config => $config,
say STDERR $warning if ($warning);
if ($error) {
say STDERR $error;
my @members = get_all_members({
active_only => !$gOptions{all},
schema => $schema,
config => $config,
debug => $gOptions{debug},
if ($gOptions{debug}) {
say pp(\@members);
my @columns = qw( name );
push(@columns, qw( active )) if ($gOptions{all});
push(@columns, qw( membership_type membership_amount));
my @widths;
for my $column (@columns) {
say "Assembling values for the '$column' field..." if ($gOptions{debug});
my @values = (
map { $_->{$column} } @members
push(@values, $column);
say pp(\@values) if ($gOptions{debug});
push(@widths, max_length(@values));
my $header = "",
my $uline = "";
for my $idx (0 .. $#columns) {
$header .= sprintf("%*s ", -1 * $widths[$idx], title_case($columns[$idx]));
$uline .= ("-" x $widths[$idx]) . " ";
say $header;
say $uline;
for my $member (@members) {
my $line = "";
for my $idx (0 .. $#columns) {
$line .= sprintf("%*s ", -1 * $widths[$idx], $member->{$columns[$idx]});
say $line;
## By placing the POD in the DATA section, we can use
## pod2usage(input => \*DATA)
## even if the script is compiled using PerlApp, perl2exe or Perl::PAR
=head1 NAME
gc-members-list - List all active members
Lists all members and optionally their membership type as defined by their
C<notes> field.
# List active members
# List all members
gc-members-list --all
# Provide a config file and GnuCash file
gc-members-list --config my-config.yaml --file my-organization.gnuash
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--config> I<ConfigFilename>, B<-c> I<ConfigFilename>
Specify the filename for the config file.
=item B<--file> I<GnuCashFilename>, B<-f> I<GnuCashFilename>
Specify the filename for the GnuCash file.
=item B<--all>, B<-a>
Display both active and inactive members.
=item B<--version>, B<-v>
Print version information and exit.
=item B<--help>, B<-h>, B<-?>
Display basic help.
=item B<--man>, B<-m>
Display more detailed help.