#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); # use pass_through so we can get the query args
use MP3::Find qw(Filesystem);
use MP3::Find::Util qw(build_query);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
'ignore-case|i' => \my $IGNORE_CASE,
'exact-match|w' => \my $EXACT_MATCH,
'sort|s=s' => \my $SORT_TAG,
'printf=s' => \my $FORMAT,
my ($DIRS, $QUERY) = build_query(@ARGV);
push @$DIRS, '.' unless @$DIRS;
print "$_\n" foreach find_mp3s(
dir => $DIRS,
query => $QUERY,
ignore_case => $IGNORE_CASE,
exact_match => $EXACT_MATCH,
($SORT_TAG ? (sort => [split(/,/, $SORT_TAG)]) : ()),
printf => $FORMAT,
db_file => catfile($ENV{HOME}, 'mp3.db'),
use_id3v2 => 1, # search using ID3v2 tags by default
=head1 NAME
mp3find - Find MP3 files based on their ID3 tags or info
$ mp3find ~/cds -i -artist beatles -sort year,album,tracknum -printf '%2n. %a - %t (%b: %y)'
1. The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour (Magical Mystery Tour: 1967)
2. The Beatles - The Fool on the Hill (Magical Mystery Tour: 1967)
3. The Beatles - Flying (Magical Mystery Tour: 1967)
4. The Beatles - Blue Jay Way (Magical Mystery Tour: 1967)
5. The Beatles - Your Mother Should Know (Magical Mystery Tour: 1967)
6. The Beatles - I Am The Walrus (Magical Mystery Tour: 1967)
# etc.
# shuffle and play your entire mp3 collection
$ mp3find | xargs madplay -z
# ...or just your Sabbath
$ mp3find -i -artist 'black sabbath' | xargs madplay -z
$ mp3find [options] [directory] [<-field> <pattern> [<-field> <pattern> ...]]
The real guts of the operation are in L<MP3::Find>.
=head2 OPTIONS
=item C<-ignore-case>, C<-i>
Case insensitive matching.
=item C<-exact-match>, C<-w>
All search patterns must match the entire value, and not just a
substring. This has the same effect as putting a C<^> and C<$>
around each pattern.
=item C<-sort>
Which ID3 fields to sort the results by; separate multiple fields
with commas. The default behavior just returns the filenames in the
order that L<File::Find> finds them.
=item C<-printf>
The output format for each file found. The available format codes are:
%a - artist
%t - title
%b - album
%n - track number
%y - year
%g - genre
%% - literal '%'
Numeric modifiers may be used; they are interpreted like modifiers to
the C<%s> code in Perl's C<printf> function.
If no C<-printf> option is used, the full path to the file is printed
=item C<< -<field> <pattern> [patterns...] >>
The fields you are searching on. More than one pattern for a given field
are combined with 'OR', while the fields to be matched are 'AND'-ed together.
For the list of recognized fields, see L<MP3::Find>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Peter Eichman <peichman@cpan.org>
Copyright (c) 2006 by Peter Eichman. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.