use IO::All;
use Carp "confess";
use Moo;
use MooX::Options prefer_commandline => 1, with_config_from_file => 1;
use Types::Standard qw(Int Str Bool Enum);
our $VERSION = '0.0.10'; # VERSION:
# ABSTRACT: a wrapper for mapping software
around _build_config_identifier => sub { 'berry' };
around _build_config_prefix => sub { 'biox_map' };
option indir => (
is => 'ro',
format => 's',
short => 'i',
default => '',
doc => "path of one fastq file",
option soap_suffix => (
is => 'ro',
format => 's',
short => 's',
doc => "suffix of all samples' soap result",
default => 'soap',
option bwa_suffix => (
is => 'ro',
format => 's',
short => 'b',
doc => "suffix of all samples' bwa result",
default => 'bwa',
option outfile => (
is => 'ro',
format => 's',
short => 'o',
default => 'summary.txt',
doc => "file used to store summary file",
sub execute {
my ($self, $args_ref, $chain_ref) = @_;
my $pre_message = "please input parameters, genome is required, either infile or indir is required";
my ($indir, $outfile, $soap_suffix, $bwa_suffix) = ($self->indir, $self->outfile, $self->soap_suffix, $self->bwa_suffix);
$self->options_usage(1, $pre_message) unless ($outfile and $indir and $soap_suffix and $bwa_suffix);
my $bm = BioX::Map->new;
say "indir:$indir";
my @soap_result = io($indir)->filter( sub {$_->filename =~/\.$soap_suffix$/} )->all_files;
my @bwa_result = io($indir)->filter( sub {$_->filename =~/\.$bwa_suffix$/} )->all_files;
$outfile = io($outfile);
for my $sr (@soap_result) {
my $filename = $sr->filename;
say "###########sr: $sr ######filename: $filename";
$filename =~s/\.$soap_suffix$//i;
say "soap result:$sr";
my $s_r = $bm->statis_result("$sr");
$sr =~s/$soap_suffix$/$bwa_suffix/i;
say "bwa result:$sr";
my $b_r = $bm->statis_result("$sr");
$sr =~s/\.$bwa_suffix//i;
$outfile->println(join "\t", $filename, @$s_r, @$b_r);
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
BioX::Map::CLIS::Cmd::Compare - a wrapper for mapping software
=head1 VERSION
version 0.0.10
use BioX::Map::CLIS::Cmd::Compare;
used to mapped a or more sample.
=head1 Attribute
=head2 indir
input dir that include multiple samples
=head2 soap_suffix
suffix of all samples' soap result
=head2 bwa_suffix
suffix of all samples' bwa result
=head2 outfile
summary file
=head2 execute
=head1 AUTHOR
Yan Xueqing <>
This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Yan Xueqing.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.