perfSONAR_PS::Transport - A module that provides methods for listening and contacting SOAP endpoints as well as performing other 'transportation' needs for communication in the perfSONAR-PS framework.
This module is to be treated a single object, capable of interacting with a given service (specified by information at creation time).
use perfSONAR_PS::Transport;
my %conf = ();
%conf{"LOGFILE"} = "./error.log";
my %ns = (
nmwg => "",
netutil => "",
nmwgt => "",
snmp => ""
my $listener = new perfSONAR_PS::Transport(\%{ns}, $conf{"LOGFILE"}, "8080", "/service/MA", "", "", "", 1);
# or also:
# my $listener = new perfSONAR_PS::Transport;
# $listener->setNamespaces(\%{ns});
# $listener->setLog("./error.log");
# $listener->setPort("8080");
# $listener->setListenEndPoint("/service/MA");
# $listener->setContactHost("");
# $listener->setContactPort("");
# $listener->setContactEndPoint("");
# $listener->setDebug($debug);
while(1) {
my $readValue = $listener->acceptCall;
my $responseContent = "";
if($readValue == 0) {
print "The \"perfSONAR_PS::Transport\" has taken care of this request.\n";
$responseContent = $listener->getResponse();
# we want to have an envelope made...
$listener->setResponse($responseContent, 1);
elsif($readValue == 1) {
print "Request Message Was:\n" , $listener->getRequest , "\n";
# or
# print "Request Message Was:\n" , $listener->getRequestAsXPath , "\n";
# we want to have an envelope made...
$listener->setResponse($responseContent, 1);
# or
# $listener->setResponseAsXPath($XPathResponse);
else {
print "Error\n";
# we will make our own envelope...
# or
# $listener->setResponseAsXPath($XPathResponse);
my $sender = new perfSONAR_PS::Transport("", $conf{"LOGFILE"}, "", "", "localhost", "8080", "/service/MA", 1);
my $error;
my $reply = $sender->sendReceive(makeEnvelope($request), 2000, \$error);
The API for this module aims to be simple and robust. This module may be used in place of other SOAP implementations (SOAP::Lite for example) when it is necessary to use a Document-Literal message structure.
The API of the transport class is meant to simplfy common information transportation issues in WS envirnments.
new($package, $ns, $port, $listenEndPoint, $contactHost, $contactPort, $contactEndPoint)
The 'ns' argument is a hash of namespace to prefix mappings. The 'port' and 'listenEndPoint' arguments set values that will be used if the object will be used to listen for and accept incomming calls. The 'contactHost', 'contactPort', and 'contactEndPoint' set the values that are used if the object is used to send information to a remote host. All values can be left blank and set via the various set functions.
(Re-)Sets the value for the 'namespace' hash.
setPort($self, $port)
(Re-)Sets the value for the 'port' variable. This value represents which particular TCP port on the host that will have the listening service.
setListenEndPoint($self, $listenEndPoint)
(Re-)Sets the value for the 'listenEndPoint' variable. This value represents which particular 'endPoint' (path) the service will be hosting. For example the host 'localhost' may be listening on '8080' for a particular service, and there may be several services that can be handled on a specific machine such as an LS, or MP. So a sample 'endPoint' for this service:
Would be '/services/MP'.
setContactHost($self, $contactHost)
(Re-)Sets the value for the 'contactHost' variable. The contact host is the hostname of a remote host that is supplying a service.
setContactPort($self, $contactPort)
(Re-)Sets the value for the 'contactPort' variable. The contact port is the port on a remote host that is supplying a service.
Splits the contents of a URI into host, port, and endpoint.
getHttpURI($host, $port, $endpoint)
Creates a URI from a host, port, and endpoint
setContactEndPoint($self, $contactEndPoint)
(Re-)Sets the value for the 'contactEndPoint' variable. The contact endPoint is the endPoint on a remote host that is supplying a service. See 'setListenEndPoint' for a more detailed description.
Starts an HTTP daemon on the given host listening to the specified port. This method will return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
acceptCall($self, $ret_request, $error)
Accepts a call from the daemon, and performs the necessary handling operations. Returns a perfSONAR_PS::Request object in the $ret_request reference. Returns 0 if a lower layer has handled it, 1 if a response is needed and -1 if the socket timed out or the incoming connection didn't send an HTTP request.
sendReceive($self, $envelope, $timeout, $error)
Sends and receives a SOAP envelope. $error is a pointer to a variable. If an error message is generated, it is filled with that message. If not, it is filled with "".
Exporter, HTTP::Daemon, LWP::UserAgent, Log::Log4perl, XML::XPath, perfSONAR_PS::Common, perfSONAR_PS::Messages
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$Id: 612 2007-09-26 13:05:28Z aaron $
Jason Zurawski,
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