Acme::CPANModules::OrderedHash - List of modules that provide ordered hash data type


This document describes version 0.002 of Acme::CPANModules::OrderedHash (from Perl distribution Acme-CPANModules-OrderedHash), released on 2023-10-05.


To run benchmark with default option:

% bencher --cpanmodules-module OrderedHash

To run module startup overhead benchmark:

% bencher --module-startup --cpanmodules-module OrderedHash

For more options (dump scenario, list/include/exclude/add participants, list/include/exclude/add datasets, etc), see bencher or run bencher --help.


When you ask a Perl's hash for the list of keys, the answer comes back unordered. In fact, Perl explicitly randomizes the order of keys it returns everytime. The random ordering is a (security) feature, not a bug. However, sometimes you want to know the order of insertion. These modules provide you with an ordered hash; most of them implement it by recording the order of insertion of keys in an additional array.

Other related modules:

Tie::SortHash - will automatically sort keys when you call keys(), values(), each(). But this module does not maintain insertion order.



Author: CHORNY




Author: MHX

Provides two interfaces: tied hash and OO.




Author: TFM



Provide something closest to PHP's associative array, where you can refer elements by key or by numeric index, and insertion order is remembered.



Provide a list, not hash.


Version numbers shown below are the versions used when running the sample benchmark.

Tie::IxHash 1.23

Hash::Ordered 0.014

Tie::Hash::Indexed 0.08

Tie::LLHash 1.004

Tie::StoredOrderHash 0.22

Array::OrdHash 1.03

List::Unique::DeterministicOrder 0.004



  • insert 1000 pairs

  • insert 1000 pairs + delete

  • insert 1000 pairs + return keys 100 times


Sample benchmark #1

Run on: perl: v5.38.0, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz (2 cores), OS: GNU/Linux Ubuntu version 20.04, OS kernel: Linux version 5.4.0-91-generic.

Benchmark command (default options):

% bencher --cpanmodules-module OrderedHash

Result formatted as table (split, part 1 of 3):

{dataset=>"insert 1000 pairs"}
| participant                      | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors | samples |
| Tie::StoredOrderHash             |       360 |      2.78 |                 0.00% |               199.08% | 2.6e-06 |      20 |
| Tie::LLHash                      |       370 |      2.7  |                 4.20% |               187.04% | 1.5e-05 |      20 |
| Array::OrdHash                   |       540 |      1.8  |                51.22% |                97.78% | 2.5e-06 |      20 |
| Tie::IxHash                      |       670 |      1.5  |                87.47% |                59.53% | 1.7e-06 |      20 |
| Hash::Ordered                    |       889 |      1.13 |               147.19% |                20.99% | 8.6e-07 |      20 |
| Tie::Hash::Indexed               |       960 |      1    |               168.05% |                11.58% | 2.2e-06 |      21 |
| List::Unique::DeterministicOrder |      1100 |      0.93 |               199.08% |                 0.00% | 1.1e-06 |      20 |

The above result formatted in style:

         Rate   T:S   T:L   A:O   T:I   H:O  TH:I  LU:D 
 T:S    360/s    --   -2%  -35%  -46%  -59%  -64%  -66% 
 T:L    370/s    2%    --  -33%  -44%  -58%  -62%  -65% 
 A:O    540/s   54%   50%    --  -16%  -37%  -44%  -48% 
 T:I    670/s   85%   80%   19%    --  -24%  -33%  -38% 
 H:O    889/s  146%  138%   59%   32%    --  -11%  -17% 
 TH:I   960/s  177%  170%   80%   50%   12%    --   -6% 
 LU:D  1100/s  198%  190%   93%   61%   21%    7%    -- 

  A:O: participant=Array::OrdHash
  H:O: participant=Hash::Ordered
  LU:D: participant=List::Unique::DeterministicOrder
  T:I: participant=Tie::IxHash
  T:L: participant=Tie::LLHash
  T:S: participant=Tie::StoredOrderHash
  TH:I: participant=Tie::Hash::Indexed

The above result presented as chart:

Result formatted as table (split, part 2 of 3):

{dataset=>"insert 1000 pairs + delete"}
| participant                      | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors | samples |
| Tie::IxHash                      |      16.5 |      60.5 |                 0.00% |              3719.19% |   4e-05 |      20 |
| Tie::StoredOrderHash             |     200   |       5.1 |              1081.74% |               223.18% |   1e-05 |      20 |
| Tie::LLHash                      |     220   |       4.6 |              1219.38% |               189.47% | 9.5e-06 |      20 |
| Array::OrdHash                   |     280   |       3.6 |              1577.30% |               127.70% | 6.4e-06 |      21 |
| Hash::Ordered                    |     370   |       2.7 |              2110.87% |                72.75% | 8.4e-06 |      20 |
| List::Unique::DeterministicOrder |     610   |       1.6 |              3607.28% |                 3.02% | 2.2e-06 |      20 |
| Tie::Hash::Indexed               |     630   |       1.6 |              3719.19% |                 0.00% | 9.3e-06 |      20 |

The above result formatted in style:

         Rate    T:I   T:S   T:L   A:O   H:O  LU:D  TH:I 
 T:I   16.5/s     --  -91%  -92%  -94%  -95%  -97%  -97% 
 T:S    200/s  1086%    --   -9%  -29%  -47%  -68%  -68% 
 T:L    220/s  1215%   10%    --  -21%  -41%  -65%  -65% 
 A:O    280/s  1580%   41%   27%    --  -25%  -55%  -55% 
 H:O    370/s  2140%   88%   70%   33%    --  -40%  -40% 
 LU:D   610/s  3681%  218%  187%  125%   68%    --    0% 
 TH:I   630/s  3681%  218%  187%  125%   68%    0%    -- 

  A:O: participant=Array::OrdHash
  H:O: participant=Hash::Ordered
  LU:D: participant=List::Unique::DeterministicOrder
  T:I: participant=Tie::IxHash
  T:L: participant=Tie::LLHash
  T:S: participant=Tie::StoredOrderHash
  TH:I: participant=Tie::Hash::Indexed

The above result presented as chart:

Result formatted as table (split, part 3 of 3):

{dataset=>"insert 1000 pairs + return keys 100 times"}
| participant                      | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors   | samples |
| Tie::StoredOrderHash             |        10 |      96   |                 0.00% |               885.35% |   0.00017 |      21 |
| Tie::LLHash                      |        12 |      86   |                11.19% |               786.17% | 9.1e-05   |      20 |
| Array::OrdHash                   |        13 |      75   |                28.17% |               668.78% |   0.00055 |      20 |
| Tie::IxHash                      |        16 |      63   |                51.87% |               548.80% | 7.8e-05   |      20 |
| Tie::Hash::Indexed               |        24 |      41   |               131.40% |               325.82% |   0.00013 |      20 |
| Hash::Ordered                    |        69 |      15   |               559.03% |                49.52% | 6.1e-05   |      20 |
| List::Unique::DeterministicOrder |       100 |       9.7 |               885.35% |                 0.00% | 1.1e-05   |      20 |

The above result formatted in style:

        Rate   T:S   T:L   A:O   T:I  TH:I   H:O  LU:D 
 T:S    10/s    --  -10%  -21%  -34%  -57%  -84%  -89% 
 T:L    12/s   11%    --  -12%  -26%  -52%  -82%  -88% 
 A:O    13/s   28%   14%    --  -16%  -45%  -80%  -87% 
 T:I    16/s   52%   36%   19%    --  -34%  -76%  -84% 
 TH:I   24/s  134%  109%   82%   53%    --  -63%  -76% 
 H:O    69/s  540%  473%  400%  320%  173%    --  -35% 
 LU:D  100/s  889%  786%  673%  549%  322%   54%    -- 

  A:O: participant=Array::OrdHash
  H:O: participant=Hash::Ordered
  LU:D: participant=List::Unique::DeterministicOrder
  T:I: participant=Tie::IxHash
  T:L: participant=Tie::LLHash
  T:S: participant=Tie::StoredOrderHash
  TH:I: participant=Tie::Hash::Indexed

The above result presented as chart:

Sample benchmark #2

Benchmark command (benchmarking module startup overhead):

% bencher --cpanmodules-module OrderedHash --module-startup

Result formatted as table:

| participant                      | time (ms) | mod_overhead_time | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors   | samples |
| List::Unique::DeterministicOrder |      18   |              10   |                 0.00% |               108.56% | 4.5e-05   |      20 |
| Hash::Ordered                    |      16   |               8   |                10.05% |                89.52% | 4.4e-05   |      20 |
| Tie::Hash::Indexed               |      15   |               7   |                14.63% |                81.94% | 2.6e-05   |      21 |
| Array::OrdHash                   |      15   |               7   |                18.44% |                76.10% | 1.7e-05   |      21 |
| Tie::IxHash                      |      14.8 |               6.8 |                19.12% |                75.09% | 1.5e-05   |      20 |
| Tie::LLHash                      |      14   |               6   |                29.30% |                61.30% | 2.5e-05   |      20 |
| Tie::StoredOrderHash             |      11   |               3   |                67.04% |                24.86% | 2.9e-05   |      20 |
| perl -e1 (baseline)              |       8   |               0   |               108.56% |                 0.00% |   0.00015 |      20 |

The above result formatted in style:

                         Rate  LU:D   H:O  TH:I   A:O   T:I   T:L   T:S  perl -e1 (baseline) 
 LU:D                  55.6/s    --  -11%  -16%  -16%  -17%  -22%  -38%                 -55% 
 H:O                   62.5/s   12%    --   -6%   -6%   -7%  -12%  -31%                 -50% 
 TH:I                  66.7/s   19%    6%    --    0%   -1%   -6%  -26%                 -46% 
 A:O                   66.7/s   19%    6%    0%    --   -1%   -6%  -26%                 -46% 
 T:I                   67.6/s   21%    8%    1%    1%    --   -5%  -25%                 -45% 
 T:L                   71.4/s   28%   14%    7%    7%    5%    --  -21%                 -42% 
 T:S                   90.9/s   63%   45%   36%   36%   34%   27%    --                 -27% 
 perl -e1 (baseline)  125.0/s  125%  100%   87%   87%   85%   75%   37%                   -- 

  A:O: mod_overhead_time=7 participant=Array::OrdHash
  H:O: mod_overhead_time=8 participant=Hash::Ordered
  LU:D: mod_overhead_time=10 participant=List::Unique::DeterministicOrder
  T:I: mod_overhead_time=6.8 participant=Tie::IxHash
  T:L: mod_overhead_time=6 participant=Tie::LLHash
  T:S: mod_overhead_time=3 participant=Tie::StoredOrderHash
  TH:I: mod_overhead_time=7 participant=Tie::Hash::Indexed
  perl -e1 (baseline): mod_overhead_time=0 participant=perl -e1 (baseline)

The above result presented as chart:

To display as an interactive HTML table on a browser, you can add option --format html+datatables.


What is an Acme::CPANModules::* module?

An Acme::CPANModules::* module, like this module, contains just a list of module names that share a common characteristics. It is a way to categorize modules and document CPAN. See Acme::CPANModules for more details.

What are ways to use this Acme::CPANModules module?

Aside from reading this Acme::CPANModules module's POD documentation, you can install all the listed modules (entries) using cpanm-cpanmodules script (from App::cpanm::cpanmodules distribution):

% cpanm-cpanmodules -n OrderedHash

Alternatively you can use the cpanmodules CLI (from App::cpanmodules distribution):

% cpanmodules ls-entries OrderedHash | cpanm -n

or Acme::CM::Get:

% perl -MAcme::CM::Get=OrderedHash -E'say $_->{module} for @{ $LIST->{entries} }' | cpanm -n

or directly:

% perl -MAcme::CPANModules::OrderedHash -E'say $_->{module} for @{ $Acme::CPANModules::OrderedHash::LIST->{entries} }' | cpanm -n

This Acme::CPANModules module contains benchmark instructions. You can run a benchmark for some/all the modules listed in this Acme::CPANModules module using the bencher CLI (from Bencher distribution):

% bencher --cpanmodules-module OrderedHash

This Acme::CPANModules module also helps lcpan produce a more meaningful result for lcpan related-mods command when it comes to finding related modules for the modules listed in this Acme::CPANModules module. See App::lcpan::Cmd::related_mods for more details on how "related modules" are found.


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at



Acme::CPANModules - about the Acme::CPANModules namespace

cpanmodules - CLI tool to let you browse/view the lists


perlancar <>


To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub.

Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via:

% prove -l

If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.


This software is copyright (c) 2023 by perlancar <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.