App::BPOMUtils - Utilities related to BPOM


This document describes version 0.007 of App::BPOMUtils (from Perl distribution App-BPOMUtils), released on 2022-10-12.


# Use via the included scripts


This distribution includes CLI utilities related to BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, Indonesian equivalent of Food & Drug Administration authority).




bpom_list_food_types(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

List food types in BPOM processed food division.

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • code => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value.

  • code.contains => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field contains specified text.

  • => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'code' field is in the specified values.

  • => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value.

  • code.isnt => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field does not equal specified value.

  • code.max => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field is less than or equal to specified value.

  • code.min => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than or equal to specified value.

  • code.not_contains => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field does not contain specified text.

  • code.not_in => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'code' field is not in the specified values.

  • code.xmax => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field is less than specified value.

  • code.xmin => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than specified value.

  • detail => bool (default: 0)

    Return array of full records instead of just ID fields.

    By default, only the key (ID) field is returned per result entry.

  • exclude_fields => array[str]

    Select fields to return.

  • fields => array[str]

    Select fields to return.

  • query => str


  • random => bool (default: 0)

    Return records in random order.

  • result_limit => int

    Only return a certain number of records.

  • result_start => int (default: 1)

    Only return starting from the n'th record.

  • sort => array[str]

    Order records according to certain field(s).

    A list of field names separated by comma. Each field can be prefixed with '-' to specify descending order instead of the default ascending.

  • summary => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field equals specified value.

  • summary.contains => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field contains specified text.

  • => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'summary' field is in the specified values.

  • => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field equals specified value.

  • summary.isnt => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field does not equal specified value.

  • summary.max => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field is less than or equal to specified value.

  • summary.min => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field is greater than or equal to specified value.

  • summary.not_contains => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field does not contain specified text.

  • summary.not_in => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'summary' field is not in the specified values.

  • summary.xmax => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field is less than specified value.

  • summary.xmin => str

    Only return records where the 'summary' field is greater than specified value.

  • with_field_names => bool

    Return field names in each record (as hash/associative array).

    When enabled, function will return each record as hash/associative array (field name => value pairs). Otherwise, function will return each record as list/array (field value, field value, ...).

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata.

Return value: (any)



bpom_list_reg_code_prefixes(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

List known alphabetical prefixes in BPOM registered product codes.

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • code => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value.

  • code.contains => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field contains specified text.

  • => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'code' field is in the specified values.

  • => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field equals specified value.

  • code.isnt => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field does not equal specified value.

  • code.max => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field is less than or equal to specified value.

  • code.min => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than or equal to specified value.

  • code.not_contains => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field does not contain specified text.

  • code.not_in => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'code' field is not in the specified values.

  • code.xmax => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field is less than specified value.

  • code.xmin => str

    Only return records where the 'code' field is greater than specified value.

  • detail => bool (default: 0)

    Return array of full records instead of just ID fields.

    By default, only the key (ID) field is returned per result entry.

  • division => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field equals specified value.

  • division.contains => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field contains specified text.

  • => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'division' field is in the specified values.

  • => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field equals specified value.

  • division.isnt => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field does not equal specified value.

  • division.max => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field is less than or equal to specified value.

  • division.min => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field is greater than or equal to specified value.

  • division.not_contains => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field does not contain specified text.

  • division.not_in => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'division' field is not in the specified values.

  • division.xmax => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field is less than specified value.

  • division.xmin => str

    Only return records where the 'division' field is greater than specified value.

  • exclude_fields => array[str]

    Select fields to return.

  • fields => array[str]

    Select fields to return.

  • query => str


  • random => bool (default: 0)

    Return records in random order.

  • result_limit => int

    Only return a certain number of records.

  • result_start => int (default: 1)

    Only return starting from the n'th record.

  • sort => array[str]

    Order records according to certain field(s).

    A list of field names separated by comma. Each field can be prefixed with '-' to specify descending order instead of the default ascending.

  • summary_eng => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field equals specified value.

  • summary_eng.contains => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field contains specified text.

  • => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is in the specified values.

  • => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field equals specified value.

  • summary_eng.isnt => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field does not equal specified value.

  • summary_eng.max => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is less than or equal to specified value.

  • summary_eng.min => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is greater than or equal to specified value.

  • summary_eng.not_contains => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field does not contain specified text.

  • summary_eng.not_in => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is not in the specified values.

  • summary_eng.xmax => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is less than specified value.

  • summary_eng.xmin => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_eng' field is greater than specified value.

  • summary_ind => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field equals specified value.

  • summary_ind.contains => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field contains specified text.

  • => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is in the specified values.

  • => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field equals specified value.

  • summary_ind.isnt => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field does not equal specified value.

  • summary_ind.max => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is less than or equal to specified value.

  • summary_ind.min => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is greater than or equal to specified value.

  • summary_ind.not_contains => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field does not contain specified text.

  • summary_ind.not_in => array[str]

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is not in the specified values.

  • summary_ind.xmax => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is less than specified value.

  • summary_ind.xmin => str

    Only return records where the 'summary_ind' field is greater than specified value.

  • with_field_names => bool

    Return field names in each record (as hash/associative array).

    When enabled, function will return each record as hash/associative array (field name => value pairs). Otherwise, function will return each record as list/array (field value, field value, ...).

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata.

Return value: (any)



bpom_show_nutrition_facts(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

Round values and format them as nutrition fact table (ING - informasi nilai gizi).


  • An example, in linear text format (color/emphasis is shown with markup):

      carbohydrate => 13.113,
      color => "never",
      fat => 0.223,
      output_format => "linear_text",
      package_size => 20,
      protein => 0.99,
      saturated_fat => 0.01,
      serving_size => 175,
      sodium => 0.223,
      sugar => 7.173


      "*INFORMASI NILAI GIZI*  *JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g*) : *Energi total 10 kkal*, Energi dari lemak 0 kkal, Energi dari lemak jenuh 0 kkal, *Lemak total 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Lemak jenuh 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Protein 0 g (0% AKG)*, *Karbohidrat total 3 g (1% AKG)*, *Gula 1 g*, *Garam (Natrium) 0 mg (0% AKG)*. /Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah./\n",
      { "cmdline.skip_format" => 1 },
  • The same example in vetical HTML table format:

      carbohydrate => 13.113,
      fat => 0.223,
      output_format => "vertical_html_table",
      package_size => 20,
      protein => 0.99,
      saturated_fat => 0.01,
      serving_size => 175,
      sodium => 0.223,
      sugar => 7.173


      "\n<style>\n  table { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid; }\n  tr.has_bottom_border { border-bottom: 1pt solid black; }\n  // td:first-child { background: red; }\n</style>\n<table><colgroup><col style=\"width:16pt;\"><col style=\"width:200pt;\"><col style=\"width:48pt;\"><col style=\"width:48pt;\"><col style=\"width:36pt;\"></colgroup>\n<tr><td colspan=5 align=\"middle\"><b>INFORMASI NILAI GIZI</b></td></tr>\n<tbody>\n<tr><td colspan=5><b>JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g</b>)</td></tr>\n<tr class=has_bottom_border><td colspan=5><b>Energi total 10 kkal</b></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=3></td><td colspan=2 align=\"middle\"><b>% AKG</b>*</td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Lemak total</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>0 g</b></td><td align=\"right\">0 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Lemak jenuh</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>0 g</b></td><td align=\"right\">0 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Protein</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>0 g</b></td><td align=\"right\">0 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Karbohidrat total</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>3 g</b></td><td align=\"right\">1 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2><b>Gula</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>1 g</b></td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n<tr class=has_bottom_border><td colspan=2><b>Garam (Natrium)</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>0 mg</b></td><td align=\"right\">0 %</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=5><i>*Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah.</i></td></tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n",
      { "cmdline.skip_format" => 1 },
  • The same example, in vertical text format (color/emphasis is shown with markup):

      carbohydrate => 13.113,
      color => "never",
      fat => 0.223,
      output_format => "vertical_text_table",
      package_size => 20,
      protein => 0.99,
      saturated_fat => 0.01,
      serving_size => 175,
      sodium => 0.223,
      sugar => 7.173


      ".---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n|                                               *INFORMASI NILAI GIZI*                                                |\n| *JUMLAH PER KEMASAN (20 g*)                                                                                         |\n| *Energi total 10 kkal*                                                                                              |\n+-----------------------|----------------------|-----------------------+----------------------|-----------------------+\n|                                                                      |                   *% AKG**                   |\n| *Lemak total*                                |                 *0 g* |                  0 % |                       |\n| *Lemak jenuh*                                |                 *0 g* |                  0 % |                       |\n| *Protein*                                    |                 *0 g* |                  0 % |                       |\n| *Karbohidrat total*                          |                 *3 g* |                  1 % |                       |\n| *Gula*                                       |                 *1 g* |                      |                       |\n| *Garam (Natrium)*                            |                *0 mg* |                  0 % |                       |\n+-----------------------|----------------------+-----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+\n| /*Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah./ |\n`---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'\n",
      { "cmdline.skip_format" => 1 },

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • browser => true

    View output HTML in browser instead of returning it.

  • carbohydrate* => ufloat

    Total carbohydrate, in g/100g.

  • color => str (default: "auto")

  • fat* => ufloat

    Total fat, in g/100g.

  • name => str

  • output_format => str (default: "vertical_text_table")

  • package_size* => ufloat

    Packaging size, in g.

  • protein* => ufloat

    Protein, in g/100g.

  • saturated_fat* => ufloat

    Saturated fat, in g/100g.

  • serving_size* => ufloat

    Serving size, in g.

  • sodium* => ufloat

    Sodium, in mg/100g.

  • sugar* => ufloat

    Total sugar, in g/100g.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata.

Return value: (any)


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at




perlancar <>


To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub.

Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via:

% prove -l

If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.


This software is copyright (c) 2022, 2021 by perlancar <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.