Changes for version 1.028 - 2023-07-21

  • No functional changes.
  • [ux] Indicate alias utilities with "(shorter name for ...)" in Abstract.
  • [doc] [ux] [cli csv-fill-cells] Add illustration to show how different layouts fill cells differently.
  • [doc] [cli csv-sorted-rows] Add description to --quiet.


App::CSVUtils cookbook
App::CSVUtils tips/tricks
Add one or more fields to CSV file
Output a summary row which are arithmetic averages of data rows
Check the value of single cells of CSV against code/schema/regex
Check field names
Check the values of whole fields against code/schema
Check CSV rows
Compare two CSV files value by value
Concatenate several CSV files together, collecting all the fields
Return a hash of field names as keys and first data row as values
Convert CSV to CSV
Delete one or more fields from CSV file
Dump CSV as data structure (array of array/hash)
Run Perl code for every data row
Create a CSV and fill its cells from supplied values (a 1-column CSV)
Substitute template values in a text file with fields from CSV rows
Find specified values in a CSV field
Output a frequency table of values of a specified field in CSV
Generate CSV data using Perl code
Get one or more cells from CSV
Select (only output) row(s) where Perl expression returns true
Show information about CSV file (number of rows, fields, etc)
Output a summary row which are range notation of numbers
List field names of CSV file
Fill fields of a CSV file from another
Left-trim (remove leading whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV
Return result of Perl code for every row
Munge a field in every row of CSV file with Perl code
Modify CSV data rows using Perl code
Return one or more random rows from CSV (shorter name for csv-pick-rows)
Get one or more random cells from CSV
Select one or more random fields from CSV
Return one or more random rows from CSV
Make sure values of CSV are quoted
Replace newlines in CSV values
Right-trim (remove trailing whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV
Select (only output) field(s) using a combination of excludes/includes, including by regex
Select (only output) rows based on a specification of row numbers (e.g. 2-5,7)
Set operation (union/unique concatenation of rows, intersection/common rows, difference of rows) against several CSV files
Shuffle CSV rows (shorter name for csv-shuf-rows)
Shuffle CSV fields
Shuffle CSV rows
Sort CSV rows (shorter name for csv-sort-rows)
Sort CSV fields
Sort CSV rows
Check that CSV rows are sorted (shorter name for csv-sorted-rows)
Check that CSV fields are sorted
Check that CSV rows are sorted
Split CSV file into several files
Output a summary row which are arithmetic sum of data rows
Transpose a CSV
Trim (remove leading & trailing whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV
Report or omit duplicated values in CSV
Make sure values of CSV are unquoted unless when necessary
Convert CSV to LTSV
Convert CSV to paragraphs
Return an enveloped aoaos table data from CSV data
Convert CSV to TSV
Create a VCF from selected fields of the CSV
List CSV utilities in App::CSVUtils::*
Convert paragraphs to CSV
Convert TSV to CSV


CLI utilities related to CSV
Convert CSV to paragraphs
Return an enveloped aoaos table data from CSV data
Create a VCF from selected fields of the CSV
Add one or more fields to CSV file
Output a summary row which are arithmetic averages of data rows
Check the value of single cells of CSV against code/schema/regex
Check the values of whole fields against code/schema
Compare two CSV files value by value
Concatenate several CSV files together, collecting all the fields
Return a hash of field names as keys and first data row as values
Convert CSV to CSV
Delete one or more fields from CSV file
Dump CSV as data structure (array of array/hash)
Run Perl code for every data row
Create a CSV and fill its cells from supplied values (a 1-column CSV)
Substitute template values in a text file with fields from CSV rows
Find specified values in a CSV field
Output a frequency table of values of a specified field in CSV
Generate CSV data using Perl code
Get one or more cells from CSV
Select (only output) row(s) where Perl expression returns true
Show information about CSV file (number of rows, fields, etc)
Output a summary row which are range notation of numbers
List field names of CSV file
Fill fields of a CSV file from another
Left-trim (remove leading whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV
Return result of Perl code for every row
Munge a field in every row of CSV file with Perl code
Modify CSV data rows using Perl code
Get one or more random cells from CSV
Select one or more random fields from CSV
Return one or more random rows from CSV
Make sure values of CSV are quoted
Replace newlines in CSV values
Right-trim (remove trailing whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV
Select (only output) field(s) using a combination of excludes/includes, including by regex
Select (only output) rows based on a specification of row numbers (e.g. 2-5,7)
Set operation (union/unique concatenation of rows, intersection/common rows, difference of rows) against several CSV files
Shuffle CSV fields
Shuffle CSV rows
Check that CSV fields are sorted
Check that CSV rows are sorted
Split CSV file into several files
Output a summary row which are arithmetic sum of data rows
Trim (remove leading & trailing whitespace) values and/or fields in CSV
Report or omit duplicated values in CSV
Make sure values of CSV are unquoted unless when necessary
Convert paragraphs to CSV