Changes for version 0.012 - 2022-11-23

  • No functional changes.
  • [doc] Fix example summary, Abstract for srtcombine2text and give Abstract to scripts that were missing it.


Adjust (scale/shift) .srt by fitting two points in time
Convert H:M:S to number of seconds, and vice versa
Check the properness of SRT file
Combine the text of two subtitle files (e.g. for different languages) into one
Combine the text of two or more subtitle files (e.g. for different languages) into one
Parse SRT and return data structure
Renumber items in .srt
Speed up or slow down times in .srt by a factor
Shift the times in .srt by a specified number of seconds
Split .srt by duration
Scale time in .sub subtitle
Shift timestamps in .sub subtitle
Convert .vtt to .srt


Utilities related to video subtitles