column-run - Run several commands and show their output in multiple columns
This document describes version 0.004 of column-run (from Perl distribution App-column-run), released on 2021-06-25.
% column-run [--args-arrays-json=s] [--args-arrays=s] [--command=s+]
[--commands-json=s] [--common-arg=s+] [--common-args-json=s]
[--common-env key=s] [--common-envs-json=s] [--debug]
[--envs-arrays-json=s] [--envs-arrays=s] [--linum-width=s]
[--log-level=level] [--no-show-linum] [--noshow-linum]
[--on-long-line=s] [--page-result[=program]] [--quiet] [--separator=s]
[--show-linum] [--trace] [--verbose] [--view-result[=program]]
[--wrap] <command> ...
Compare JSON vs Perl Data::Dump vs YAML dump, side by side:
% cat ~/samples/bookstore.json | COLOR=1 column-run pp-json json2dd json2yaml
Compare different color themes:
% cat ~/samples/bookstore.json | COLOR=1 column-run --envs-arrays-json '[{"DATA_DUMP_COLOR_THEME":"Default256"},{"DATA_DUMP_COLOR_THEME":"Default16"}]' 'json2dd --dumper=Data::Dump::Color' 'json2dd --dumper=Data::Dump::Color'
This utility is similar to using the Unix utility pr to columnate output, something like (in bash):
% pr -T -m -w $COLUMNS <(command1 args...) <(command2 args...)
except with the following differences:
commands are run in sequence, not in parallel (although parallel execution is a TODO list item);
all output are collected first, then displayed (although streaming output is a TODO list item);
multiplexing STDIN to all commands;
ANSI color and wide character handling;
passing adjusted COLUMNS environment to commands so they can adjust output;
passing common arguments and environment variables to all commands (as well as allowing each command to have its unique arguments or environment variables).
marks required options.
Main options
- --args-arrays-json=s
Arguments to give to each command (an array of arrays of strings) (JSON-encoded).
. - --args-arrays=s
Arguments to give to each command (an array of arrays of strings).
If `--common-args` is also set, then the common arguments will be added first, then the per-command arguments.
- --command=s@*
Can also be specified as the 1st command-line argument and onwards.
Can be specified multiple times.
- --commands-json=s
.Can also be specified as the 1st command-line argument and onwards.
- --common-arg=s@
Common arguments to pass to each command.
If `--args-arrays` is also set, then the common arguments will be added first, then the per-command arguments.
Can be specified multiple times.
- --common-args-json=s
Common arguments to pass to each command (JSON-encoded).
. - --common-env=s%
Common environment variables to pass to each command.
Each value is a name-value pair, use key=value syntax. Can be specified multiple times.
- --common-envs-json=s
Common environment variables to pass to each command (JSON-encoded).
. - --envs-arrays-json=s
Environment variables to give to each command (an array of hashes of strings) (JSON-encoded).
. - --envs-arrays=s
Environment variables to give to each command (an array of hashes of strings).
- --linum-width=s
Line number width.
- --on-long-line=s
What to do to long lines.
Default value:
Valid values:
- --separator=s
Separator character between columns.
Default value:
- --show-linum
Show line number.
- --wrap
Shortcut for --on-long-line=wrap.
Logging options
- --debug
Shortcut for --log-level=debug.
- --log-level=s
Set log level.
- --quiet
Shortcut for --log-level=error.
- --trace
Shortcut for --log-level=trace.
- --verbose
Shortcut for --log-level=info.
Output options
Other options
This script has shell tab completion capability with support for several shells.
To activate bash completion for this script, put:
complete -C column-run column-run
in your bash startup (e.g. ~/.bashrc). Your next shell session will then recognize tab completion for the command. Or, you can also directly execute the line above in your shell to activate immediately.
It is recommended, however, that you install modules using cpanm-shcompgen which can activate shell completion for scripts immediately.
To activate tcsh completion for this script, put:
complete column-run 'p/*/`column-run`/'
in your tcsh startup (e.g. ~/.tcshrc). Your next shell session will then recognize tab completion for the command. Or, you can also directly execute the line above in your shell to activate immediately.
It is also recommended to install shcompgen (see above).
other shells
For fish and zsh, install shcompgen as described above.
Please visit the project's homepage at
Source repository is at
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
pr. Unix utility to format and columnate text.
column. Unix utility to fill columns with list.
diff. The --side-by-side (-y) option display files in two columns.
perlancar <>
This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2020 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.