App::orgadb - An opinionated Org addressbook toolset


This document describes version 0.016 of App::orgadb (from Perl distribution App-orgadb), released on 2023-01-19.



This distribution includes the following CLI's:




select(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]

Select Org addressbook entries/fields/subfields.

This function is not exported.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • category => str_or_re

    Find entry by string or regex search against the category title.

  • clipboard => str

    Whether to copy matching field values to clipboard.

    If set to tee, then will display matching fields to terminal as well as copy matching field values to clipboard.

    If set to only, then will not display matching fields to terminal and will only copy matching field values to clipboard.

    Mnemonic for short option -y and -Y: yank as in Emacs (C-y).

  • color => str (default: "auto")

    Whether to use color.

  • color_theme => perl::colortheme::modname_with_optional_args

    (No description)

  • count => true

    Return just the number of matching entries instead of showing them.

  • detail => bool

    Instead of showing matching field values, display the whole entry.

    Mnemonic for shortcut option -l: the option -l is usually used for the short version of --detail, as in ls Unix command.

  • entry => str_or_re

    Find entry by string or regex search against its title.

  • field_value_formatter_rules => array[hash]

    Specify field value formatters to use when conditions are met, specified as an array of hashes. Each element is a rule that is as a hash containing condition keys and formatters keys. If all conditions are met then the formatters will be applied. The rules will be tested when each field is about to be outputted. Multiple rules can match and the matching rules' formatters are all applied in succession.

    Note that this option will be overridden by the --field-value-formatter (-fvfmt) or the --no-field-value-formatters (-F) option.

    The rules are best specified in the configuration as opposed to on the command-line option. An example (the lines below are writen in configuration file in IOD syntax, as rows of JSON hashes):

    ; remove all comments in field values when 'hide_field_name' option is set
    ; (which usually means we want to copy paste things)
    field_value_formatter_rules={"hide_field_name":true, "formatters":[ ["Str::remove_comment"] ]}
    ; normalize phone numbers using Phone::format + Str::remove_whitespace when
    ; 'hide_field_name' option is set (which usually means we want to copy paste
    ; things). e.g. '0812-1234-5678' becomes '+6281212345678'.
    field_value_formatter_rules={"field_name_matches":"/phone|wa|whatsapp/i", "hide_field_name":true, "formatters":[ ["Phone::format", "Str::remove_whitespace"] ]}
    ; but if 'hide_field_name' field is not set, normalize phone numbers using
    ; Phone::format without removing whitespaces, which is easier to see (e.g.
    ; '+62 812 1234 5678').
    field_value_formatter_rules={"field_name_matches":"/phone|wa|whatsapp/i", "hide_field_name":false, "formatters":[ ["Phone::format"] ]}

    Condition keys:

    • field_name_matches (value: str/re): Check if field name matches a regex pattern.

    • hide_field_name (value: bool): Check if --hide-field-name (-N) option is set (true) or unset (false).

    Formatter keys:

    • formatters: an array of formatters, to be applied. Each formatter is a name of perl Sah filter rule, or a two-element array of perl Sah filter rule name followed by hash containing arguments. See --formatter for more detais on specifying formatter.

  • field_value_formatters => array[str]

    Add one or more formatters to display field value.

    Specify one or more formatters to apply to the field value before displaying.

    A formatter is name of Data::Sah::Filter::perl::* module, without the prefix. For example: Str::uc will convert the field value to uppercase. Another formatter, Str::remove_comment can remove comment.

    A formatter can have arguments, which is specified using this format:


    If formatter name begins with [ character, it will be parsed as JSON. Example:

    ['Str::remove_comment', {'style':'cpp'}]

    Note that this option overrides --field-value-formatter-rules but is overridden by the --no-field-value-formatters (--raw-field-values, -F) option.

  • fields => array[str_or_re]

    Find (sub)fields by string or regex search.

  • files => array[filename]

    Path to addressbook files.

  • filter_entries_by_fields => array[str]

    Find entry by the fields or subfields it has.

    The format of each entry_by_field is one of:

    str = str2
    str = /re2/
    /re/ = str2
    /re/ = /re2/

    That is, it can search for a string (str) or regex (re) in the field name, and optionally also search for a string (str2) or regex (re2) in the field value.

  • hide_category => true

    Do not show category.

  • hide_entry => true

    Do not show entry headline.

  • hide_field_name => true

    Do not show field names, just show field values.

    Mnemonic for short option -N: field Name (uppercase letter usually means /no/).

  • no_field_value_formatters => true

    Do not apply formatters for field value (overrides --field-value-formatter option).

    Note that this option has higher precedence than --default-field-value-formatter-rules or the --field-value-formatter (--fvfmt) option.

  • num_entries => uint

    Specify maximum number of entries to return (0 means unlimited).

  • num_fields => uint

    Specify maximum number of fields (per entry) to return (0 means unlimited).

  • reload_files_on_change => bool (default: 1)

    (No description)

  • shell => true

    (No description)

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element ($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is 200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata.

Return value: (any)


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at


perlancar <>


Steven Haryanto <>


To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub.

Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via:

% prove -l

If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.


This software is copyright (c) 2023, 2022 by perlancar <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.