Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

## no critic: InputOutput::ProhibitInteractiveTest
package App::wordlist;
use 5.010001;
use strict;
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
use Perinci::Sub::Util qw(gen_modified_sub);
our $DATE = '2022-08-28'; # DATE
our $DIST = 'App-wordlist'; # DIST
our $VERSION = '0.291'; # VERSION
our %SPEC;
our %argspecopt_wordlists = (
wordlists => {
summary => 'Select one or more wordlist modules',
'x.name.is_plural' => 1,
schema => ['array*' => {
of => 'str*', # for the moment we need to use 'str' instead of 'perl::modname' due to Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv limitation
'x.perl.coerce_rules'=>[ ['From_str_or_array::expand_perl_modname_wildcard'=>{ns_prefix=>"WordList"}] ],
cmdline_aliases => {w=>{}},
element_completion => sub {
require Complete::Util;
my %args = @_;
word => $args{word},
array => [map {$_->{name}} @{ _list_installed() }],
ci => 1,
tags => ['category:module-selection'],
our %argspecsopt_exclude_wordlist = (
exclude_wordlists => {
'x.name.is_plural' => 1,
'x.name.singular' => 'exclude_wordlist',
summary => 'Exclude wordlist modules',
schema => ['array*' => {
of => 'str*', # for the moment we need to use 'str' instead of 'perl::modname' due to Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv limitation
'x.perl.coerce_rules'=>[ ['From_str_or_array::expand_perl_modname_wildcard'=>{ns_prefix=>"WordList"}] ],
element_completion => sub {
require Complete::Util;
my %args = @_;
word => $args{word},
array => [map {$_->{name}} @{ _list_installed() }],
ci => 1,
cmdline_aliases => {X=>{}},
tags => ['category:module-selection'],
exclude_wordlist_pattern => {
schema => 're_from_str*',
cmdline_aliases => {P=>{}},
tags => ['category:module-selection'],
exclude_dynamic_wordlists => {
schema => 'bool*',
cmdline_aliases => {D=>{}},
tags => ['category:module-selection'],
our %argspecopt_wordlist_bundles = (
wordlist_bundles => {
'x.name.is_plural' => 1,
'x.name.singular' => 'wordlist_bundle',
schema => ['array*' => {
of => 'str*', # for the moment we need to use 'str' instead of 'perl::modname' due to Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv limitation
'x.perl.coerce_rules'=>[ ['From_str_or_array::expand_perl_modname_wildcard'=>{ns_prefix=>"WordList"}] ],
summary => 'Select one or more wordlist bundle (Acme::CPANModules::WordListBundle::*) modules',
cmdline_aliases => {b=>{}},
element_completion => sub {
require Complete::Util;
my %args = @_;
word => $args{word},
array => [map {$_->{name}} @{ _list_installed_bundles() }],
ci => 1,
tags => ['category:module-selection'],
sub _length_in_graphemes {
my $length = () = $_[0] =~ m/\X/g;
return $length;
sub _list_installed {
require Module::List;
my $mods = Module::List::list_modules(
list_modules => 1,
list_pod => 0,
recurse => 1,
return_path => 1,
my @res;
for my $wl0 (sort keys %$mods) {
(my $wl = $wl0) =~ s/\AWordList:://;
my $lang = '';
if ($wl =~ /^(\w\w)::/) {
$lang = $1;
push @res, {
name => $wl,
lang => $lang,
path => $mods->{$wl0}{module_path},
sub _list_installed_bundles {
require Module::List;
my $mods = Module::List::list_modules(
list_modules => 1,
list_pod => 0,
recurse => 1,
return_path => 1,
my @res;
for my $wlb0 (sort keys %$mods) {
(my $wlb = $wlb0) =~ s/\AAcme::CPANModules::WordListBundle:://;
my $lang = '';
if ($wlb =~ /^(\w\w)::/) {
$lang = $1;
push @res, {
name => $wlb,
lang => $lang,
path => $mods->{$wlb0}{module_path},
sub _word_has_chars_unordered {
my ($word, $chars, $ci) = @_;
if ($ci) {
$word = lc $word;
$chars = lc $chars;
for my $i (0..length($chars)-1) {
my $char = substr($chars, $i, 1);
my $index = index($word, $char);
return 0 if $index < 0;
sub _word_has_chars_ordered {
my ($word, $chars, $ci) = @_;
if ($ci) {
$word = lc $word;
$chars = lc $chars;
my $last_index;
for my $i (0..length($chars)-1) {
my $char = substr($chars, $i, 1);
my $index = index($word, $char);
return 0 if $index < 0;
return 0 if defined $last_index && $index < $last_index;
$last_index = $index;
$word =~ s/\Q$char\E//;
$SPEC{wordlist} = {
v => 1.1,
summary => 'Grep words from (or test them against) WordList::*',
args => {
arg => {
schema => ['array*' => of => 'str*'],
pos => 0,
greedy => 1,
tags => ['category:word-filtering'],
ignore_case => {
schema => 'bool',
default => 1,
cmdline_aliases => {i=>{}},
tags => ['category:word-filtering'],
len => {
schema => 'int*',
tags => ['category:word-filtering'],
min_len => {
schema => 'int*',
tags => ['category:word-filtering'],
max_len => {
schema => 'int*',
tags => ['category:word-filtering'],
num => {
summary => 'Return (at most) this number of words (0 = unlimited)',
schema => ['int*', min=>0, max=>9999],
default => 0,
cmdline_aliases => {n=>{}},
random => {
summary => 'Pick random words',
description => <<'_',
If set to true, then streaming will be turned off. All words will be gathered
first, then words will be chosen randomly from the gathered list.
schema => 'bool*',
cmdline_aliases => {r=>{}},
or => {
summary => 'Instead of printing words that must match all queries (the default), print words that match any query',
schema => 'bool',
tags => ['category:word-filtering'],
action => {
schema => ['str*', {
'x.in.summaries' => [
'List WordList::* modules on CPAN',
'List WordList::* modules installed locally',
'List WordList::* that are selected for use',
'Grep words from selected WordList::* modules',
'Show statistics for each selected WordList::* modules',
'Test words against selected WordList::* modules',
default => 'grep',
cmdline_aliases => {
l => {
summary=>'List installed WordList::* modules',
is_flag => 1,
code => sub { my $args=shift; $args->{action} = 'list_installed' },
L => {
summary=>'List WordList::* modules on CPAN',
is_flag => 1,
code => sub { my $args=shift; $args->{action} = 'list_cpan' },
s => {
summary=>'Show statistics contained in the wordlist modules',
is_flag => 1,
code => sub { my $args=shift; $args->{action} = 'stat' },
t => {
summary=>'Test whether words exists in wordlist',
is_flag => 1,
code => sub { my $args=shift; $args->{action} = 'test' },
description => <<'_',
Action `list_installed` (shortcut option `-l`) will list WordList::* modules
installed on the local system.
Action `list_cpan` (shortcut option `-L`) will list available WordList::*
modules on CPAN, either by querying the MetaCPAN site or by querying a local
mini CPAN using <pm:App::lcpan>.
Action `list_selected` (option `--action=list_selected`) will list the selected
WordList::* modules (e.g. via `-w` or `-b`).
Action `grep` (the default action) will filter the words from each selected
wordlists and print them.
Action `stat` (shortcut option `-s`) will show statistics about all the selected
Action `test` (shortcut option `-t`) will check whether words are in one of the
wordlist, using `word_exists()` method on each wordlist.
lcpan => {
schema => 'bool',
summary => 'Use local CPAN mirror first when available (for -L)',
detail => {
summary => 'Display more information when listing modules/result',
description => <<'_',
When listing installed modules (`-l`), this means also returning a wordlist's
When returning grep result, this means also returning wordlist name.
schema => 'bool',
chars_unordered => {
summary => 'Specify possible characters for the word (unordered)',
schema => 'str*',
tags => ['category:word-filtering'],
chars_ordered => {
summary => 'Specify possible characters for the word (ordered)',
schema => 'str*',
tags => ['category:word-filtering'],
langs => {
'x.name.is_plural' => 1,
summary => 'Only include wordlists of certain language(s)',
description => <<'_',
By convention, language code is the first subnamespace of a wordlist module,
e.g. WordList::EN::* for English, WordList::FR::* for French, and so on.
Wordlist modules which do not follow this convention (e.g. WordList::Password::*
or WordList::PersonName::*) are not included.
schema => ['array*', of => ['str*', match => '\A\w\w\z']],
element_completion => sub {
my %args = @_;
my @langs;
for my $rec (@{ _list_installed() }) {
next unless length $rec->{lang};
push @langs, $rec->{lang}
unless grep {$_ eq $rec->{name}} @langs;
require Complete::Util;
word => $args{word}, array => \@langs);
tags => ['category:module-selection'],
color => {
summary => 'When to highlight search string/matching pattern with color',
schema => ['str*', {
'x.in.summaries' => [
'Never show color',
'Show color if program is run interactively (i.e. not piped)',
'Always show color, regardless of whether program is run through a pipe',
default => 'auto',
examples => [
argv => [],
summary => 'By default print all words from all wordlists',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-D/],
summary => 'Print all words from all static wordlists (dynamic ones are excluded with --exclude-dynamic-wordlists a.k.a. -D)',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/foo bar/],
summary => 'Print all words matching /foo/ and /bar/',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/--or foo bar/],
summary => 'Print all words matching /foo/ or /bar/',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/--detail foo/],
summary => 'Print wordlist name for each matching words',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-w ID::KBBI foo/],
summary => 'Select a specific wordlist (multiple -w allowed)',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-w ID::** foo/],
summary => 'Select all ID::* wordlists (wildcard will be expanded)',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-b Proverbs foo/],
summary => 'Select a bunch of wordlists via wordlist bundle (Acme::CPANModules::WordListBundle::* module)',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-w Phrase::**::Proverb::** foo/],
summary => 'An alternative to select all proverb wordlists',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-w Phrase::**::Proverb::** --action=list_selected/],
summary => 'Check to see which wordlists we are selecting via `-w` with wildcards or via `-b`',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-w EN::Enable --len 6 -i --chars-unordered bobleg/],
summary => 'Print all words from EN::Enable wordlist that are 6 characters long and have the letters BOBLEG (in no particular order); great for cheats in word forming games',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-w EN::Enable --len 6 -i --chars-ordered BGL/],
summary => 'Print all words from EN::Enable wordlist that are 6 characters long and have the letters B,G,L (in that order); great for finding crossword puzzle answers',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/--lang FR foo/],
summary => 'Select French wordlists (multiple --lang allowed)',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw|/fof[aeiou]/|],
summary => 'Filter by regex',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => ['-w', 'MetaSyntactic=theme,dangdut'],
summary => 'Select a wordlist with parameters',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => [qw/-l/],
summary => 'List installed wordlist modules',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
tags => ['category:action-list-installed'],
argv => [qw/-L/],
summary => 'List wordlist modules available on CPAN',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
tags => ['category:action-list-cpan'],
argv => [qw/-w ID::KBBI -s/],
summary => 'Show statistics of a wordlist module',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
tags => ['category:action-stat'],
argv => [qw/-w Password::RockYou::BloomOnly -t foobar 123456 someGoodPass923/],
summary => 'Check some passwords against a password wordlist',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
tags => ['category:action-test'],
argv => [qw/-w Password::** -X Password::RockYou -t foobar 123456 someGoodPass923/],
summary => 'Check some passwords against all Password wordlists except Password::RockYou (because it is slow to check)',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
tags => ['category:action-test'],
argv => [qw/-w Password::** -P RockYou -t foobar 123456 someGoodPass923/],
summary => 'Check some passwords against all Password wordlists except those matching /RockYou/ regex',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
tags => ['category:action-test'],
'cmdline.default_format' => 'text-simple',
'x.doc.faq' => <<'_',
## How to select multiple wordlists? It's cumbersome having to -w WORDLIST1 -w WORDLIST2 and so on!
You can specify wildcard in `-w` option, e.g. if you want to include all English
wordlists you can use `-w EN::*` or `-w EN::**` (`**` recurses while `*` only
matches one level deep).
Or you can also use `-b` option. Some people bundle wordlists together and put
them up on CPAN in the `Acme::CPANModules::WordListBundle::*` namespace. You can
install those modules first then use the wordlist bundle.
## Can `wordlist` help me solve Wordle?
Yes, using regex or the `--chars-ordered` and `--chars-unordered` options. For
example, if you have:
T W _ S _
(3 letters with the correct position), you can use:
% wordlist -w EN::Wordle '/^tw.s./' --len 5
% wordlist -w EN::Wordle --chars-ordered tws --len 5
Another example, if you have:
W* T* _ S _
(2 letters with the incorrect position and 1 letter in the correct position),
you can use:
% wordlist -w EN::Wordle --chars-unordered wts --len 5 '/^...s.$/'
Included in the distribution is the <prog:wordlist-wordle> script for
convenience. This CLI defaults to grepping the "EN::Wordle" wordlist and you
specify something like `wt_S_` for the pattern (lowercase for letter in
incorrect position, uppercase for letter in correct position, underscore for
% wordlist-wordle 'wt_S_'
sub wordlist {
require Encode;
my %args = @_;
my $action = $args{action} // 'grep';
my $list_installed = _list_installed();
my $ci = $args{ignore_case} // 1;
my $or = $args{or};
my $arg = $args{arg} // [];
my $detail = $args{detail};
my $num = $args{num} // 0;
my $random = $args{random};
my $color = $args{color} // 'auto';
my $use_color = ($color eq 'always' ? 1 : $color eq 'never' ? 0 : undef)
// $ENV{COLOR} // (-t STDOUT);
if ($action eq 'grep' || $action eq 'stat' || $action eq 'list_selected' || $action eq 'test') {
# convert /.../ in arg to regex
for (@$arg) {
$_ = Encode::decode('UTF-8', $_);
if (m!\A/(.*)/\z!) {
$_ = $ci ? qr/$1/i : qr/$1/;
} else {
$_ = lc($_) if $ci;
my @res;
my $wordlists = [];
my $has_specified_list;
if ($args{wordlist_bundles}) {
for my $wb (@{ $args{wordlist_bundles} }) {
my $wbmod = "Acme::CPANModules::WordListBundle::$wb";
(my $wbmodpm = "$wbmod.pm") =~ s!::!/!g;
require $wbmodpm;
my $list;
no strict 'refs'; ## no critic: TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict
$list = ${"$wbmod\::LIST"};
my $i = -1;
for my $entry (@{ $list->{entries} }) {
my $mod = $entry->{module};
$mod =~ s/\AWordList::// or do {
warn "Wordlist bundle module $wbmod: entry[$i]: module is not WordList::, skipped";
push @$wordlists, $mod;
} # for $wb
if ($args{wordlists}) {
push @{ $wordlists }, @{ $args{wordlists} };
unless ($has_specified_list) {
$wordlists = [];
for my $rec (@$list_installed) {
if ($args{langs} && @{ $args{langs} }) {
next unless grep { $rec->{lang} eq uc($_) } @{$args{langs}};
push @$wordlists, $rec->{name};
if ($args{exclude_wordlists} && @{ $args{exclude_wordlists} }) {
my $filtered_wordlists = [];
for my $wl (@$wordlists) {
for my $exwl (@{ $args{exclude_wordlists} }) {
do { log_trace "Excluding wordlist $wl (--excluded-wordlist)"; next WORDLIST } if $wl eq $exwl;
push @$filtered_wordlists, $wl;
$wordlists = $filtered_wordlists;
if (defined $args{exclude_wordlist_pattern}) {
my $filtered_wordlists = [];
for my $wl (@$wordlists) {
do { log_trace "Excluding wordlist $wl (--excluded-wordlist-pattern)"; next WORDLIST } if $wl =~ $args{exclude_wordlist_pattern};
push @$filtered_wordlists, $wl;
$wordlists = $filtered_wordlists;
if ($args{exclude_dynamic_wordlists}) {
no strict 'refs'; ## no critic: TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict
my $filtered_wordlists = [];
for my $wl (@$wordlists) {
my $mod = "WordList::$wl"; $mod =~ s/=.*//;
(my $modpm = "$mod.pm") =~ s!::!/!g;
require $modpm;
do { log_trace "Excluding wordlist $wl (--excluded-dynamic-wordlists)"; next WORDLIST } if ${"$mod\::DYNAMIC"};
push @$filtered_wordlists, $wl;
$wordlists = $filtered_wordlists;
$wordlists = [shuffle @$wordlists] if $random;
log_trace "Wordlist(s) to use: %s", $wordlists;
if ($action eq 'list_selected') {
return [200, "OK", $wordlists];
if ($action eq 'stat') {
no strict 'refs'; ## no critic: TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict
return [200] unless @$wordlists;
my %all_stats;
for my $wl (@$wordlists) {
my $mod = "WordList::$wl"; $mod =~ s/=.*//;
(my $modpm = "$mod.pm") =~ s!::!/!g;
require $modpm;
if (@$wordlists == 1) {
return [200, "OK", \%{"$mod\::STATS"}];
} else {
$all_stats{$wl} = \%{"$mod\::STATS"};
return [200, "OK", \%all_stats];
if ($action eq 'test') {
my @words = @{ $args{arg} };
my $res = [200, "OK", [], {'table.fields'=>[qw/word found_in/]}];
for my $wl (@$wordlists) {
last unless @words;
log_debug "Testing against wordlist $wl ...";
my $wl_obj;
eval {
$wl_obj = Module::Load::Util::instantiate_class_with_optional_args(
{ns_prefix=>"WordList"}, $wl);
if ($@) {
for my $i (reverse (0 .. $#words)) {
if ($wl_obj->word_exists($words[$i])) {
push @{$res->[2]}, {word=>$words[$i], found_in=>$wl};
} # for WORDLIST
return $res;
# optimize random picking when there's only one wordlist to pick from
if ($random && @$wordlists == 1 && $num > 0 && $num <= 100) {
my $wl_obj = Module::Load::Util::instantiate_class_with_optional_args(
{ns_prefix=>"WordList"}, $wordlists->[0]);
return [200, "OK", [$wl_obj->pick($num)]];
my $n = 0;
my $code_format_word = sub {
my ($wl, $word, $highlight_str, $ci) = @_;
#use DD; dd \@_;
if (defined $highlight_str) {
if (ref $highlight_str eq 'Regexp') {
$word =~ s/($highlight_str)/\e[1;31m$1\e[0m/g;
} else {
if ($ci) {
$word =~ s/(\Q$highlight_str\E)/\e[1;31m$1\e[0m/gi;
} else {
$word =~ s/(\Q$highlight_str\E)/\e[1;31m$1\e[0m/g;
$detail ? [$wl, $word] : $word;
my $i_wordlist = 0;
my $nth_word;
my $wl_obj;
my $code_return_word = sub {
return if $i_wordlist >= @$wordlists;
my $wl = $wordlists->[$i_wordlist];
unless ($wl_obj) {
log_trace "Instantiating wordlist $wl ...";
eval {
$wl_obj = Module::Load::Util::instantiate_class_with_optional_args(
{ns_prefix=>"WordList"}, $wl);
warn if $@;
unless ($wl_obj) {
goto REDO;
$nth_word = 0;
my $word = $nth_word++ ? $wl_obj->next_word : $wl_obj->first_word;
unless (defined $word) {
undef $wl_obj;
goto REDO;
goto REDO if !$random && $num > 0 && $n >= $num;
goto REDO if defined($args{len}) &&
_length_in_graphemes($word) != $args{len};
goto REDO if defined($args{min_len}) &&
_length_in_graphemes($word) < $args{min_len};
goto REDO if defined($args{max_len}) &&
_length_in_graphemes($word) > $args{max_len};
goto REDO if defined $args{chars_unordered} &&
!_word_has_chars_unordered($word, $args{chars_unordered}, $ci);
goto REDO if defined $args{chars_ordered} &&
!_word_has_chars_ordered($word, $args{chars_ordered}, $ci);
my $cmpword = $ci ? lc($word) : $word;
my $match_arg;
for (@$arg) {
my $match =
ref($_) eq 'Regexp' ? $cmpword =~ $_ :
index($cmpword, $_) >= 0;
if ($or) {
# succeed early when --or
if ($match) {
return $code_format_word->(
$wl, $word, $use_color ? $_ : undef, $ci);
} else {
# fail early when and (the default)
if (!$match) {
goto REDO;
$match_arg = $_;
if (!$or || !@$arg) {
return $code_format_word->(
$wl, $word, $use_color ? $match_arg : undef, $ci);
my $res = [200, "OK", $code_return_word, {stream=>1}];
last unless $random;
my @words;
if ($num > 0) {
@words = Array::Pick::Scan::random_item($res->[2], $num);
} else {
while (defined(my $word = $res->[2]->())) { push @words, $word }
@words = shuffle @words;
$res = [200, "OK", \@words];
} elsif ($action eq 'list_installed') {
my @res;
for (@$list_installed) {
if ($detail) {
push @res, $_;
} else {
push @res, $_->{name};
[200, "OK", \@res,
{('cmdline.default_format' => 'text') x !!$detail}];
} elsif ($action eq 'list_cpan') {
my @methods = $args{lcpan} ?
('lcpan', 'metacpan') : ('metacpan', 'lcpan');
for my $method (@methods) {
if ($method eq 'lcpan') {
unless (eval { require App::lcpan::Call; 1 }) {
warn "App::lcpan::Call is not installed, skipped listing ".
"modules from local CPAN mirror\n";
next METHOD;
my $res = App::lcpan::Call::call_lcpan_script(
argv => [qw/mods --namespace WordList/],
return $res if $res->[0] != 200;
return [200, "OK",
[map {my $w = $_; $w =~ s/\AWordList:://; $w }
grep {/WordList::/} sort @{$res->[2]}]];
} elsif ($method eq 'metacpan') {
unless (eval { require MetaCPAN::Client; 1 }) {
warn "MetaCPAN::Client is not installed, skipped listing ".
"modules from MetaCPAN\n";
next METHOD;
my $mcpan = MetaCPAN::Client->new;
my $rs = $mcpan->module({
my @res;
while (my $row = $rs->next) {
my $mod = $row->module->[0]{name};
say "D: mod=$mod" if $ENV{DEBUG};
$mod =~ s/\AWordList:://;
push @res, $mod unless grep {$mod eq $_} @res;
warn "Empty result from MetaCPAN\n" unless @res;
return [200, "OK", \@res];
return [412, "Can't find a way to list CPAN mirrors"];
} else {
[400, "Unknown action '$action'"];
base_name => 'wordlist',
output_name => 'wordlist_wordle',
modify_args => {
wordlists => sub {
$_[0]{default} = ['EN::Wordle'];
len => sub {
$_[0]{default} = 5;
remove_args => [
modify_meta => sub {
$_[0]{summary} = 'Help solve Wordle';
delete $_[0]{'x.doc.faq'};
$_[0]{description} = <<'_';
This is a wrapper to <prog:wordlist> designed to be a convenient helper to solve
Wordle puzzle. By default it greps from the `EN::Wordle` wordlist. It accepts
a series of guesses in a format like the following:
where lowercase means wrong guess, uppercase means correct letter and position,
while (uppercase) letter followed by a caret (`^`) means the letter exists in
another position. It will convert these guesses to regex patterns and the
`--chars-unordered` option and pass it to `wordlist`.
$_[0]{examples} = [
argv => ['cR^eEk'],
summary => 'One guess',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
argv => ['A^R^isE^', 'Pound', 'might', 'blA^ck', 'PR^ivY^'],
summary => 'Five guesses',
test => 0,
'x.doc.show_result' => 0,
output_code => sub {
my %args = @_;
$args{arg} //= [];
my $chars_unordered = '';
my $possible_letters = join '', "a".."z";
my @new_arg;
for my $arg (@{ $args{arg} }) {
my @chars = split //, $arg;
my $re = '';
my %letter_exists;
while (@chars) {
my $char = shift @chars;
return [400, "Invalid letter '$char' in guess '$arg'"] unless $char =~ /[A-Za-z]/;
my $caret = @chars && $chars[0] eq '^' ? shift(@chars) : '';
my $uc = $char eq uc $char;
$char = lc $char;
if ($caret) { # letter is in another position
my $letters = $possible_letters;
$letters =~ s/$char//;
$re .= "[$letters]";
$chars_unordered .= $char unless index($chars_unordered, $char) >= 0;
} elsif ($uc) { # correct guess
$re .= $char;
$chars_unordered .= $char unless index($chars_unordered, $char) >= 0;
} else { # wrong guess
my $letters = $possible_letters;
$letters =~ s/$char//;
$possible_letters =~ s/$char// unless $letter_exists{$char};
$re .= "[$letters]";
$re = "/\\A$re\\z/";
push @new_arg, $re;
$args{arg} = \@new_arg;
$args{chars_unordered} = $chars_unordered if length $chars_unordered;
log_trace "Arguments passed to wordlist(): %s", \%args;
# ABSTRACT: Grep words from (or test them against) WordList::*
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
App::wordlist - Grep words from (or test them against) WordList::*
=head1 VERSION
This document describes version 0.291 of App::wordlist (from Perl distribution App-wordlist), released on 2022-08-28.
See the included script L<wordlist>.
=head2 wordlist
wordlist(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]
Grep words from (or test them against) WordList::*.
=item * By default print all words from all wordlists:
=item * Print all words from all static wordlists (dynamic ones are excluded with --exclude-dynamic-wordlists a.k.a. -D):
wordlist(exclude_dynamic_wordlists => 1);
=item * Print all words matching E<sol>fooE<sol> and E<sol>barE<sol>:
wordlist(arg => ["foo", "bar"]);
=item * Print all words matching E<sol>fooE<sol> or E<sol>barE<sol>:
wordlist(arg => ["foo", "bar"], or => 1);
=item * Print wordlist name for each matching words:
wordlist(arg => ["foo"], detail => 1);
=item * Select a specific wordlist (multiple -w allowed):
wordlist(arg => ["foo"], wordlists => ["ID::KBBI"]);
=item * Select all ID::* wordlists (wildcard will be expanded):
wordlist(arg => ["foo"], wordlists => ["ID::**"]);
=item * Select a bunch of wordlists via wordlist bundle (Acme::CPANModules::WordListBundle::* module):
wordlist(arg => ["foo"], wordlist_bundles => ["Proverbs"]);
=item * An alternative to select all proverb wordlists:
wordlist(arg => ["foo"], wordlists => ["Phrase::**::Proverb::**"]);
=item * Check to see which wordlists we are selecting via `-w` with wildcards or via `-b`:
wordlist(action => "list_selected", wordlists => ["Phrase::**::Proverb::**"]);
=item * Print all words from EN::Enable wordlist that are 6 characters long and have the letters BOBLEG (in no particular order); great for cheats in word forming games:
chars_unordered => "bobleg",
ignore_case => 1,
len => 6,
wordlists => ["EN::Enable"]
=item * Print all words from EN::Enable wordlist that are 6 characters long and have the letters B,G,L (in that order); great for finding crossword puzzle answers:
chars_ordered => "BGL",
ignore_case => 1,
len => 6,
wordlists => ["EN::Enable"]
=item * Select French wordlists (multiple --lang allowed):
wordlist(arg => ["foo"], langs => ["FR"]);
=item * Filter by regex:
wordlist(arg => ["/fof[aeiou]/"]);
=item * Select a wordlist with parameters:
wordlist(wordlists => ["MetaSyntactic=theme,dangdut"]);
=item * List installed wordlist modules:
wordlist(action => "list_installed");
=item * List wordlist modules available on CPAN:
wordlist(action => "list_cpan");
=item * Show statistics of a wordlist module:
wordlist(action => "stat", wordlists => ["ID::KBBI"]);
=item * Check some passwords against a password wordlist:
arg => ["foobar", 123456, "someGoodPass923"],
action => "test",
wordlists => ["Password::RockYou::BloomOnly"]
=item * Check some passwords against all Password wordlists except Password::RockYou (because it is slow to check):
arg => ["foobar", 123456, "someGoodPass923"],
action => "test",
exclude_wordlists => ["Password::RockYou"],
wordlists => ["Password::**"]
=item * Check some passwords against all Password wordlists except those matching E<sol>RockYouE<sol> regex:
arg => ["foobar", 123456, "someGoodPass923"],
action => "test",
exclude_wordlist_pattern => "RockYou",
wordlists => ["Password::**"]
This function is not exported.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
=over 4
=item * B<action> => I<str> (default: "grep")
Action C<list_installed> (shortcut option C<-l>) will list WordList::* modules
installed on the local system.
Action C<list_cpan> (shortcut option C<-L>) will list available WordList::*
modules on CPAN, either by querying the MetaCPAN site or by querying a local
mini CPAN using L<App::lcpan>.
Action C<list_selected> (option C<--action=list_selected>) will list the selected
WordList::* modules (e.g. via C<-w> or C<-b>).
Action C<grep> (the default action) will filter the words from each selected
wordlists and print them.
Action C<stat> (shortcut option C<-s>) will show statistics about all the selected
Action C<test> (shortcut option C<-t>) will check whether words are in one of the
wordlist, using C<word_exists()> method on each wordlist.
=item * B<arg> => I<array[str]>
=item * B<chars_ordered> => I<str>
Specify possible characters for the word (ordered).
=item * B<chars_unordered> => I<str>
Specify possible characters for the word (unordered).
=item * B<color> => I<str> (default: "auto")
When to highlight search stringE<sol>matching pattern with color.
=item * B<detail> => I<bool>
Display more information when listing modulesE<sol>result.
When listing installed modules (C<-l>), this means also returning a wordlist's
When returning grep result, this means also returning wordlist name.
=item * B<exclude_dynamic_wordlists> => I<bool>
=item * B<exclude_wordlist_pattern> => I<re_from_str>
=item * B<exclude_wordlists> => I<array[str]>
Exclude wordlist modules.
=item * B<ignore_case> => I<bool> (default: 1)
=item * B<langs> => I<array[str]>
Only include wordlists of certain language(s).
By convention, language code is the first subnamespace of a wordlist module,
e.g. WordList::EN::* for English, WordList::FR::* for French, and so on.
Wordlist modules which do not follow this convention (e.g. WordList::Password::*
or WordList::PersonName::*) are not included.
=item * B<lcpan> => I<bool>
Use local CPAN mirror first when available (for -L).
=item * B<len> => I<int>
=item * B<max_len> => I<int>
=item * B<min_len> => I<int>
=item * B<num> => I<int> (default: 0)
Return (at most) this number of words (0 = unlimited).
=item * B<or> => I<bool>
Instead of printing words that must match all queries (the default), print words that match any query.
=item * B<random> => I<bool>
Pick random words.
If set to true, then streaming will be turned off. All words will be gathered
first, then words will be chosen randomly from the gathered list.
=item * B<wordlist_bundles> => I<array[str]>
Select one or more wordlist bundle (Acme::CPANModules::WordListBundle::*) modules.
=item * B<wordlists> => I<array[str]>
Select one or more wordlist modules.
Returns an enveloped result (an array).
First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code
(200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element
($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is
200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth
element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash
that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata.
Return value: (any)
=head2 wordlist_wordle
wordlist_wordle(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]
Help solve Wordle.
=item * One guess:
wordlist_wordle(arg => ["cR^eEk"]);
=item * Five guesses:
wordlist_wordle(arg => ["A^R^isE^", "Pound", "might", "blA^ck", "PR^ivY^"]);
This is a wrapper to L<wordlist> designed to be a convenient helper to solve
Wordle puzzle. By default it greps from the C<EN::Wordle> wordlist. It accepts
a series of guesses in a format like the following:
where lowercase means wrong guess, uppercase means correct letter and position,
while (uppercase) letter followed by a caret (C<^>) means the letter exists in
another position. It will convert these guesses to regex patterns and the
C<--chars-unordered> option and pass it to C<wordlist>.
This function is not exported.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
=over 4
=item * B<arg> => I<array[str]>
=item * B<color> => I<str> (default: "auto")
When to highlight search stringE<sol>matching pattern with color.
=item * B<detail> => I<bool>
Display more information when listing modulesE<sol>result.
When listing installed modules (C<-l>), this means also returning a wordlist's
When returning grep result, this means also returning wordlist name.
=item * B<exclude_dynamic_wordlists> => I<bool>
=item * B<exclude_wordlist_pattern> => I<re_from_str>
=item * B<exclude_wordlists> => I<array[str]>
Exclude wordlist modules.
=item * B<ignore_case> => I<bool> (default: 1)
=item * B<langs> => I<array[str]>
Only include wordlists of certain language(s).
By convention, language code is the first subnamespace of a wordlist module,
e.g. WordList::EN::* for English, WordList::FR::* for French, and so on.
Wordlist modules which do not follow this convention (e.g. WordList::Password::*
or WordList::PersonName::*) are not included.
=item * B<len> => I<int> (default: 5)
=item * B<max_len> => I<int>
=item * B<min_len> => I<int>
=item * B<num> => I<int> (default: 0)
Return (at most) this number of words (0 = unlimited).
=item * B<or> => I<bool>
Instead of printing words that must match all queries (the default), print words that match any query.
=item * B<random> => I<bool>
Pick random words.
If set to true, then streaming will be turned off. All words will be gathered
first, then words will be chosen randomly from the gathered list.
=item * B<wordlist_bundles> => I<array[str]>
Select one or more wordlist bundle (Acme::CPANModules::WordListBundle::*) modules.
=item * B<wordlists> => I<array[str]> (default: ["EN::Wordle"])
Select one or more wordlist modules.
Returns an enveloped result (an array).
First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code
(200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element
($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is
200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth
element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash
that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata.
Return value: (any)
=head2 DEBUG => bool
=head2 COLOR => bool
Set color on/off when --color=auto (the default).
Please visit the project's homepage at L<https://metacpan.org/release/App-wordlist>.
=head1 SOURCE
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<App::GamesWordlist> (L<games-wordlist>) which greps from
C<Games::Word::Wordlist::*> instead.
L<WordList> and C<WordList::*> modules.
L<arraydata> from L<App::arraydata>, L<hashdata> from L<App::hashdata>, and
L<tabledata> from L<App::tabledata>. These are newer projects that will
supersede WordList one day.
=head1 AUTHOR
perlancar <perlancar@cpan.org>
=for stopwords Ryo
Ryo <roysharyanto@gmail.com>
To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on
Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can
simply modify the code, then test via:
% prove -l
If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your
system), you can install L<Dist::Zilla>,
L<Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR>, and sometimes one or two other
Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond
that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.
This software is copyright (c) 2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 by perlancar <perlancar@cpan.org>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=App-wordlist>
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired