Bencher::Scenario::Array::Set::intersect - Benchmark intersect operation
This document describes version 0.004 of Bencher::Scenario::Array::Set::intersect (from Perl distribution Bencher-Scenarios-Array-Set), released on 2021-10-12.
To run benchmark with default option:
% bencher -m Array::Set::intersect
To run module startup overhead benchmark:
% bencher --module-startup -m Array::Set::intersect
For more options (dump scenario, list/include/exclude/add participants, list/include/exclude/add datasets, etc), see bencher or run bencher --help
Packaging a benchmark script as a Bencher scenario makes it convenient to include/exclude/add participants/datasets (either via CLI or Perl code), send the result to a central repository, among others . See Bencher and bencher (CLI) for more details.
Version numbers shown below are the versions used when running the sample benchmark.
Array::Set 0.063
Set::Object 1.41
Set::Scalar 1.29
Array::Set::set_intersect (perl_code)
Function call template:
Array::Set::set_intersect(<set1>, <set2>)
Set::Object::intersection (perl_code)
Code template:
my $set1 = Set::Object->new; $set1->insert(@{<set1>}); my $set2 = Set::Object->new; $set2->insert(@{<set2>}); my $res = $set1->intersection($set2);
Set::Scalar::intersection (perl_code)
Code template:
my $set1 = Set::Scalar->new; $set1->insert(@{<set1>}); my $set2 = Set::Scalar->new; $set2->insert(@{<set2>}); my $res = $set1->intersection($set2);
Run on: perl: v5.34.0, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz (2 cores), OS: GNU/Linux Ubuntu version 20.04, OS kernel: Linux version 5.3.0-64-generic.
Benchmark with bencher -m Array::Set::intersect --include-path archive/Array-Set-0.02/lib --include-path archive/Array-Set-0.05/lib --multimodver Array::Set
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 260 | 3.85 | 0.00% | 1498.11% | 3.6e-06 | 22 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 280 | 3.5 | 8.87% | 1367.92% | 5.5e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 290 | 3.4 | 12.59% | 1319.45% | 5.2e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 293 | 3.41 | 12.75% | 1317.44% | 2.7e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 860 | 1.2 | 230.51% | 383.53% | 1.5e-06 | 22 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 860 | 1.2 | 231.50% | 382.09% | 4e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 869 | 1.15 | 234.49% | 377.77% | 6.4e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 4050.15 | 0.246904 | 1459.07% | 2.50% | 3.4e-11 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 4200 | 0.24 | 1498.11% | 0.00% | 8.5e-07 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Array::Set::set_intersect 260/s -- -9% -11% -11% -68% -68% -70% -93% -93%
Set::Scalar::intersection 280/s 10% -- -2% -2% -65% -65% -67% -92% -93%
Set::Scalar::intersection 293/s 12% 2% -- 0% -64% -64% -66% -92% -92%
Set::Scalar::intersection 290/s 13% 2% 0% -- -64% -64% -66% -92% -92%
Set::Object::intersection 860/s 220% 191% 184% 183% -- 0% -4% -79% -80%
Set::Object::intersection 860/s 220% 191% 184% 183% 0% -- -4% -79% -80%
Set::Object::intersection 869/s 234% 204% 196% 195% 4% 4% -- -78% -79%
Array::Set::set_intersect 4050.15/s 1459% 1317% 1281% 1277% 386% 386% 365% -- -2%
Array::Set::set_intersect 4200/s 1504% 1358% 1320% 1316% 400% 400% 379% 2% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 258 | 3.88 | 0.00% | 1470.26% | 2.2e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 280 | 3.6 | 8.31% | 1349.80% | 4.4e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 287 | 3.48 | 11.29% | 1311.00% | 2.5e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 290 | 3.5 | 11.38% | 1309.84% | 4.2e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 830 | 1.2 | 223.37% | 385.60% | 2.7e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 844 | 1.19 | 227.11% | 380.05% | 9.1e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 850 | 1.2 | 229.38% | 376.73% | 1.8e-06 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 2100 | 0.47 | 732.64% | 88.59% | 1.1e-06 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 4050 | 0.247 | 1470.26% | 0.00% | 2.1e-07 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Array::Set::set_intersect 258/s -- -7% -9% -10% -69% -69% -69% -87% -93%
Set::Scalar::intersection 280/s 7% -- -2% -3% -66% -66% -66% -86% -93%
Set::Scalar::intersection 290/s 10% 2% -- 0% -65% -65% -66% -86% -92%
Set::Scalar::intersection 287/s 11% 3% 0% -- -65% -65% -65% -86% -92%
Set::Object::intersection 830/s 223% 200% 191% 190% -- 0% 0% -60% -79%
Set::Object::intersection 850/s 223% 200% 191% 190% 0% -- 0% -60% -79%
Set::Object::intersection 844/s 226% 202% 194% 192% 0% 0% -- -60% -79%
Array::Set::set_intersect 2100/s 725% 665% 644% 640% 155% 155% 153% -- -47%
Array::Set::set_intersect 4050/s 1470% 1357% 1317% 1308% 385% 385% 381% 90% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.05 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.05 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 230 | 4.3 | 0.00% | 1349.86% | 4.9e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 250 | 4 | 8.57% | 1235.38% | 9.9e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 261 | 3.83 | 12.46% | 1189.18% | 2.2e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 262 | 3.82 | 12.72% | 1186.23% | 3e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 800 | 1.2 | 246.47% | 318.47% | 1.8e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 813 | 1.23 | 250.50% | 313.66% | 6.9e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 820 | 1.2 | 254.18% | 309.36% | 2e-06 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 3200 | 0.32 | 1267.13% | 6.05% | 1.2e-06 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 3400 | 0.3 | 1349.86% | 0.00% | 6.9e-07 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Array::Set::set_intersect 230/s -- -6% -10% -11% -71% -72% -72% -92% -93%
Set::Scalar::intersection 250/s 7% -- -4% -4% -69% -70% -70% -92% -92%
Set::Scalar::intersection 261/s 12% 4% -- 0% -67% -68% -68% -91% -92%
Set::Scalar::intersection 262/s 12% 4% 0% -- -67% -68% -68% -91% -92%
Set::Object::intersection 813/s 249% 225% 211% 210% -- -2% -2% -73% -75%
Set::Object::intersection 800/s 258% 233% 219% 218% 2% -- 0% -73% -75%
Set::Object::intersection 820/s 258% 233% 219% 218% 2% 0% -- -73% -75%
Array::Set::set_intersect 3200/s 1243% 1150% 1096% 1093% 284% 275% 275% -- -6%
Array::Set::set_intersect 3400/s 1333% 1233% 1176% 1173% 310% 300% 300% 6% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.05 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 120 | 8.36 | 0.00% | 870.62% | 7.8e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 179 | 5.59 | 49.49% | 549.26% | 5e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 181 | 5.51 | 51.62% | 540.15% | 4.5e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 183 | 5.45 | 53.28% | 533.21% | 4.7e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 660 | 1.5 | 448.66% | 76.91% | 2.5e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 657 | 1.52 | 448.87% | 76.84% | 1.5e-06 | 21 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 660 | 1.5 | 449.01% | 76.79% | 1.8e-06 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 1160 | 0.861 | 870.21% | 0.04% | 6.9e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 1160 | 0.861 | 870.62% | 0.00% | 4.3e-07 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Array::Set::set_intersect 120/s -- -33% -34% -34% -81% -82% -82% -89% -89%
Set::Scalar::intersection 179/s 49% -- -1% -2% -72% -73% -73% -84% -84%
Set::Scalar::intersection 181/s 51% 1% -- -1% -72% -72% -72% -84% -84%
Set::Scalar::intersection 183/s 53% 2% 1% -- -72% -72% -72% -84% -84%
Set::Object::intersection 657/s 450% 267% 262% 258% -- -1% -1% -43% -43%
Set::Object::intersection 660/s 457% 272% 267% 263% 1% -- 0% -42% -42%
Set::Object::intersection 660/s 457% 272% 267% 263% 1% 0% -- -42% -42%
Array::Set::set_intersect 1160/s 870% 549% 539% 532% 76% 74% 74% -- 0%
Array::Set::set_intersect 1160/s 870% 549% 539% 532% 76% 74% 74% 0% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.02 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 880 | 1100 | 0.00% | 4595.62% | 3.1e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 1600 | 640 | 77.93% | 2539.08% | 1.8e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 1600 | 630 | 79.79% | 2511.75% | 1.6e-06 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 2500 | 390 | 187.25% | 1534.71% | 1.5e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 8200 | 120 | 827.99% | 406.00% | 1.9e-07 | 24 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 8300 | 120 | 840.07% | 399.50% | 2.6e-07 | 21 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 8400 | 120 | 850.03% | 394.26% | 2.7e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 40600 | 24.6 | 4491.10% | 2.28% | 6.7e-09 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 41500 | 24.1 | 4595.62% | 0.00% | 6.7e-09 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Scalar::intersection 880/s -- -41% -42% -64% -89% -89% -89% -97% -97%
Set::Scalar::intersection 1600/s 71% -- -1% -39% -81% -81% -81% -96% -96%
Set::Scalar::intersection 1600/s 74% 1% -- -38% -80% -80% -80% -96% -96%
Array::Set::set_intersect 2500/s 182% 64% 61% -- -69% -69% -69% -93% -93%
Set::Object::intersection 8200/s 816% 433% 425% 225% -- 0% 0% -79% -79%
Set::Object::intersection 8300/s 816% 433% 425% 225% 0% -- 0% -79% -79%
Set::Object::intersection 8400/s 816% 433% 425% 225% 0% 0% -- -79% -79%
Array::Set::set_intersect 40600/s 4371% 2501% 2460% 1485% 387% 387% 387% -- -2%
Array::Set::set_intersect 41500/s 4464% 2555% 2514% 1518% 397% 397% 397% 2% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.05 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.02 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 1000 | 900 | 0.00% | 2864.49% | 1.6e-05 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 1520 | 656 | 36.08% | 2078.51% | 2.7e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 1530 | 652 | 36.80% | 2066.97% | 6.4e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 2300 | 440 | 103.17% | 1359.15% | 2.2e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 7800 | 130 | 597.00% | 325.32% | 6.4e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 7890 | 127 | 603.97% | 321.11% | 5.3e-08 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 8100 | 120 | 621.74% | 310.74% | 2.1e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 32600 | 30.7 | 2808.08% | 1.94% | 1.2e-08 | 26 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 33200 | 30.1 | 2864.49% | 0.00% | 1.3e-08 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Scalar::intersection 1000/s -- -27% -27% -51% -85% -85% -86% -96% -96%
Set::Scalar::intersection 1520/s 37% -- 0% -32% -80% -80% -81% -95% -95%
Set::Scalar::intersection 1530/s 38% 0% -- -32% -80% -80% -81% -95% -95%
Array::Set::set_intersect 2300/s 104% 49% 48% -- -70% -71% -72% -93% -93%
Set::Object::intersection 7800/s 592% 404% 401% 238% -- -2% -7% -76% -76%
Set::Object::intersection 7890/s 608% 416% 413% 246% 2% -- -5% -75% -76%
Set::Object::intersection 8100/s 650% 446% 443% 266% 8% 5% -- -74% -74%
Array::Set::set_intersect 32600/s 2831% 2036% 2023% 1333% 323% 313% 290% -- -1%
Array::Set::set_intersect 33200/s 2890% 2079% 2066% 1361% 331% 321% 298% 1% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.02 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 1100 | 911 | 0.00% | 1017.09% | 8.8e-07 | 21 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 1100 | 910 | 0.01% | 1016.94% | 1e-06 | 22 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 1100 | 906 | 0.52% | 1011.26% | 4.3e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 1200 | 860 | 6.53% | 948.66% | 3.6e-06 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 6400 | 160 | 479.59% | 92.74% | 2.7e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 6400 | 160 | 481.28% | 92.18% | 2.7e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 6700 | 150 | 510.33% | 83.03% | 5.8e-07 | 24 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 12000 | 82 | 1006.94% | 0.92% | 1.1e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 12000 | 82 | 1017.09% | 0.00% | 1.1e-07 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Scalar::intersection 1100/s -- 0% 0% -5% -82% -82% -83% -90% -90%
Set::Scalar::intersection 1100/s 0% -- 0% -5% -82% -82% -83% -90% -90%
Set::Scalar::intersection 1100/s 0% 0% -- -5% -82% -82% -83% -90% -90%
Array::Set::set_intersect 1200/s 5% 5% 5% -- -81% -81% -82% -90% -90%
Set::Object::intersection 6400/s 469% 468% 466% 437% -- 0% -6% -48% -48%
Set::Object::intersection 6400/s 469% 468% 466% 437% 0% -- -6% -48% -48%
Set::Object::intersection 6700/s 507% 506% 504% 473% 6% 6% -- -45% -45%
Array::Set::set_intersect 12000/s 1010% 1009% 1004% 948% 95% 95% 82% -- 0%
Array::Set::set_intersect 12000/s 1010% 1009% 1004% 948% 95% 95% 82% 0% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.05 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 7500 | 130 | 0.00% | 2606.77% | 6.2e-07 | 21 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 7700 | 130 | 2.45% | 2542.15% | 2e-07 | 22 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 7700 | 130 | 2.48% | 2541.18% | 2.1e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 20300 | 49.3 | 170.19% | 901.79% | 3.9e-08 | 21 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 62900 | 15.9 | 738.74% | 222.72% | 6.7e-09 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 63700 | 15.7 | 749.37% | 218.68% | 6.7e-09 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 63800 | 15.7 | 749.79% | 218.52% | 6.7e-09 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 191000 | 5.22 | 2451.53% | 6.08% | 1.5e-09 | 26 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 203100 | 4.923 | 2606.77% | 0.00% | 1.7e-10 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Scalar::intersection 7500/s -- 0% 0% -62% -87% -87% -87% -95% -96%
Set::Scalar::intersection 7700/s 0% -- 0% -62% -87% -87% -87% -95% -96%
Set::Scalar::intersection 7700/s 0% 0% -- -62% -87% -87% -87% -95% -96%
Array::Set::set_intersect 20300/s 163% 163% 163% -- -67% -68% -68% -89% -90%
Set::Object::intersection 62900/s 717% 717% 717% 210% -- -1% -1% -67% -69%
Set::Object::intersection 63700/s 728% 728% 728% 214% 1% -- 0% -66% -68%
Set::Object::intersection 63800/s 728% 728% 728% 214% 1% 0% -- -66% -68%
Array::Set::set_intersect 191000/s 2390% 2390% 2390% 844% 204% 200% 200% -- -5%
Array::Set::set_intersect 203100/s 2540% 2540% 2540% 901% 222% 218% 218% 6% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 6300 | 160 | 0.00% | 1383.60% | 2.7e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 6400 | 160 | 1.09% | 1367.63% | 1.6e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 6600 | 150 | 4.66% | 1317.61% | 6.5e-07 | 23 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 11000 | 88 | 80.26% | 723.01% | 1.1e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 53000 | 19 | 747.59% | 75.04% | 6e-08 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 60000 | 20 | 784.02% | 67.82% | 2.6e-07 | 23 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 56000 | 18 | 797.21% | 65.36% | 1.6e-07 | 21 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 91400 | 10.9 | 1353.78% | 2.05% | 1e-08 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 93200 | 10.7 | 1383.60% | 0.00% | 3.3e-09 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Scalar::intersection 6300/s -- 0% -6% -44% -87% -88% -88% -93% -93%
Set::Scalar::intersection 6400/s 0% -- -6% -44% -87% -88% -88% -93% -93%
Set::Scalar::intersection 6600/s 6% 6% -- -41% -86% -87% -88% -92% -92%
Array::Set::set_intersect 11000/s 81% 81% 70% -- -77% -78% -79% -87% -87%
Set::Object::intersection 60000/s 700% 700% 650% 340% -- -5% -9% -45% -46%
Set::Object::intersection 53000/s 742% 742% 689% 363% 5% -- -5% -42% -43%
Set::Object::intersection 56000/s 788% 788% 733% 388% 11% 5% -- -39% -40%
Array::Set::set_intersect 91400/s 1367% 1367% 1276% 707% 83% 74% 65% -- -1%
Array::Set::set_intersect 93200/s 1395% 1395% 1301% 722% 86% 77% 68% 1% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.05 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 7000 | 100 | 0.00% | 1682.90% | 1.7e-06 | 21 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 7100 | 140 | 0.57% | 1672.81% | 6e-07 | 23 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 7100 | 140 | 1.25% | 1660.91% | 4.2e-07 | 21 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 15200 | 65.9 | 115.83% | 726.06% | 2.7e-08 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 59000 | 17 | 741.53% | 111.86% | 5.3e-08 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 61000 | 17 | 761.00% | 107.07% | 2.7e-08 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 61000 | 16.4 | 768.14% | 105.37% | 6.7e-09 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 120000 | 8.1 | 1658.68% | 1.38% | 1.3e-08 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 125000 | 7.98 | 1682.90% | 0.00% | 3.3e-09 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Scalar::intersection 7100/s -- 0% -28% -52% -87% -87% -88% -94% -94%
Set::Scalar::intersection 7100/s 0% -- -28% -52% -87% -87% -88% -94% -94%
Set::Scalar::intersection 7000/s 39% 39% -- -34% -83% -83% -83% -91% -92%
Array::Set::set_intersect 15200/s 112% 112% 51% -- -74% -74% -75% -87% -87%
Set::Object::intersection 59000/s 723% 723% 488% 287% -- 0% -3% -52% -53%
Set::Object::intersection 61000/s 723% 723% 488% 287% 0% -- -3% -52% -53%
Set::Object::intersection 61000/s 753% 753% 509% 301% 3% 3% -- -50% -51%
Array::Set::set_intersect 120000/s 1628% 1628% 1134% 713% 109% 109% 102% -- -1%
Array::Set::set_intersect 125000/s 1654% 1654% 1153% 725% 113% 113% 105% 1% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.05 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.063 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.02 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
| participant | modver | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.063 | 12000 | 82 | 0.00% | 2639.67% | 1.3e-07 | 22 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.05 | 12000 | 82 | 0.55% | 2624.82% | 2.1e-07 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar::intersection | 0.02 | 12000 | 82 | 0.91% | 2614.91% | 1.1e-07 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.02 | 68832.7 | 14.528 | 466.84% | 383.33% | 1.2e-11 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.02 | 157820 | 6.3364 | 1199.63% | 110.80% | 4.5e-11 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.063 | 160000 | 6.2 | 1228.38% | 106.24% | 6.7e-09 | 20 |
| Set::Object::intersection | 0.05 | 160000 | 6.1 | 1253.04% | 102.48% | 1.5e-08 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.05 | 280000 | 3.5 | 2235.66% | 17.30% | 6.7e-09 | 20 |
| Array::Set::set_intersect | 0.063 | 330000 | 3 | 2639.67% | 0.00% | 3.3e-09 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Set::Scalar::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Set::Object::intersection Array::Set::set_intersect Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Scalar::intersection 12000/s -- 0% 0% -82% -92% -92% -92% -95% -96%
Set::Scalar::intersection 12000/s 0% -- 0% -82% -92% -92% -92% -95% -96%
Set::Scalar::intersection 12000/s 0% 0% -- -82% -92% -92% -92% -95% -96%
Array::Set::set_intersect 68832.7/s 464% 464% 464% -- -56% -57% -58% -75% -79%
Set::Object::intersection 157820/s 1194% 1194% 1194% 129% -- -2% -3% -44% -52%
Set::Object::intersection 160000/s 1222% 1222% 1222% 134% 2% -- -1% -43% -51%
Set::Object::intersection 160000/s 1244% 1244% 1244% 138% 3% 1% -- -42% -50%
Array::Set::set_intersect 280000/s 2242% 2242% 2242% 315% 81% 77% 74% -- -14%
Array::Set::set_intersect 330000/s 2633% 2633% 2633% 384% 111% 106% 103% 16% --
Array::Set::set_intersect: modver=0.063 participant=Array::Set::set_intersect
Set::Object::intersection: modver=0.05 participant=Set::Object::intersection
Set::Scalar::intersection: modver=0.02 participant=Set::Scalar::intersection
Benchmark module startup overhead (bencher -m Array::Set::intersect --module-startup
| participant | time (ms) | mod_overhead_time | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| Set::Object | 25 | 15.4 | 0.00% | 165.45% | 3.2e-05 | 20 |
| Set::Scalar | 22 | 12.4 | 13.18% | 134.54% | 3.4e-05 | 20 |
| Array::Set | 14 | 4.4 | 80.43% | 47.12% | 1.7e-05 | 20 |
| perl -e1 (baseline) | 9.6 | 0 | 165.45% | 0.00% | 5e-05 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate S:O S:S A:S perl -e1 (baseline)
S:O 40.0/s -- -12% -43% -61%
S:S 45.5/s 13% -- -36% -56%
A:S 71.4/s 78% 57% -- -31%
perl -e1 (baseline) 104.2/s 160% 129% 45% --
A:S: mod_overhead_time=4.4 participant=Array::Set
S:O: mod_overhead_time=15.4 participant=Set::Object
S:S: mod_overhead_time=12.4 participant=Set::Scalar
perl -e1 (baseline): mod_overhead_time=0 participant=perl -e1 (baseline)
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perlancar <>
To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub.
Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via:
% prove -l
If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla plugin and/or Pod::Weaver::Plugin. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.
This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2017, 2016 by perlancar <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.