Bencher::Scenario::LogGer::Startup - Measure startup overhead of Log::ger vs other logging libraries


This document describes version 0.007 of Bencher::Scenario::LogGer::Startup (from Perl distribution Bencher-Scenarios-LogGer), released on 2017-06-29.


To run benchmark with default option:

% bencher -m LogGer::Startup

To run module startup overhead benchmark:

% bencher --module-startup -m LogGer::Startup

For more options (dump scenario, list/include/exclude/add participants, list/include/exclude/add datasets, etc), see bencher or run bencher --help.


Packaging a benchmark script as a Bencher scenario makes it convenient to include/exclude/add participants/datasets (either via CLI or Perl code), send the result to a central repository, among others . See Bencher and bencher (CLI) for more details.


Version numbers shown below are the versions used when running the sample benchmark.

Log::Any 1.045

Log::Any::Adapter::Screen 0.13

Log::Log4perl 1.47

Log::Log4perl::Tiny 1.4.0

Log::ger 0.010

Log::ger::Like::LogAny 0.001

Log::ger::Output::Screen 0.004

Log::ger::Plugin::OptAway 0.003



Run on: perl: v5.24.0, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores), OS: GNU/Linux Debian version 8.5, OS kernel: Linux version 3.16.0-4-amd64.

Benchmark with bencher -m LogGer::Startup --include-path archive/Log-Any-0.15/lib --multimodver Log::Any:

| participant                    | modver | rate (/s) | time (ms) | vs_slowest |  errors  | samples |
| use Log::Log4perl + easy_init  |        |        41 |      24   |        1   |   0.0001 |      20 |
| use Log::Log4perl ()           |        |        42 |      24   |        1   | 5.1e-05  |      20 |
| use Log::Log4perl::Tiny ()     |        |        86 |      12   |        2.1 | 5.3e-05  |      20 |
| use Log::Log4perl::Tiny :easy  |        |        87 |      11   |        2.1 | 3.2e-05  |      20 |
| use Log::Any + use LGA:Screen  |        |       120 |       8.4 |        2.9 | 4.6e-05  |      20 |
| use Log::Any                   | 1.045  |       140 |       7   |        3.5 | 2.2e-05  |      22 |
| use Log::ger + use LGP:Screen  |        |       180 |       5.4 |        4.5 | 2.8e-05  |      21 |
| use Log::ger::Like::LogAny     |        |       220 |       4.6 |        5.3 | 1.9e-05  |      20 |
| use Log::ger + use LGP:OptAway |        |       270 |       3.7 |        6.6 | 2.4e-05  |      20 |
| use Log::Any                   | 0.15   |       330 |       3.1 |        7.9 | 1.8e-05  |      20 |
| use Log::ger                   |        |       460 |       2.2 |       11   | 1.6e-05  |      21 |
| use Log::ger ()                |        |       490 |       2   |       12   | 1.3e-05  |      20 |
| baseline                       |        |       830 |       1.2 |       20   | 4.7e-06  |      20 |

Benchmark module startup overhead (bencher -m LogGer::Startup --module-startup):

| participant               | proc_private_dirty_size (MB) | proc_rss_size (MB) | proc_size (MB) | time (ms) | mod_overhead_time (ms) | vs_slowest |  errors | samples |
| Log::Log4perl             | 1.7                          | 5                  | 21             |      27   |                   24.2 |        1   | 6.7e-05 |      21 |
| Log::Log4perl::Tiny       | 4.4                          | 7.9                | 32             |      15   |                   12.2 |        1.8 | 2.3e-05 |      20 |
| Log::Any::Adapter::Screen | 1.5                          | 4.9                | 21             |      11   |                    8.2 |        2.5 | 4.1e-05 |      20 |
| Log::Any                  | 1.2                          | 4.5                | 20             |       9.1 |                    6.3 |        3   |   2e-05 |      20 |
| Log::ger::Like::LogAny    | 0.86                         | 4.2                | 20             |       6.7 |                    3.9 |        4   | 2.7e-05 |      20 |
| Log::ger::Output::Screen  | 0.83                         | 4.1                | 20             |       4.7 |                    1.9 |        5.7 | 3.1e-05 |      20 |
| Log::ger::Plugin::OptAway | 1                            | 4.3                | 20             |       4.7 |                    1.9 |        5.7 |   2e-05 |      20 |
| Log::ger                  | 1                            | 4.3                | 20             |       4   |                    1.2 |        6.8 | 1.2e-05 |      20 |
| perl -e1 (baseline)       | 0.82                         | 4.1                | 20             |       2.8 |                    0   |        9.6 | 6.1e-06 |      21 |

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Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.