The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.010;
use strict;
use FindBin '$Bin';
#use Tie::IxHash;
use String::Escape qw(backslash);
die "Usage: $0 <lang1> <lang2>\n" unless @ARGV == 2;
my ($lang1, $lang2) = @ARGV;
require "$Bin/../lib/Data/Sah/Lang/$";
require "$Bin/../lib/Data/Sah/Lang/$";
my ($xlt1, $xlt2);
no strict 'refs';
$xlt1 = \%{"Data::Sah::Lang::$lang1\::translations"};
$xlt2 = \%{"Data::Sah::Lang::$lang2\::translations"};
my @kxlt1 = keys %$xlt1;
my @kxlt2 = keys %$xlt2;
say "Translations in $lang1 not found in $lang2:";
my $found;
for my $k (@kxlt1) {
next if grep { $k eq $_ } @kxlt2;
say "q[", backslash($_), "]";
exit($found ? 1 : 0);