0.007 2020-04-08 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
Rename optspec property 'handler' to 'destination' to be more
consistent with GoL lingo [GH#21, GH#22, GH#25]. The old name is still
supported but now warns (thus this change being categorized as
Incompatible Change). The old name will be removed in the future.
0.006 2019-12-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
Avoid hijacking GoL legacy default dests [GH#9]
Evaporate OptSpec if it has no handler; do not warn if unable to
fulfill validation. [GH#5]
Try using Complete::Bash's format_completion() with
workaround_with_wordbreaks=0 (my use case: 'subsort by_several -A
first=asc^' completes to 'subsort by_several -A asciibetically _'
without this option).
Add tests for the case of optspec has required=1 or has default but no
handler is supplied (ref: GH#7).
Add more test cases, mostly related to "missing handler".
0.005 2019-01-20 Released-By: PERLANCAR
[Bugfix] Handle "hash storage mode" of Getopt::Long (where GetOptions
is called with a hashref as its first argument). Also fix
compatibility with Getopt::Long which does not require explicit
"linkage" (option handler), e.g. GetOptions('foo', 'bar', 'baz') is
allowed by Getopt::Long. (Thanks Tabulon!) [GH#1] [GH#3]
Allow extra optspec properties x, x.*, _* to store comments or
whatever [GH#2].
0.004 2016-12-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
[Bugfix] Fix checking required and setting default (ignore) for opt
spec '<>'.
[Bugfix] Don't copy array.
Add a test suite.
0.003 2016-12-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
Tweak usage and POD message.
Update demo script.
[doc] Mention Getopt::Long::Modern.
0.002 2016-12-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
No functional changes.
Fix POD section name.
0.001 2016-12-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
First release.