Changes for version 0.028.008 - 2020-02-18
- Add section: "Why was Log::ger created?".
- Reorder sections alphabetically, but GENERAL/ETC is kept at the top and the new THE PROJECT section kept at the end.
- Add FAQ item on why sometimes one needs parentheses after logger statements.
- ForLogContextual
- Explain why Log::Contextual is popular.
FAQ on Log::ger
Log::ger for Log::Log4perl users
Log::ger for Log::Any users
Log::ger for Log::Contextual users
Log::ger for Log::Dispatch users
Log::ger for Log::Dispatch users
Log::ger internals
Log::ger tutorial series
What is logging? Why logging? Logging vs ...
Logging with Log::ger
Logging levels
Logging outputs
More about the screen output
Writing an output plugin
Format plugins
Writing a format plugin
Layout plugins
Writing a layout plugin
Other plugins
Other topics