Log::ger::Output::Composite - Composite output


version 0.003


use Log::ger::Output Composite => (
    outputs => {
        # single screen output
        Screen => {
            level => 'info', # set mper-output level. optional.
            conf => { use_color=>1 },
        # multiple file outputs
        File   => [
                conf => { path=>'/var/log/myapp.log' },
                level => 'warn',
                # set per-category, per-output level. optional.
                category_level => {
                    # don't log messages to this file
                    '' => 'off',
                conf => { path => '/var/log/myapp-security.log' },
                level => 'warn',
                category_level => {
                    # only messages go to this file
                    '' => 'warn',
    # set per-category level. optional.
    category_level => {
       'category1.sub1' => 'info',
       'category2' => 'debug',
use Log::ger;

log_warn "blah...";


This is a Log::ger output that can multiplex output to several outputs and do filtering per-category level, per-output level, or per-output per-category level.


outputs => hash

Specify outputs. It's a hash with output name as keys and output specification as values.

Output name is the name of output module without the Log::ger::Output:: prefix, e.g. Screen or File.

Output specification is either a hashref or arrayref of hashrefs to specify multiple outputs per type (e.g. if you want to output to two File's). Known hashref keys:

  • conf => hashref

    Specify output configuration. See each output documentation for the list of available configuration parameters.

  • level => str|int|[min, max]

    Specify per-output level. If specified, logging will be done at this level instead of the general level. For example, if this is set to debug then debug messages and higher will be sent to output even though the general level is warn. Vice versa, if this is set to error then even though the general level is warn, warning messages won't be sent to this output; only error messages and higher will be sent.

    You can specify a single level (e.g. 1 or "trace") or a two-element array to specify minimum and maximum level (e.g. <["trace", "info"]>). If you accidentally mix up minimum and maximum, this module will helpfully fix it for you.

category_level => hash


Per-category level has not been implemented.

Per-output per-category level has not been implemented.



Modelled after Log::Any::App.


perlancar <>


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