Params::Sah - Validate method/function parameters using Sah schemas
This document describes version 0.070 of Params::Sah (from Perl distribution Params-Sah), released on 2020-05-08.
use Params::Sah qw(gen_validator);
# for subroutines that accept positional parameters. all parameters required,
# but you can pass undef to the third param.
sub mysub1 {
state $validator = gen_validator('str*', ['array*', min_len=>1], 'int');
mysub1("john", ['a']); # dies, the third argument is not passed
mysub1("john", ['a'], 2); # ok
mysub1("john", ['a'], 2, 3); # dies, extra parameter
mysub1("john", ['a'], undef); # ok, even though the third argument is undef
mysub1([], ['a'], undef); # dies, first argument does not validate
mysub1("john", [], undef); # dies, second argument does not validate
# for subroutines that accept positional parameters (this time arrayref instead
# of array), some parameters optional. also this time we use 'allow_extra'
# option to allow additional positional parameters.
sub mysub1b {
my $args = shift;
state $validator = gen_validator({optional_params=>[2], allow_extra=>1}, 'str*', 'array*', 'int');
mysub1b(["john", ['a']]); # ok, the third argument is optional
mysub1b(["john", ['a'], 2]); # ok
mysub1b(["john", ['a'], undef]); # ok
mysub1b(["john", ['a'], 2, 3]); # ok, extra params allowed
# for subroutines that accept named parameters (as hash). all parameters
# required, but you can pass undef to the 'age' parameter.
sub mysub2 {
my %args = @_;
state $validator = gen_validator({named=>1}, name=>'str*', tags=>['array*', min_len=>1], age=>'int');
mysub2(name=>"john", tags=>['a']); # dies, the 'age' argument is not passed
mysub2(name=>"john", tags=>['a'], age=>32); # ok
mysub2(name=>"john", tags=>['a'], age=>undef); # ok, even though the 'age' argument is undef
mysub2(name=>[], tags=>['a'], age=>undef); # dies, the 'name' argument does not validate
mysub2(name=>"john", tags=>[], age=>undef); # dies, the 'tags' argument does not validate
# for subroutines that accept named parameters (this time as hashref). some
# parameters optional. also this time we want to allow extra named parameters.
sub mysub2b {
my $args = shift;
state $validator = gen_validator(
{named=>1, optional_params=>['age'], allow_extra=>1},
tags=>['array*', min_len=>1],
mysub2b({name=>"john", tags=>['a']}); # ok
mysub2b({name=>"john", tags=>['a'], age=>32}); # ok
mysub2b({name=>"john", tags=>['a'], age=>32, foo=>1}); # ok, extra param 'foo' allowed
mysub2b({name=>"john", tags=>['a'], age=>undef}); # dies, this time, 'age' cannot be undef
Example with more complex schemas, with default value and coercion rules:
sub mysub2c {
my %args = @_;
state $validator = gen_validator(
{named => 1, optional_params => ['age']},
name => ['str*', min_len=>4, match=>qr/\S/, default=>'noname'],
age => ['int', min=>17, max=>120],
tags => ['array*', min_len=>1, of=>['str*', match=>qr/\A\w+\z/], 'x.perl.coerce_rules'=>['From_str::comma_sep']],
mysub2c(tags=>['a']); # after validation, %args will be: (name=>'noname', tags=>['a'])
mysub2c(name=>"mark", tags=>['b,c,d']); # after validation, %args will be: (name=>'mark', tags=>['b','c','d'])
Validator generation options:
# default is to 'croak', valid values include: carp, die, warn, bool, str
gen_validator({on_invalid=>'croak'}, ...);
This module provides a way for functions to validate their parameters using Sah schemas.
Bool. If set to true will print validator code when generated.
Bool. Used to set default for allow_extra
String. Used to set default for on_invalid
Bool. Used to set default for disable
Bool. Used to set default for named
See benchmarks in Bencher::Scenarios::ParamsSah.
None exported by default, but exportable.
gen_validator([\%opts, ] ...) => code
Generate code for subroutine validation. It accepts an optional hashref as the first argument for options. The rest of the arguments are Sah schemas that correspond to the function parameters in the same position, i.e. the first schema will validate the function's first argument, and so on. Example:
gen_validator('schema1', 'schema2', ...);
gen_validator({option=>'val', ...}, 'schema1', 'schema2', ...);
Will return a coderef which is the validator code. The code accepts an arrayref (usually \@_
Known options:
named => bool (default: 0)
If set to true, it means we are generating validator for subroutine that accepts named parameters (e.g.
f(name=>'val', other=>'val2')
) instead of positional (e.g.f('val', 'val2')
). The validator will accept the parameters as a hashref. And the arguments ofgen_validator
are assumed to be a hash of parameter names and schemas instead of a list of schemas, for example:gen_validator({named=>1}, arg1=>'schema1', arg2=>'schema2', ...);
optional_params => array
By default all parameters are required. This option specifies which parameters should be made optional. For positional parameters, specify the index (0-based).
allow_extra => bool (default: 0)
If set to one then additional positional or named parameters are allowed (and not validated). By default, no extra parameters are allowed.
on_invalid => str (default: 'croak')
What should the validator code do when function parameters are invalid? The default is to croak (see Carp) to report error to STDERR from the caller perspective. Other valid choices include:
(return false on invalid, or true on valid),str
(return an error message on invalid, or empty string on valid).disable => bool (default: 0)
If set to 1, will return an empty coderef validator. Used to disable parameter checking. Usually via setting "$OPT_DISABLE" to disable globally.
How do I learn more about Sah (the schema language)?
See the specification: Sah. The Sah::Examples distribution also contains more examples. Also, for other examples, lots of my distributions contain Rinci metadata which includes schemas for each function arguments.
Why does the validator code accept arrayref/hashref instead of array/hash?
To be able to modify the original array/hash, e.g. set default value.
What if my subroutine accepts a mix of positional and named parameters?
You can put all your parameters in a hash first, then feed it to the validator. For example:
sub mysub {
my %args;
%args = %{shift} if req $_[0] eq 'HASH'; # accept optional hashref
($args{x}, $args{y}) = @_; # positional params
state $validator = gen_validator(
{named=>1, optional_params=>['opt1','opt2']},
mysub(1, -2); # ok, after validation %args will become (x=>1, y=>-2)
mysub({}, 1, -2); # ok, after validation %args will become (x=>1, y=>-2)
mysub({opt1=>"foo"}, 1, -2); # ok, after validation %args will become (x=>1, y=>-2, opt1=>"foo")
mysub({opt3=>"foo"}, 1, -2); # dies, unknown option 'opt3'
mysub({opt1=>"foo"}, 1); # dies, missing required arg 'x'
mysub({opt1=>[]}, 1, -2); # dies, 'opt1' argument doesn't validate
How to give default value to parameters?
By using the Sah default
clause in your schema:
gen_validator(['str*', default=>'green']);
How to make some parameters optional?
By using the optional_params
option, which is an array of parameter names to make optional. To set a positional parameter optional, specify its index (0-based) as name.
Why is my program failing with error message: Can't call method "state" on an undefined value?
You need to specify that you want to use state
variables, either by:
# at least
use 5.010;
use feature 'state';
How do I see the validator code being generated?
Set $Params::Sah::DEBUG=1
before gen_validator()
, for example:
use Params::Sah qw(gen_validator);
$Params::Sah::DEBUG = 1;
gen_validator('int*', 'str');
Sample output:
1|sub(\@) {
2| my $_ps_args = shift;
3| my $_ps_res;
6| ### validating 0:
7| no warnings 'void';
8| my $_sahv_dpath = [];
9| Carp::croak("arg0: $_ps_res") if !( # req #0
10| ((defined($_ps_args->[0])) ? 1 : (($_ps_res //= (@$_sahv_dpath ? '@'.join("/",@$_sahv_dpath).": " : "") . "Required but not specified"),0))
12| &&
14| # check type 'int'
15| ((Scalar::Util::Numeric::isint($_ps_args->[0])) ? 1 : (($_ps_res //= (@$_sahv_dpath ? '@'.join("/",@$_sahv_dpath).": " : "") . "Not of type integer"),0)));
18| ### validating 1:
19| Carp::croak("arg1: $_ps_res") if !( # skip if undef
20| (!defined($_ps_args->[1]) ? 1 :
22| (# check type 'str'
23| ((!ref($_ps_args->[1])) ? 1 : (($_ps_res //= (@$_sahv_dpath ? '@'.join("/",@$_sahv_dpath).": " : "") . "Not of type text"),0)))));
24| return;
Please visit the project's homepage at
Source repository is at
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
Alternative modules: Params::ValidationCompiler (a compiled version of Params::Validate), Type::Params (from Type::Tiny).
perlancar <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2016, 2015 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.