use 5.010001;
use strict;
use Perinci::Sub::Util qw(err);
our $DATE = '2022-10-09'; # DATE
our $DIST = 'Perinci-Sub-To-CLIDocData'; # DIST
our $VERSION = '0.301'; # VERSION
our %SPEC;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(gen_cli_doc_data_from_meta);
sub _has_cats {
for my $spec (@{ $_[0] }) {
for (@{ $spec->{tags} // [] }) {
my $tag_name = ref($_) ? $_->{name} : $_;
if ($tag_name =~ /^category:/) {
return 1;
sub _add_category_from_spec {
my ($cats_spec, $thing, $spec, $noun, $has_cats) = @_;
my @cats;
for (@{ $spec->{tags} // [] }) {
my $tag_name = ref($_) ? $_->{name} : $_;
if ($tag_name =~ /^category(\d+)?:(.+)/) {
my $cat = ucfirst($2);
my $ordering = $1 // 50;
$cat =~ s/-/ /g;
$cat .= " " . $noun;
push @cats, [$cat, $ordering]; # name, ordering
if (!@cats) {
@cats = [$has_cats ? "Other $noun" : ucfirst($noun), 99]; # XXX translatable?
# old, will be removed someday
$thing->{category} = $cats[0][0];
# new/current
$thing->{categories} = [map {$_->[0]} @cats];
$cats_spec->{$_->[0]}{order} //= $_->[1] for @cats;
sub _add_default_from_arg_spec {
my ($opt, $arg_spec) = @_;
if (exists $arg_spec->{default}) {
$opt->{default} = $arg_spec->{default};
} elsif ($arg_spec->{schema} && exists($arg_spec->{schema}[1]{default})) {
$opt->{default} = $arg_spec->{schema}[1]{default};
sub _dash_prefix {
length($_[0]) > 1 ? "--$_[0]" : "-$_[0]";
sub _fmt_opt {
my $spec = shift;
my @ospecs = @_;
my @res;
my $i = 0;
for my $ospec (@ospecs) {
my $j = 0;
my $parsed = $ospec->{parsed};
for (@{ $parsed->{opts} }) {
my $opt = _dash_prefix($_);
if ($i==0 && $j==0) {
if ($parsed->{type}) {
if ($spec->{'x.schema.entity'}) {
$opt .= "=".$spec->{'x.schema.entity'};
} elsif ($spec->{'x.schema.element_entity'}) {
$opt .= "=".$spec->{'x.schema.element_entity'};
} else {
$opt .= "=$parsed->{type}";
# mark required option with a '*'
$opt .= "*" if $spec->{req} && !$ospec->{is_base64} &&
!$ospec->{is_json} && !$ospec->{is_yaml};
push @res, $opt;
join ", ", @res;
$SPEC{gen_cli_doc_data_from_meta} = {
v => 1.1,
summary => 'From Rinci function metadata, generate structure convenient '.
'for producing CLI documentation (help/usage/POD)',
description => <<'_',
This function calls <pm:Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv>'s
`gen_getopt_long_spec_from_meta()` (or receive its result as an argument, if
passed, to avoid calling the function twice) and post-processes it: produce
command usage line, format the options, include information from metadata, group
the options by category. It also selects examples in the `examples` property
which are applicable to CLI environment and format them.
The resulting data structure is convenient to use when one wants to produce a
documentation for CLI program (including help/usage message and POD).
args => {
meta => {
schema => 'hash*', # XXX rifunc
req => 1,
pos => 0,
meta_is_normalized => {
schema => 'bool*',
common_opts => {
summary => 'Will be passed to gen_getopt_long_spec_from_meta()',
schema => 'hash*',
ggls_res => {
summary => 'Full result from gen_getopt_long_spec_from_meta()',
schema => 'array*', # XXX envres
description => <<'_',
If you already call <pm:Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv>'s
`gen_getopt_long_spec_from_meta()`, you can pass the _full_ enveloped result
here, to avoid calculating twice. What will be useful for the function is the
extra result in result metadata (`func.*` keys in `$res->[3]` hash).
per_arg_json => {
schema => 'bool',
summary => 'Pass per_arg_json=1 to Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv',
per_arg_yaml => {
schema => 'bool',
summary => 'Pass per_arg_json=1 to Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv',
lang => {
schema => 'str*',
result => {
schema => 'hash*',
sub gen_cli_doc_data_from_meta {
my %args = @_;
my $lang = $args{lang};
my $meta = $args{meta} or return [400, 'Please specify meta'];
my $common_opts = $args{common_opts};
unless ($args{meta_is_normalized}) {
$meta = Perinci::Sub::Normalize::normalize_function_metadata($meta);
my $ggls_res = $args{ggls_res} // do {
meta=>$meta, meta_is_normalized=>1, common_opts=>$common_opts,
per_arg_json => $args{per_arg_json},
per_arg_yaml => $args{per_arg_yaml},
$ggls_res->[0] == 200 or return $ggls_res;
my $args_prop = $meta->{args} // {};
my $clidocdata = {
option_categories => {},
example_categories => {},
my %opts;
my $ospecs = $ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'};
# separate groupable aliases because they will be merged with the
# argument options
my (@k, @k_aliases);
for (sort keys %$ospecs) {
my $ospec = $ospecs->{$_};
last unless $ospec->{is_alias};
next if $ospec->{is_code};
my $arg_spec = $args_prop->{$ospec->{arg}};
my $alias_spec = $arg_spec->{cmdline_aliases}{$ospec->{alias}};
next if $alias_spec->{summary};
push @k_aliases, $_;
next OSPEC1;
push @k, $_;
my %negs; # key=arg, only show one negation form for each arg option
while (@k) {
my $k = shift @k;
my $ospec = $ospecs->{$k};
my $opt;
my $optkey;
if ($ospec->{is_alias} || defined($ospec->{arg})) {
my $arg_spec;
my $alias_spec;
if ($ospec->{is_alias}) {
# non-groupable alias
my $real_opt_ospec = $ospecs->{ $ospec->{alias_for} };
$arg_spec = $args_prop->{ $ospec->{arg} };
$alias_spec = $arg_spec->{cmdline_aliases}{$ospec->{alias}};
my $rimeta = rimeta($alias_spec);
$optkey = _fmt_opt($arg_spec, $ospec);
$opt = {
opt_parsed => $ospec->{parsed},
orig_opt => $k,
is_alias => 1,
alias_for => $ospec->{alias_for},
summary => $rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary') //
"Alias for "._dash_prefix($real_opt_ospec->{parsed}{opts}[0]),
description =>
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'description'),
} else {
# an option for argument
$arg_spec = $args_prop->{$ospec->{arg}};
my $rimeta = rimeta($arg_spec);
$opt = {
opt_parsed => $ospec->{parsed},
orig_opt => $k,
# for bool, only display either the positive (e.g. --bool)
# or the negative (e.g. --nobool) depending on the default
if (defined($ospec->{is_neg})) {
my $default = $arg_spec->{default} //
next OSPEC2 if $default && !$ospec->{is_neg};
next OSPEC2 if !$default && $ospec->{is_neg};
if ($ospec->{is_neg}) {
next OSPEC2 if $negs{$ospec->{arg}}++;
if ($ospec->{is_neg}) {
# for negative option, use negative summary instead of
# regular (positive sentence) summary
$opt->{summary} =
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary.alt.bool.not');
} elsif (defined $ospec->{is_neg}) {
# for boolean option which we show the positive, show
# the positive summary if available
$opt->{summary} =
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary.alt.bool.yes') //
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary');
} elsif (($ospec->{parsed}{type}//'') eq 's@') {
# for array of string that can be specified via multiple
# --opt, show singular version of summary if available.
# otherwise show regular summary.
$opt->{summary} =
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary.alt.plurality.singular') //
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary');
} else {
$opt->{summary} =
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary');
$opt->{description} =
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'description');
# find aliases that can be grouped together with this option
my @aliases;
my $j = $#k_aliases;
while ($j >= 0) {
my $aospec = $ospecs->{ $k_aliases[$j] };
last unless $aospec->{arg} eq $ospec->{arg};
push @aliases, $aospec;
splice @k_aliases, $j, 1;
$optkey = _fmt_opt($arg_spec, $ospec, @aliases);
$opt->{arg_spec} = $arg_spec;
$opt->{alias_spec} = $alias_spec if $alias_spec;
# include keys from func.specmeta
for (qw/arg fqarg is_base64 is_json is_yaml/) {
$opt->{$_} = $ospec->{$_} if defined $ospec->{$_};
# include keys from arg_spec
for (qw/req pos slurpy greedy is_password links tags/) {
$opt->{$_} = $arg_spec->{$_} if defined $arg_spec->{$_};
# we don't want argument options to end up in "Other" like
# --help or -v, they are put at the end. so if an argument
# option does not have category, we'll put it in the "main"
# category.
local $arg_spec->{tags} = ['category0:main']
if !$arg_spec->{tags} || !@{$arg_spec->{tags}};
$opt, $arg_spec, "options", 1);
_add_default_from_arg_spec($opt, $arg_spec);
} else {
# option from common_opts
my $spec = $common_opts->{$ospec->{common_opt}};
# for bool, only display either the positive (e.g. --bool)
# or the negative (e.g. --nobool) depending on the default
my $show_neg = $ospec->{parsed}{is_neg} && $spec->{default};
local $ospec->{parsed}{opts} = do {
# XXX check if it's single-letter, get first
# non-single-letter
my @opts = Getopt::Long::Negate::EN::negations_for_option(
[ $opts[0] ];
} if $show_neg;
$optkey = _fmt_opt($spec, $ospec);
my $rimeta = rimeta($spec);
$opt = {
opt_parsed => $ospec->{parsed},
orig_opt => $k,
common_opt => $ospec->{common_opt},
common_opt_spec => $spec,
summary => $show_neg ?
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary.alt.bool.not') :
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary'),
(schema => $spec->{schema}) x !!$spec->{schema},
('x.schema.entity' => $spec->{'x.schema.entity'}) x !!$spec->{'x.schema.entity'},
('x.schema.element_entity' => $spec->{'x.schema.element_entity'}) x !!$spec->{'x.schema.element_entity'},
description =>
$rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'description'),
(default => $spec->{default}) x !!(exists($spec->{default}) && !$show_neg),
$opt, $spec, "options", 1);
$opts{$optkey} = $opt;
# link ungrouped alias to its main opt
for my $k (keys %opts) {
my $opt = $opts{$k};
next unless $opt->{is_alias} || $opt->{is_base64} ||
$opt->{is_json} || $opt->{is_yaml};
for my $k2 (keys %opts) {
my $arg_opt = $opts{$k2};
next if $arg_opt->{is_alias} || $arg_opt->{is_base64} ||
$arg_opt->{is_json} || $arg_opt->{is_yaml};
next unless defined($arg_opt->{arg}) &&
$arg_opt->{arg} eq $opt->{arg};
$opt->{main_opt} = $k2;
next OPT1;
$clidocdata->{opts} = \%opts;
my @plain_args;
my @pod_args;
my %args_prop = %$args_prop; # copy because we want to iterate & delete
my $max_pos = -1;
for (values %args_prop) {
$max_pos = $_->{pos}
if defined($_->{pos}) && $_->{pos} > $max_pos;
my $pos = 0;
while ($pos <= $max_pos) {
my ($arg, $arg_spec);
for (keys %args_prop) {
$arg_spec = $args_prop{$_};
if (defined($arg_spec->{pos}) && $arg_spec->{pos}==$pos) {
$arg = $_;
next unless defined($arg);
if ($arg_spec->{slurpy} // $arg_spec->{greedy}) {
# try to find the singular form
$arg = $arg_spec->{''}
if $arg_spec->{''} &&
defined $arg_spec->{''};
if ($arg_spec->{req}) {
push @plain_args, "<$arg>";
push @pod_args , "E<lt>I<$arg>E<gt>";
} else {
push @plain_args, "[$arg]";
push @pod_args , "[I<$arg>]";
$plain_args[-1] .= " ..." if ($arg_spec->{slurpy} // $arg_spec->{greedy});
$pod_args [-1] .= " ..." if ($arg_spec->{slurpy} // $arg_spec->{greedy});
delete $args_prop{$arg};
# XXX utilize information from args_rels
my @plain_opts;
my @pod_opts;
my %opt_locations; # key=$ARGNAME or "common:$SOMEKEY"
for my $ospec (sort {
($ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$a}{is_neg} ? 1:0) <=> ($ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$b}{is_neg} ? 1:0) ||
($ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$a}{is_alias} ? 1:0) <=> ($ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$b}{is_alias} ? 1:0) ||
($ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$a}{is_json} ? 1:0) <=> ($ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$b}{is_json} ? 1:0) ||
($ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$a}{is_yaml} ? 1:0) <=> ($ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$b}{is_yaml} ? 1:0) ||
$a cmp $b
} keys %{ $ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'} }) {
my $ospecmeta = $ggls_res->[3]{'func.specmeta'}{$ospec};
my $argprop = defined $ospecmeta->{arg} ? $args_prop{ $ospecmeta->{arg} } : undef;
# only include args that have not been mentioned in positional
next if defined $ospecmeta->{arg} && !$argprop;
# only inlude common options that are not a specific action that are
# invoked on its own
my $copt = defined $ospecmeta->{common_opt} ? $common_opts->{ $ospecmeta->{common_opt} } : undef;
next if defined $ospecmeta->{common_opt} && $copt->{usage};
my ($caption_from_schema, $type, $cset);
if ($argprop && $argprop->{schema} &&
ref $argprop->{schema} eq 'ARRAY' # ignore non-normalized schema for now
) {
$type = $argprop->{schema}[0];
$cset = $argprop->{schema}[1];
if ($type eq 'array') {
if ($cset->{of} && ref $cset->{of} eq 'ARRAY') {
$caption_from_schema = $cset->{of}[0];
} elsif ($type eq 'hash') {
if ($cset->{of} && ref $cset->{of} eq 'ARRAY') {
$caption_from_schema = $cset->{of}[0];
} else {
$caption_from_schema = $type;
my $hres = Getopt::Long::Util::humanize_getopt_long_opt_spec({
$ospecmeta->{is_json} ? 'json' :
$ospecmeta->{is_yaml} ? 'yaml' :
$argprop ?
($argprop->{'x.cli.opt_value_label'} // $argprop->{caption} // $caption_from_schema) :
$ospecmeta->{is_json} ? undef :
$ospecmeta->{is_yaml} ? undef :
defined($type) && Module::Installed::Tiny::module_installed("Sah::Schema::$type") ? "Sah::Schema::$type" : undef
}, $ospec);
my $plain_opt = $hres->{plaintext};
my $pod_opt = $hres->{pod};
my $key;
if ($copt && defined $copt->{key}) {
# group common options by key.
$key = "00common:" . $copt->{key};
} elsif (defined $ospecmeta->{arg}) {
$key = $ospecmeta->{arg};
} else {
$key = $ospec;
$key =~ s/[=:].+\z//;
$key =~ s/_/-/g;
#say "D:ospec=$ospec -> key=$key, ospecmeta->{arg}=$ospecmeta->{arg}";
$opt_locations{$key} //= scalar @plain_opts;
push @{ $plain_opts[ $opt_locations{$key} ] }, $plain_opt;
push @{ $pod_opts [ $opt_locations{$key} ] }, $pod_opt;
#use Data::Dmp; print "key: $key, ospec: $ospec, ospecmeta: ", dmp($ospecmeta), ", argprop: ", dmp($argprop), ", copt: ", dmp($copt), "\n";
$clidocdata->{compact_usage_line} = "[[prog]]".
(keys(%args_prop) || keys(%$common_opts) ? " [options]" : ""). # XXX translatable?
(@plain_args ? " ".join(" ", @plain_args) : "");
$clidocdata->{usage_line} = "[[prog]]".
(@plain_opts+@plain_args ? " ".
join(" ",
(map { "[". join("|", @$_) . "]" } @plain_opts),
(@plain_opts && @plain_args ? ("--") : ()),
) : "");
$clidocdata->{'usage_line.alt.fmt.pod'} = "B<[[prog]]>".
(@pod_opts+@pod_args ? " ".
join(" ",
(map { "[". join("|", @$_) . "]" } @pod_opts),
(@pod_opts && @pod_args ? ("--") : ()),
) : "");
# filter and format examples
my @examples;
my $examples = $meta->{examples} // [];
my $has_cats = _has_cats($examples);
for my $eg (@$examples) {
my $rimeta = rimeta($eg);
my $argv;
my $cmdline;
if (defined($eg->{src})) {
# we only show shell command examples
if ($eg->{src_plang} =~ /^(sh|bash)$/) {
$cmdline = $eg->{src};
} else {
} else {
if ($eg->{argv}) {
$argv = $eg->{argv};
} else {
my $res = Perinci::Sub::ConvertArgs::Argv::convert_args_to_argv(
args => $eg->{args}, meta => $meta, use_pos => 1);
return err($res, 500, "Can't convert args to argv")
unless $res->[0] == 200;
$argv = $res->[2];
$cmdline = "[[prog]]";
for my $arg (@$argv) {
my $qarg = String::ShellQuote::shell_quote($arg);
$cmdline .= " $qarg"; # XXX markup with color?
my $egdata = {
cmdline => $cmdline,
summary => $rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'summary'),
description => $rimeta->langprop({lang=>$lang}, 'description'),
example_spec => $eg,
# XXX show result from $eg
$egdata, $eg, "examples", $has_cats);
push @examples, $egdata;
$clidocdata->{examples} = \@examples;
[200, "OK", $clidocdata];
# ABSTRACT: From Rinci function metadata, generate structure convenient for producing CLI documentation (help/usage/POD)
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Perinci::Sub::To::CLIDocData - From Rinci function metadata, generate structure convenient for producing CLI documentation (help/usage/POD)
=head1 VERSION
This document describes version 0.301 of Perinci::Sub::To::CLIDocData (from Perl distribution Perinci-Sub-To-CLIDocData), released on 2022-10-09.
use Perinci::Sub::To::CLIDocData qw(gen_cli_doc_data_from_meta);
my $clidocdata = gen_cli_doc_data_from_meta(meta => $meta);
Sample function metadata (C<$meta>):
args => {
bool1 => {
cmdline_aliases => { z => { summary => "This is summary for option `-z`" } },
schema => "bool",
summary => "Another bool option",
tags => ["category:cat1"],
flag1 => {
cmdline_aliases => { f => {} },
schema => ["bool", "is", 1],
tags => ["category:cat1"],
str1 => {
pos => 0,
req => 1,
schema => "str*",
summary => "A required option as well as positional argument",
examples => [
argv => ["a value", "--bool1"],
summary => "Summary for an example",
test => 0,
summary => "Function summary",
v => 1.1,
Sample result:
do {
my $a = [
"compact_usage_line" => "[[prog]] [options] <str1>",
"example_categories" => { Examples => { order => 99 } },
"examples" => [
categories => ["Examples"],
category => "Examples",
cmdline => "[[prog]] 'a value' --bool1",
description => undef,
example_spec => {
argv => ["a value", "--bool1"],
summary => "Summary for an example",
test => 0,
summary => "Summary for an example",
"option_categories" => { "Cat1 options" => { order => 50 }, "Main options" => { order => 0 } },
"opts" => {
"--bool1" => {
arg => "bool1",
arg_spec => {
cmdline_aliases => { z => { summary => "This is summary for option `-z`" } },
schema => ["bool", {}],
summary => "Another bool option",
tags => ["category:cat1"],
categories => ["Cat1 options"],
category => "Cat1 options",
description => undef,
fqarg => "bool1",
opt_parsed => { opts => ["bool1"] },
orig_opt => "bool1",
summary => "Another bool option",
tags => 'fix',
"--flag1, -f" => {
arg => "flag1",
arg_spec => {
cmdline_aliases => { f => {} },
schema => ["bool", { is => 1 }],
tags => ["category:cat1"],
categories => ["Cat1 options"],
category => "Cat1 options",
description => undef,
fqarg => "flag1",
opt_parsed => { opts => ["flag1"] },
orig_opt => "flag1",
summary => undef,
tags => 'fix',
"--str1=s*" => {
arg => "str1",
arg_spec => {
pos => 0,
req => 1,
schema => ["str", { req => 1 }],
summary => "A required option as well as positional argument",
categories => ["Main options"],
category => "Main options",
description => undef,
fqarg => "str1",
opt_parsed => { desttype => "", opts => ["str1"], type => "s" },
orig_opt => "str1=s",
pos => 0,
req => 1,
summary => "A required option as well as positional argument",
"-z" => {
alias_for => "bool1",
alias_spec => 'fix',
arg => "bool1",
arg_spec => 'fix',
categories => ["Cat1 options"],
category => "Cat1 options",
description => undef,
fqarg => "bool1",
is_alias => 1,
main_opt => "--bool1",
opt_parsed => { opts => ["z"] },
orig_opt => "z",
summary => "This is summary for option `-z`",
tags => 'fix',
"usage_line" => "[[prog]] [--bool1|-z|--no-bool1|--nobool1] [--flag1|-f] -- <str1>",
"usage_line.alt.fmt.pod" => "B<[[prog]]> [B<--bool1>|B<-z>|B<--no-bool1>|B<--nobool1>] [B<--flag1>|B<-f>] -- E<lt>I<str1>E<gt>",
$a->[2]{"opts"}{"--bool1"}{tags} = $a->[2]{"opts"}{"--bool1"}{arg_spec}{tags};
$a->[2]{"opts"}{"--flag1, -f"}{tags} = $a->[2]{"opts"}{"--flag1, -f"}{arg_spec}{tags};
$a->[2]{"opts"}{"-z"}{alias_spec} = $a->[2]{"opts"}{"--bool1"}{arg_spec}{cmdline_aliases}{z};
$a->[2]{"opts"}{"-z"}{arg_spec} = $a->[2]{"opts"}{"--bool1"}{arg_spec};
$a->[2]{"opts"}{"-z"}{tags} = $a->[2]{"opts"}{"--bool1"}{arg_spec}{tags};
For a more complete sample, see function metadata for C<demo_cli_opts> in
=head1 RINCI
Observed function argument attribute: C<x.cli.opt_value_label>, C<caption>, C<>.
=head2 gen_cli_doc_data_from_meta
gen_cli_doc_data_from_meta(%args) -> [$status_code, $reason, $payload, \%result_meta]
From Rinci function metadata, generate structure convenient for producing CLI documentation (helpE<sol>usageE<sol>POD).
This function calls L<Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv>'s
C<gen_getopt_long_spec_from_meta()> (or receive its result as an argument, if
passed, to avoid calling the function twice) and post-processes it: produce
command usage line, format the options, include information from metadata, group
the options by category. It also selects examples in the C<examples> property
which are applicable to CLI environment and format them.
The resulting data structure is convenient to use when one wants to produce a
documentation for CLI program (including help/usage message and POD).
This function is not exported by default, but exportable.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
=over 4
=item * B<common_opts> => I<hash>
Will be passed to gen_getopt_long_spec_from_meta().
=item * B<ggls_res> => I<array>
Full result from gen_getopt_long_spec_from_meta().
If you already call L<Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv>'s
C<gen_getopt_long_spec_from_meta()>, you can pass the I<full> enveloped result
here, to avoid calculating twice. What will be useful for the function is the
extra result in result metadata (C<func.*> keys in C<< $res-E<gt>[3] >> hash).
=item * B<lang> => I<str>
=item * B<meta>* => I<hash>
=item * B<meta_is_normalized> => I<bool>
=item * B<per_arg_json> => I<bool>
Pass per_arg_json=1 to Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv.
=item * B<per_arg_yaml> => I<bool>
Pass per_arg_json=1 to Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv.
Returns an enveloped result (an array).
First element ($status_code) is an integer containing HTTP-like status code
(200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element
($reason) is a string containing error message, or something like "OK" if status is
200. Third element ($payload) is the actual result, but usually not present when enveloped result is an error response ($status_code is not 2xx). Fourth
element (%result_meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash
that contains extra information, much like how HTTP response headers provide additional metadata.
Return value: (hash)
Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.
=head1 SOURCE
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Perinci::CmdLine>, L<Perinci::CmdLine::Lite>
=head1 AUTHOR
perlancar <>
To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on
Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can
simply modify the code, then test via:
% prove -l
If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your
system), you can install L<Dist::Zilla>,
L<Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR>, and sometimes one or two other
Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond
that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.
This software is copyright (c) 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014 by perlancar <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired