Changes for version 0.017 - 2021-08-04

  • No functional changes.
  • [build] Rebuild with updated Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Sah::Schemas (0.069) to tweak Synopsis POD section.
  • Tweak examples.


Convert English day-of-week name (e.g. su, MON, Tuesday) to number (1-7, 1=Monday)
Convert English month name (e.g. Dec, april) to number (1-12)
Convert timezone offset strings like UTC-500, UTC, or UTC+12:30 to number of offset seconds from UTC
Generate completion for date::dow_num
Generate completion for date::dow_nums
Generate completion for date::month_num
Generate completion for date::month_nums
Day of month (1-31)
Day-of-week name (abbreviated or full, in English)
Day-of-week number (1-7, 1=Monday, like DateTime), coercible from English day-of-week name (Mo/mon/MONDAY)
Array of required date::dow_num (day-of-week, 1-7, 1=Monday, like DateTime, with coercions)
Hour of day (0-23)
Minute of hour (0-59)
Month number/name (abbreviated or full, in English)
Month name (abbreviated or full, in English)
Month number, coercible from English month names (Dec/DECEMBER)
Array of required month numbers (1-12, with coercions)
Second of minute (0-60)
Timezone name, e.g. Asia/Jakarta
Timezone offset in seconds from UTC
Timezone offset in seconds from UTC
Year number (AD, starting from 1)
Day of month (1-31)
Day-of-week name (abbreviated or full, in English)
Day-of-week number (1-7, 1=Monday, like DateTime), coercible from English day-of-week name (Mo/mon/MONDAY)
Array of required date::dow_num (day-of-week, 1-7, 1=Monday, like DateTime, with coercions)
Hour of day (0-23)
Minute of hour (0-59)
Month number/name (abbreviated or full, in English)
Month name (abbreviated or full, in English)
Month number, coercible from English month names (Dec/DECEMBER)
Array of required month numbers (1-12, with coercions)
Second of minute (0-60)
Timezone name, e.g. Asia/Jakarta
Timezone offset in seconds from UTC
Timezone offset in seconds from UTC
Year number (AD, starting from 1)
Sah schemas related to date