Changes for version 0.005 - 2022-06-08
- [schema str_or_re] Allow regex modifiers i, m, s.
Convert string to regex if string is delimited by /.../
String of bytes in hexadecimal
String containing only zero or more Latin letters, i.e. A-Z or a-z
String containing only zero or more Latin letters/digits, i.e. A-Za-z0-9
Latin letter, i.e. A-Z or a-z
String or array (0+ length) of (defined) string
String or array (1+ length) of (defined) string
String or regex (if string is of the form `/.../`)
String of bytes in hexadecimal
String containing only zero or more Latin letters, i.e. A-Z or a-z
String containing only zero or more Latin letters/digits, i.e. A-Za-z0-9
Latin letter, i.e. A-Z or a-z
String or array (0+ length) of (defined) string
String or array (1+ length) of (defined) string
String or regex (if string is of the form `/.../`)
Various string schemas