Changes for version 0.010 - 2021-09-26

  • Add roles: TableDataRole::Source::CSVInFile, TableDataRole::Source::CSVInFiles.


Get table data from array of hashes
Get table data from DBI
Rotten Tomato ratings of movies with Robert De Niro
Alias package for TableData::AOH
Number from 1-5 with English and Indonesian text
Some English words with Indonesian equivalents
Some English words with Indonesian equivalents
Alias package for TableData::DBI
Get table data from an array of hashes
Role to access table data from CSV in DATA section
Role to access table data from CSV in a file/filehandle
Role to access table data from CSV in a set of files/filehandles
Role to access table data from DBI
Get table data from an iterator
Provide as_csv() and other CSV-related methods
Standard set of roles for TableData