Changes for version 0.600 - 2020-09-13

  • Release after 2 development releases.

Changes for version 0.599_002 - 2020-06-20

  • [bugfix] Didn't set ANSI colors correctly (affected row/column/cell styles and cell_fgcolor/cell_bgcolor).

Changes for version 0.599_001 - 2020-06-16

  • border style
    • Now conforms to BorderStyle specification (v2) instead of the old Border::Style. The new specification makes each border style a proper class on its own instead of just a data structure, so some methods are moved there instead of merged into Text::ANSITable. This causes the following changes.
    • [incompatible change][removed] Remove attribute 'border_style_args'. Arguments now should be given to the border style class directly (see next change item).
    • [incompatible change] Attribute 'border_style' now must be a string (module name like 'ASCII::SingleLine', or a module name followed by a list of comma-separated arguments a la Perl's -M like 'Test::CustomChar=character,o') or a 2-element array containing module name and arguments, e.g. ['ASCII::SingleLine', []] or ['Test::CustomChar', {character=>'o'}]. 'border_style' may no longer be a hash containing border style structure. You will have to create a proper BorderStyle::* module if you want your own custom border style.
    • [incompatible change][removed] Remove methods get_border_style and get_border_char. The border style object (stored in 'border_style_obj' object hash key) now sports its own get_border_char() method.
    • [incompatible change] Border style names changed. See BorderStyles-Standard distribution for a collection of border styles. The default border style is now named 'UTF8::BrickOuterOnly' (instead of the old name 'Default::bricko'). You can still use the 'ansitable-list-border-styles' script or see the individual border style class to see how a border style looks.
  • color theme
    • Now conforms to ColorTheme specification (v2) instead of the old Color::Theme. The new specification makes each color theme a proper class on its own instead of just a data structure, so some methods are moved there instead of merged into Text::ANSITable. This causes the following changes.
    • [incompatible change][removed] Remove attribute 'color_theme_args'. Arguments now should be given to the border style class directly (see next change item).
    • [incompatible change] Attribute 'color_theme' now must be a string (module name like 'Text::ANSITable::Default::Gradation', or a module name followed by a list of comma-separated arguments a la Perl's -M like 'Test::Random=cache,0') or a 2-element array containing module name and arguments, e.g. ['Text::ANSITable::Default::Gradation', []] or ['Test::Random', {cache=>0}]. 'color_theme' may no longer be a hash containing color theme structure. You will have to create a proper ColorTheme::* module if you want your own custom color theme.
    • [incompatible change] Color theme names changed. See ColorThemes-Standard or ColorThemes-Test distribution for a collection of generic border styles. The Text-ANSITable distribution itself still carries some color themes, now put in ColorTheme::Text::ANSITable::Standard::* namespace. The default color theme is now named 'Text::ANSITable::Standard::Gradation' (instead of the old name 'Default::default_gradation'). You can still use the 'ansitable-list-color-themes' script or see the individual color theme class to see how a color theme looks.


List available border styles for Text::ANSITable
List available color themes for Text::ANSITable
List available style sets for Text::ANSITable


Gradation border (for terminal with black background)
Gradation (for terminal with white background)
No gradation, for black background
Default (no gradation, for white background)
Create nice formatted tables using extended ASCII and ANSI colors
Set different foreground and/or background color for odd/even rows";