Text::Table::Any - Generate text table using one of several backends


This document describes version 0.106 of Text::Table::Any (from Perl distribution Text-Table-Any), released on 2021-12-09.


use Text::Table::Any;

my $rows = [
    # header row
    ['Name', 'Rank', 'Serial'],
    # rows
    ['alice', 'pvt', '123456'],
    ['bob',   'cpl', '98765321'],
    ['carol', 'brig gen', '8745'],
print Text::Table::Any::table(rows => $rows, header_row => 1,
                              backend => 'Text::Table::More');


This module provides a single function, table, which formats a two-dimensional array of data as text table, using one of several available backends. The interface is modelled after Text::Table::Tiny (0.03). Text::Table::Sprintf is the default backend.

The example shown in the SYNOPSIS generates the following table:

| Name  | Rank     | Serial   |
| alice | pvt      | 123456   |
| bob   | cpl      | 98765321 |
| carol | brig gen | 8745     |

When using Text::Table::Org backend, the result is something like:

| Name  | Rank     | Serial   |
| alice | pvt      | 123456   |
| bob   | cpl      | 98765321 |
| carol | brig gen | 8745     |

When using Text::Table::CSV backend:

"carol","brig gen","8745"

When using Text::ANSITable backend:

| Name  | Rank     |   Serial |
| alice | pvt      |   123456 |
| bob   | cpl      | 98765321 |
| carol | brig gen |     8745 |

When using Text::ASCIITable backend:

| Name  | Rank     | Serial   |
| alice | pvt      |   123456 |
| bob   | cpl      | 98765321 |
| carol | brig gen |     8745 |

When using Text::FormatTable backend:

Name |Rank    |Serial
alice|pvt     |123456
bob  |cpl     |98765321
carol|brig gen|8745

When using Text::MarkdownTable backend:

| Name  | Rank     | Serial   |
| alice | pvt      | 123456   |
| bob   | cpl      | 98765321 |
| carol | brig gen | 8745     |

When using Text::Table backend:

Name  Rank     Serial
alice pvt        123456
bob   cpl      98765321
carol brig gen     8745

When using Text::TabularDisplay backend:

| Name  | Rank     | Serial   |
| alice | pvt      | 123456   |
| bob   | cpl      | 98765321 |
| carol | brig gen | 8745     |



List of supported backends.




table(%params) => str

Except for the backend parameter, the parameters will mostly be passed to the backend, sometimes slightly modified if necessary to achieve the desired effect. If a parameter is not supported by a backend, then it will not be passed to the backend.

Known parameters:

  • backend

    Optional. Str, default Text::Table::Sprintf. Pick a backend module. Supported backends:

    • Term::TablePrint

    • Text::ANSITable

    • Text::ASCIITable

    • Text::FormatTable

    • Text::MarkdownTable

    • Text::Table

    • Text::Table::ASV

    • Text::Table::CSV

    • Text::Table::HTML

    • Text::Table::HTML::DataTables

    • Text::Table::LTSV

    • Text::Table::Manifold

    • Text::Table::More

    • Text::Table::Org

    • Text::Table::Paragraph

    • Text::Table::Sprintf

    • Text::Table::TickitWidget

    • Text::Table::Tiny

    • Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle

    • Text::Table::TinyColor

    • Text::Table::TinyColorWide

    • Text::Table::TinyWide

    • Text::Table::TSV

    • Text::Table::XLSX

    • Text::TabularDisplay

    • Text::UnicodeBox::Table

  • rows

    Required. Aoaos (array of array-of-scalars). Each element in the array is a row of data, where each row is an array reference.

  • header_row

    Optional. Bool, default is false. If given a true value, the first row in the data will be interpreted as a header row, and separated visually from the rest of the table (e.g. with a ruled line). But some backends won't display differently.

  • separate_rows

    Boolean. Optional. Default is false. If set to true, will draw a separator line after each data row.

    Not all backends support this.

  • title

    Optional. Str. Title of the table.

    Currently the only backends supporting this are Text::Table::HTML and Text::Table::HTML::DataTables.


Return list of supported backends. You can also get the list from the "@BACKENDS" package variable.


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at




perlancar <>


To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub.

Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via:

% prove -l

If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla plugin and/or Pod::Weaver::Plugin. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.


This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 by perlancar <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.