WHO::GrowthReference::Table - Lookup height/weight in the WHO growth chart (a.k.a. growth reference, growth standards)
This document describes version 0.011 of WHO::GrowthReference::Table (from Perl distribution WHO-GrowthReference-Table), released on 2021-04-12.
use WHO::GrowthReference::Table qw(get_who_growth_reference);
# get mean height & weight of a 3-year old girl
my $res = get_who_growth_reference(gender => "F", dob => time() - 3*365.25*86400);
# => [200, "OK", {
# age => "36.0 month(s)",
# height_mean => 95.034, # cm
# weight_mean => 13.9, # kg
# height_P01 => ..., # height at 0.1% percentile
# height_P1 => ..., # height at 1% percentile
# height_Z-3 => ..., # height at -3 SD
# height_Z-2 => ..., # height at -2 SD
# ...
# }]
# you have a 3.5-year old boy weighing at 14.8kg and with a height of 102cm,
# calculate the percentiles
my $res = get_who_growth_reference(gender => "M", dob => time() - 3.5*365.25*86400, weight=>14.8, height=>102);
# => [200, "OK", {
# age => "42.0 month(s)",
# height_mean => 99.844, # cm
# height_percentile => 70.2, # your boy's height is above world average, about 70.2% of boys of the same age are shorter than your boy
# height_zscore => ...,
# weight_mean => 15.3, # kg
# weight_percentile => 39.6, # your boy's weight is below world average, about 39.6% of boys of the same age weigh less than your boy
# weight_zscore => ...,
# height_P01 => ...,
# ...
# height_potential => ...,
# height_potential_Z0 => ...,
# weight_potential_10y => ...,
# weight_potential_10y_Z0 => ...,
# }]
get_who_growth_reference(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]
Lookup height/weight in the WHO growth chart (a.k.a. growth reference, growth standards).
Get weight/height information for a boy that is born on May 4, 2017:
get_who_growth_reference(gender => "M", dob => "2017-05-04");
[ 200, "OK", { age => "47.0 month(s)", bmi_mean => 15.3, bmi_P1 => 12.8, bmi_P15 => 14.1, bmi_P25 => 14.5, bmi_P3 => 13.2, bmi_P5 => 13.5, bmi_P50 => 15.3, bmi_P75 => 16.2, bmi_P85 => 16.7, bmi_P95 => 17.6, bmi_P97 => "18.0", bmi_P99 => 18.7, bmi_SD0 => 15.3, bmi_SD1 => 16.7, bmi_SD1neg => 14.2, bmi_SD2 => 18.2, bmi_SD2neg => 13.1, bmi_SD3 => 19.9, bmi_SD3neg => 12.1, gender => "M", height_mean => 102.92, height_P01 => 90.042, height_P1 => 93.225, height_P10 => 97.579, height_P15 => 98.6, height_P25 => 100.109, height_P3 => 95.082, height_P5 => 96.065, height_P50 => 102.92, height_P75 => 105.73, height_P85 => 107.239, height_P90 => 108.26, height_P95 => 109.774, height_P97 => 110.757, height_P99 => 112.614, height_P999 => 115.797, height_SD0 => "102.920", height_SD1 => 107.087, height_SD1neg => 98.752, height_SD2 => 111.254, height_SD2neg => 94.585, height_SD3 => 115.421, height_SD3neg => 90.418, height_SD4 => 119.588, height_SD4neg => 86.251, weight_mean => 16.2, weight_P01 => 11, weight_P1 => 12.1, weight_P10 => 13.8, weight_P15 => 14.2, weight_P25 => 14.9, weight_P3 => 12.8, weight_P5 => 13.2, weight_P50 => 16.2, weight_P75 => 17.6, weight_P85 => 18.5, weight_P90 => 19.1, weight_P95 => 20, weight_P97 => 20.6, weight_P99 => 21.9, weight_P999 => 24.2, weight_SD0 => 16.2, weight_SD1 => 18.4, weight_SD1neg => 14.3, weight_SD2 => 20.9, weight_SD2neg => 12.6, weight_SD3 => 23.9, weight_SD3neg => 11.1, }, { "func.raw_weight" => [ 47, -0.1097, 16.1827, 0.127, 11, 12.1, 12.8, 13.2, 13.8, 14.2, 14.9, 16.2, 17.6, 18.5, 19.1, 20, 20.6, 21.9, 24.2, ], }, ]
Get weight/height information for a 6.5yo girl:
get_who_growth_reference(gender => "F", age => "6.5y");
[ 200, "OK", { age => "78.0 month(s)", bmi_mean => 15.32, bmi_P01 => 11.645, bmi_P1 => 12.365, bmi_P10 => 13.525, bmi_P15 => 13.832, bmi_P25 => 14.315, bmi_P3 => 12.832, bmi_P5 => 13.096, bmi_P50 => 15.32, bmi_P75 => 16.492, bmi_P85 => 17.206, bmi_P90 => 17.728, bmi_P95 => 18.57, bmi_P97 => 19.165, bmi_P99 => 20.41, bmi_P999 => 23.013, bmi_SD0 => 15.32, bmi_SD1 => 17.131, bmi_SD1neg => 13.879, bmi_SD2 => 19.482, bmi_SD2neg => 12.704, bmi_SD3 => 22.668, bmi_SD3neg => 11.725, bmi_SD4 => 25.855, bmi_SD4neg => 10.746, gender => "F", height_mean => 117.977, height_P01 => 101.611, height_P1 => 105.657, height_P10 => 111.19, height_P15 => 112.488, height_P25 => 114.405, height_P3 => 108.016, height_P5 => 109.266, height_P50 => 117.977, height_P75 => 121.549, height_P85 => 123.466, height_P90 => 124.764, height_P95 => 126.688, height_P97 => 127.938, height_P99 => 130.297, height_P999 => 134.343, height_SD0 => 117.977, height_SD1 => 123.273, height_SD1neg => 112.681, height_SD2 => 128.569, height_SD2neg => 107.385, height_SD3 => 133.865, height_SD3neg => 102.089, height_SD4 => 139.161, height_SD4neg => 96.793, weight_mean => 21.227, weight_P01 => 13.932, weight_P1 => 15.333, weight_P10 => 17.626, weight_P15 => 18.239, weight_P25 => 19.206, weight_P3 => 16.252, weight_P5 => 16.773, weight_P50 => 21.227, weight_P75 => 23.591, weight_P85 => 25.028, weight_P90 => 26.077, weight_P95 => 27.761, weight_P97 => 28.945, weight_P99 => 31.399, weight_P999 => 36.41, weight_SD0 => 21.227, weight_SD1 => 24.877, weight_SD1neg => 18.333, weight_SD2 => 29.572, weight_SD2neg => 15.998, weight_SD3 => 35.757, weight_SD3neg => 14.087, weight_SD4 => 41.942, weight_SD4neg => 12.175, }, { "func.raw_weight" => [ 78, -0.5185, 21.2274, 0.1523, 13.932, 15.333, 16.252, 16.773, 17.626, 18.239, 19.206, 21.227, 23.591, 25.028, 26.077, 27.761, 28.945, 31.399, 36.41, ], }, ]
See percentiles/z-scores for a 6yo boy weighing 17kg and having a height of 102cm:
get_who_growth_reference(gender => "M", age => "6y", height => 102, weight => 17);
[ 200, "OK", { age => "72.0 month(s)", bmi => 16.3398692810458, bmi_mean => 15.306, bmi_P01 => 12.066, bmi_P1 => 12.733, bmi_P10 => 13.773, bmi_P15 => 14.042, bmi_P25 => 14.459, bmi_P3 => 13.157, bmi_P5 => 13.393, bmi_P50 => 15.306, bmi_P75 => 16.258, bmi_P85 => 16.819, bmi_P90 => 17.221, bmi_P95 => 17.854, bmi_P97 => 18.291, bmi_P99 => 19.176, bmi_P999 => 20.91, bmi_percentile => 76.4593454731863, bmi_SD0 => 15.306, bmi_SD1 => 16.761, bmi_SD1neg => 14.083, bmi_SD2 => 18.52, bmi_SD2neg => 13.04, bmi_SD3 => 20.689, bmi_SD3neg => 12.141, bmi_SD4 => 22.858, bmi_SD4neg => 11.242, bmi_zscore => 0.71056307975653, gender => "M", height_mean => 115.951, height_P01 => 100.726, height_P1 => 104.49, height_P10 => 109.637, height_P15 => 110.845, height_P25 => 112.628, height_P3 => 106.685, height_P5 => 107.847, height_P50 => 115.951, height_P75 => 119.274, height_P85 => 121.057, height_P90 => 122.265, height_P95 => 124.055, height_P97 => 125.217, height_P99 => 127.412, height_P999 => 131.176, height_percentile => 0.404622741764081, height_potential => 155.876968650372, height_potential_SD0 => 176.543, height_SD0 => 115.951, height_SD1 => 120.878, height_SD1neg => 111.024, height_SD2 => 125.804, height_SD2neg => 106.097, height_SD3 => 130.731, height_SD3neg => 101.171, height_SD4 => 135.658, height_SD4neg => 96.244, height_zscore => -2.83170929760455, weight_mean => 20.514, weight_P01 => 13.913, weight_P1 => 15.248, weight_P10 => 17.361, weight_P15 => 17.912, weight_P25 => 18.768, weight_P3 => 16.105, weight_P5 => 16.585, weight_P50 => 20.514, weight_P75 => 22.48, weight_P85 => 23.637, weight_P90 => 24.467, weight_P95 => 25.767, weight_P97 => 26.661, weight_P99 => 28.464, weight_P999 => 31.948, weight_percentile => 7.67396907216494, weight_SD0 => 20.514, weight_SD1 => 23.517, weight_SD1neg => 17.996, weight_SD2 => 27.129, weight_SD2neg => 15.87, weight_SD3 => 31.508, weight_SD3neg => 14.063, weight_SD4 => 35.888, weight_SD4neg => 12.256, weight_zscore => -1.46848541862653, }, { "func.raw_weight" => [ 72, -0.318, 20.5137, 0.13372, 13.913, 15.248, 16.105, 16.585, 17.361, 17.912, 18.768, 20.514, 22.48, 23.637, 24.467, 25.767, 26.661, 28.464, 31.948, ], }, ]
Currently the z-zcore line values (e.g. height_Z1, height_Z-1, etc) are calculated using linear interpolation.
This function is not exported by default, but exportable.
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
age => duration
dob => date
gender* => str
height => float
Specify height to calculate percentile.
now => date
Assume now is this date, instead of current date.
weight => float
Specify weight to calculate percentile.
Returns an enveloped result (an array).
First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.
Return value: (any)
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When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
WHO::GrowthReference::GenChart uses this module to make growth charts.
For CLI frontends for this module and more, see App::WHOGrowthReferenceUtils.
Source data is from Note that CDC also publishes growth standards; I might write CDC::GrowthReference::Table too someday.
perlancar <>
This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2018 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.