WWW::PAUSE::Simple - An API for PAUSE


This document describes version 0.447 of WWW::PAUSE::Simple (from Perl distribution WWW-PAUSE-Simple), released on 2020-02-18.



This module provides several functions for performing common tasks on PAUSE. There is also a CLI script pause distributed separately in App::pause.




delete_files(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

Delete files.

When a file is deleted, it is not immediately deleted but has scheduled_for_deletion status for 72 hours, then deleted. During that time, the file can be undeleted.

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

This function supports dry-run operation.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • files* => array[str]

    File names/wildcard patterns.

  • password => str

    PAUSE password.

    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

  • protect_files => array[str]

    Protect some files/wildcard patterns from delete/cleanup.

  • retries => int (default: 5)

    Number of retries when received 5xx HTTP error from server.

    The retry uses an exponential backoff strategy of delaying 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., 3600, 3600, ... seconds.

  • username => str


    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

Special arguments:

  • -dry_run => bool

    Pass -dry_run=>1 to enable simulation mode.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

Return value: (any)



delete_old_releases(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

Delete older versions of distributions.

Developer releases will not be deleted.

To delete developer releases, you can use delete_files (rm), e.g. from the command line:

% pause rm 'My-Module-*TRIAL*'; # delete a dist's trial releases
% pause rm '*TRIAL*' '*_*'; # delete all files containing TRIAL or underscore

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

This function supports dry-run operation.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • detail => bool

    Whether to return detailed records.

  • num_keep => int (default: 1)

    Number of new versions (including newest) to keep.

    1 means to only keep the newest version, 2 means to keep the newest and the second newest, and so on.

  • password => str

    PAUSE password.

    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

  • protect_files => array[str]

    Protect some files/wildcard patterns from delete/cleanup.

  • retries => int (default: 5)

    Number of retries when received 5xx HTTP error from server.

    The retry uses an exponential backoff strategy of delaying 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., 3600, 3600, ... seconds.

  • username => str


    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

Special arguments:

  • -dry_run => bool

    Pass -dry_run=>1 to enable simulation mode.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

Return value: (any)



list_dists(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

List distributions.

Distribution names will be extracted from tarball/zip filenames.

Unknown/unparseable filenames will be skipped.

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • detail => bool

    Whether to return detailed records.

  • newest => bool

    Only show newest non-dev version.

    Dev versions will be skipped.

  • newest_n => int

    Only show this number of newest non-dev versions.

    Dev versions will be skipped.

  • password => str

    PAUSE password.

    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

  • retries => int (default: 5)

    Number of retries when received 5xx HTTP error from server.

    The retry uses an exponential backoff strategy of delaying 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., 3600, 3600, ... seconds.

  • username => str


    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

Return value: (any)



list_files(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

List files.

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • del => bool

    Only list files which are scheduled for deletion.

  • detail => bool

    Whether to return detailed records.

  • files => array[str]

    File names/wildcard patterns.

  • mtime_max => date

  • mtime_min => date

  • password => str

    PAUSE password.

    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

  • retries => int (default: 5)

    Number of retries when received 5xx HTTP error from server.

    The retry uses an exponential backoff strategy of delaying 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., 3600, 3600, ... seconds.

  • size_max => uint

  • size_min => uint

  • username => str


    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

Return value: (any)



list_modules(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

List modules (permissions).

This function is not exported.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • detail => bool

    Whether to return detailed records.

  • modules => array[str]

    Module names/wildcard patterns.

  • password => str

    PAUSE password.

    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

  • retries => int (default: 5)

    Number of retries when received 5xx HTTP error from server.

    The retry uses an exponential backoff strategy of delaying 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., 3600, 3600, ... seconds.

  • type => str

    Only list modules matching certain type.

  • username => str


    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

Return value: (any)



reindex_files(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

Force reindexing.

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

This function supports dry-run operation.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • files* => array[str]

    File names/wildcard patterns.

  • password => str

    PAUSE password.

    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

  • retries => int (default: 5)

    Number of retries when received 5xx HTTP error from server.

    The retry uses an exponential backoff strategy of delaying 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., 3600, 3600, ... seconds.

  • username => str


    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

Special arguments:

  • -dry_run => bool

    Pass -dry_run=>1 to enable simulation mode.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

Return value: (any)



undelete_files(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

Undelete files.

When a file is deleted, it is not immediately deleted but has scheduled_for_deletion status for 72 hours, then deleted. During that time, the file can be undeleted.

This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

This function supports dry-run operation.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • files* => array[str]

    File names/wildcard patterns.

  • password => str

    PAUSE password.

    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

  • retries => int (default: 5)

    Number of retries when received 5xx HTTP error from server.

    The retry uses an exponential backoff strategy of delaying 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., 3600, 3600, ... seconds.

  • username => str


    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

Special arguments:

  • -dry_run => bool

    Pass -dry_run=>1 to enable simulation mode.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

Return value: (any)



upload_files(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

Upload file(s).

This function is not exported.

This function supports dry-run operation.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • delay => duration

    Pause a number of seconds between files.

    If you upload a lot of files (e.g. 7-10 or more) at a time, the PAUSE indexer currently might choke with SQLite database locking problem and thus fail to index your releases. Giving a delay of say 2-3 minutes (120-180 seconds) between files will alleviate this problem.

  • files* => array[str]

    File names/wildcard patterns.

  • password => str

    PAUSE password.

    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

  • retries => int (default: 5)

    Number of retries when received 5xx HTTP error from server.

    The retry uses an exponential backoff strategy of delaying 3, 6, 12, 24, ..., 3600, 3600, ... seconds.

  • subdir => str (default: "")

    Subdirectory to put the file(s) into.

  • username => str


    If unset, default value will be searched from ~/.pause. Encrypted .pause is not yet supported.

Special arguments:

  • -dry_run => bool

    Pass -dry_run=>1 to enable simulation mode.

Returns an enveloped result (an array).

First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

Return value: (any)


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


CPAN::Uploader which also does uploading from CLI.

WWW::PAUSE::CleanUpHomeDir which can clean old releases from your PAUSE account (CLI script is provided in example).

App::PAUSE::cleanup which also cleans old releases from your PAUSE account, with CLI included pause-cleanup.


perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.