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HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File - File Upload Constraint
Ensure the submitted value is a file upload.
This Constraint is not needed if you use any of the File::*
Constraints, as they all make the same check as this Constraint does.
This can only verify that your CGI backend (CGI, Catalyst, CGI::Simple) thinks it was a file upload. If the user submits a filename which doesn't exist on their system, you will probably get a valid HTML::FormFu::Upload object, with a valid filehandle, but no Content-Length. This Constraint would still see this as a valid uploaded file - if you want to ensure that you get a file with content, instead use HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::Size with min set to 1
Is a sub-class of, and inherits methods from HTML::FormFu::Constraint
Carl Franks, cfranks@cpan.org
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.