idl2soap - IDL compiler to WSDL/SOAP (Web Services Description Language)


idl2soap [options] spec.idl


All options are forwarded to C preprocessor, except -b -h -i -q -s -t -v -x.

With the GNU C Compatible Compiler Processor, useful options are :

-D name
-D name=definition
-I directory

Specific options :

-b base uri

Specify a base uri for location of import.


Display help.

-i directory

Specify a path for import (only for IDL version 3.0).


Generate qualified elements.

-s (xsd|rng)

Specify the schema used. By default xsd.


Generate tabulated XML (beautify for human).


Display version.


Enable export (only for IDL version 3.0).


idl2soap parses the given input file (IDL) and generates :

  • a WSDL file spec.wsdl following the CORBA to WSDL/SOAP Interworking Specification (WS-I comformant soap binding).

  • a WSDL binding file specbinding.wsdl (WS-I comformant soap binding).

idl2soap is a Perl OO application what uses the visitor design pattern. The parser is generated by Parse::Yapp.

idl2soap needs XML::DOM module.

idl2soap needs a cpp executable.

CORBA Specifications, including IDL (Interface Definition Language) and CORBA to WSDL/SOAP Interworking Specification are available on <>.

WSDL 1.1 (Web Services Description Language) specifications are available on <>.


cpp, perl, idl2html, idl2xsd, idl2rng, idl2wsdl


(c) 2003-2005 Francois PERRAD, France. All rights reserved.

This program and all CORBA::XMLSchemas modules are distributed under the terms of the Artistic Licence.


Francois PERRAD,