App::HWD - How We Doin', the task tracking tool


Version 0.10


This module is nothing more than a place-holder for the version info and the TODO list.


  • Better documentation

  • Samples so that prospective users can see what it will do.

  • Tutorial showing different commands and output

  • Add support for HWDFILE environment variable so those of us who are only ever using one file don't have to keep retyping the name all the time.

  • Make sure a rollup task has no hours, and that any task with no hours has tasks below it.

  • Add support for changing estimates on a task

  • Open tasks are doubling up if two people have it open.

  • Show task history

  • Show tasks that are too big.

  • Show tasks that have gone over

  • Weekly burndown

    The --burndown flag gives totals as they happen. I want them to give a Monday-morning total since I like to plot weekly, not daily.


These functions are used by hwd, but are kept here so I can easily test them.

get_tasks_and_work( @tasks )

Reads tasks and work, and applies the work to the tasks.

Returns references to @tasks, @work and %tasks_by_id.


Andy Lester, <andy at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-app-hwd at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Thanks to Neil Watkiss and Luke Closs for features and patches.


Copyright 2005 Andy Lester, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.