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# $Id:,v 1.14 2003/12/19 21:23:37 petdance Exp $
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
use vars qw(
@physical @content @core @i18n @events @std
%isRequired %isNonrepeatable %isObsolete
@EXPORT_OK = qw( %isKnownAttribute %isRequired %isNonrepeatable %isObsolete );
sub _hash(@) { my %hash; $hash{$_} = 1 for @_; return \%hash; }
@physical = qw( b big code i kbd s small strike sub sup tt u xmp );
@content = qw( abbr acronym cite code dfn em kbd samp strong var );
@core = qw( class id style title );
@i18n = qw( dir lang );
@events = qw( onclick ondblclick onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup );
@std = (@core,@i18n,@events);
%isRequired = %{_hash( qw( html body head title ) )};
%isNonrepeatable = %{_hash( qw( html head base title body isindex ))};
%isObsolete = %{_hash( qw( listing plaintext xmp ) )};
# Some day I might do something with these. For now, they're just comments.
sub _ie_only { return @_ };
sub _ns_only { return @_ };
%isKnownAttribute = (
# All the physical markup has the same
(map { $_=>_hash(@std) } (@physical, @content) ),
a => _hash( @std, qw( accesskey charset coords href hreflang name onblur onfocus rel rev shape tabindex target type ) ),
address => _hash( @std ),
applet => _hash( @std ),
area => _hash( @std, qw( accesskey alt coords href nohref onblur onfocus shape tabindex target ) ),
base => _hash( qw( href target ) ),
basefont => _hash( qw( color face id size ) ),
bdo => _hash( @core, @i18n ),
blockquote => _hash( @std, qw( cite ) ),
body => _hash( @std,
qw( alink background bgcolor link marginheight marginwidth onload onunload text vlink ),
_ie_only( qw( bgproperties leftmargin topmargin ) )
br => _hash( @core, qw( clear ) ),
button => _hash( @std, qw( accesskey disabled name onblur onfocus tabindex type value ) ),
caption => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
center => _hash( @std ),
cite => _hash(),
col => _hash( @std, qw( align char charoff span valign width ) ),
colgroup => _hash( @std, qw( align char charoff span valign width ) ),
del => _hash( @std, qw( cite datetime ) ),
div => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
dir => _hash( @std, qw( compact ) ),
dd => _hash( @std ),
dl => _hash( @std, qw( compact ) ),
dt => _hash( @std ),
fieldset => _hash( @std ),
font => _hash( @core, @i18n, qw( color face size ) ),
form => _hash( @std, qw( accept-charset action enctype method name onreset onsubmit target ) ),
frame => _hash( @core, qw( frameborder longdesc marginheight marginwidth name noresize scrolling src ) ),
frameset => _hash( @core, qw( cols onload onunload rows ) ),
h1 => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
h2 => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
h3 => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
h4 => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
h5 => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
h6 => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
head => _hash( @i18n, qw( profile ) ),
hr => _hash( @core, @events, qw( align noshade size width ) ),
html => _hash( @i18n, qw( version )),
iframe => _hash( @core, qw( align frameborder height longdesc marginheight marginwidth name scrolling src width ) ),
img => _hash( @std, qw( align alt border height hspace ismap longdesc name src usemap vspace width ) ),
input => _hash( @std, qw( accept accesskey align alt border checked disabled maxlength name onblur onchange onfocus onselect readonly size src tabindex type usemap value ) ),
ins => _hash( @std, qw( cite datetime ) ),
isindex => _hash( @core, @i18n, qw( prompt ) ),
label => _hash( @std, qw( accesskey for onblur onfocus ) ),
legend => _hash( @std, qw( accesskey align ) ),
li => _hash( @std, qw( type value ) ),
link => _hash( @std, qw( charset href hreflang media rel rev target type ) ),
listing => _hash(),
map => _hash( @std, qw( name ) ),
menu => _hash( @std, qw( compact ) ),
meta => _hash( @i18n, qw( content http-equiv name scheme ) ),
nobr => _hash( @std ),
noframes => _hash( @std ),
noscript => _hash( @std ),
object => _hash( @std, qw( align archive border classid codebase codetype data declare height hspace name standby tabindex type usemap vspace width )),
ol => _hash( @std, qw( compact start type ) ),
optgroup => _hash( @std, qw( disabled label ) ),
option => _hash( @std, qw( disabled label selected value ) ),
p => _hash( @std, qw( align ) ),
param => _hash( qw( id name type value valuetype ) ),
plaintext => _hash(),
pre => _hash( @std, qw( width ) ),
q => _hash( @std, qw( cite ) ),
script => _hash( qw( charset defer event for language src type ) ),
select => _hash( @std, qw( disabled multiple name onblur onchange onfocus size tabindex ) ),
span => _hash( @std ),
strong => _hash(),
style => _hash( @i18n, qw( media title type ) ),
table => _hash( @std,
qw( align bgcolor border cellpadding cellspacing datapagesize frame rules summary width ),
_ie_only( qw( background bordercolor bordercolordark bordercolorlight ) ),
_ns_only( qw( bordercolor cols height hspace vspace ) ),
tbody => _hash( @std, qw( align char charoff valign ) ),
td => _hash( @std,
qw( abbr align axis bgcolor char charoff colspan headers height nowrap rowspan scope valign width ),
_ie_only( qw( background bordercolor bordercolordark bordercolorlight ) ),
textarea => _hash( @std, qw( accesskey cols disabled name onblur onchange onfocus onselect readonly rows tabindex ) ),
th => _hash( @std,
qw( abbr align axis bgcolor char charoff colspan headers height nowrap rowspan scope valign width ),
_ie_only( qw( background bordercolor bordercolordark bordercolorlight ) ),
thead => _hash( @std, qw( align char charoff valign ) ),
tfoot => _hash( @std, qw( align char charoff valign ) ),
title => _hash( @i18n ),
tr => _hash( @std,
qw( align bgcolor char charoff valign ),
_ie_only( qw( bordercolor bordercolordark bordercolorlight nowrap ) ),
_ns_only( qw( nowrap ) ),
ul => _hash( @std, qw( compact type ) ),
=for oldobsoletestuffthatIwanttokeep
my %booger = (
'expectArgsRE' => 'A|FONT',
'requiredContext' =>
'AREA' => 'MAP',
'DD' => 'DL',
'DT' => 'DL',
'INPUT' => 'FORM',
'LABEL' => 'FORM',
'TD' => 'TR',
'TH' => 'TR',
'TR' => 'TABLE',
'okInHead' =>
'ISINDEX' => 1,
'TITLE' => 1,
'NEXTID' => 1,
'LINK' => 1,
'BASE' => 1,
'META' => 1,
'RANGE' => 1,
'STYLE' => 1,
'OBJECT' => 1,
'!--' => 1,
## elements which cannot be nested
'nonNest' => 'A|FORM',
'requiredAttributes' =>
AREA => 'ALT',
BDO => 'DIR',
MAP => 'NAME',
NEXTID => 'N',
'attributeFormat' =>
'ALINK' => 'color',
'BGCOLOR' => 'color',
'COLOR' => 'color',
'COLS', '\d+|(\d*[*%]?,)*\s*\d*[*%]?',
'COLSPAN', '\d+',
'DIR' => 'LTR|RTL',
'HEIGHT', '\d+',
'INDENT', '\d+',
'LINK' => 'color',
'MAXLENGTH', '\d+',
'ROWS', '\d+|(\d*[*%]?,)*\s*\d*[*%]?',
'ROWSPAN', '\d+',
'SEQNUM', '\d+',
'SIZE', '[-+]?\d+|\d+,\d+',
'SKIP', '\d+',
'VLINK' => 'color',
'WIDTH', '\d+%?',
'X', '\d+',
'Y', '\d+'
'badTextContext' =>
'HEAD', 'BODY, or TITLE perhaps',
'UL', 'LI or LH',
'OL', 'LI or LH',
'DL', 'DT or DD',
'TABLE', 'TD or TH',
'TR', 'TD or TH'
'bodyColorAttributes' =>
=head1 NAME -- Rules for HTML 4 as used by HTML::Lint.
No user serviceable parts inside. Used by HTML::Lint.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item HTML::Lint
=head1 AUTHOR
Andy Lester E<lt>andy@petdance.comE<gt>
Copyright (c) Andy Lester 2001. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.