MARC::Doc::Tutorial - A documention-only module for new users of MARC::Record


perldoc MARC::Doc::Tutorial


What is MARC?

The MAchine Readable Cataloging format was designed by the Library of Congress in the late 1960s in order to allow libraries to convert their card catalogs into a digital format. The advantages of having computerized card catalogs were soon realized, and now MARC is being used by all sorts of libraries around the world to provide computerized access to their collections. MARC data in transmission format is optimized for processing by computers, so it's not very readable for the normal human. For more about the MARC format visit the Library of Congress at

What is this Tutorial?

The document you are reading is a beginners guide to use Perl to processing MARC data, written in the 'cookbook' style. Inside you will find recipes on how to read, write, update and convert MARC data using the MARC::Record CPAN package.

The document you are reading is distributed with the MARC::Record package, however in case you are reading it somewhere else you can find the latest version at CPAN

You'll notice that some sections aren't filled in yet, which is a result of this document being a work in progress. If you have ideas for new sections please let the make a suggestion on perl4lib

History of MARC on CPAN

In 1999 a group of developers began working on to provide a Perl module for working with MARC data. was quite successful since it grew to include many new options that were requested by the Perl/library community. However, in adding these features the module swiftly outgrew it's own clothes, and maintenance and addition of new features became extremely difficult.

In mid 2001 Andy Lester released MARC::Record and MARC::Field which provided a much more simpler and maintainable package for processing MARC data with Perl. Instead of forking the two projects the developers agreed to encourage use of the MARC::Record framework, and to work on enhancing MARC::Record rather than extending further.

Brief Overview of MARC classes

The MARC::Record package is made up of several separate packages. This can be somewhat confusing to people new to Perl, or Object Oriented Programming. However this framework allows easy extension, and is built to support new input/output formats as their need arises. For a good introduction to using the object oriented features of Perl see the perlboot documentation that came with your version of Perl:

perldoc perlboot

Here are the packages that get installed when you install the MARC::Record patch.


The primary class, which represents the data held in a MARC record. It is basically a container class for multiple MARC::Field objects.


An object for representing the indicators and subfields contained in a single MARC field.


A convenience class for accessing MARC data contained in an external file.


A superclass for representing files of MARC data.


A subclass of MARC::File for working with data encoded in the USMARC format.


A subclass of MARC::File for working with data encoded in the MicroLIF format.

Help Wanted!

It's already been mentioned but it's worth mentioning again: MARC::Doc::Tutorial is a work in progress, and you are encouraged to submit any suggestions for additional recipes via the perl4lib listserv . Also, the development group is always looking for additional developers with good ideas, if you are interested you can sign up at SourceForge


Reading a record from a file

Let's say you have a USMARC record in a file called 'file.dat' and you would like to read in the record and print out it's title.

 1   ## Example 1 
 3   ## create a MARC::FILE::USMARC object
 4   use MARC::File::USMARC;
 5   my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in('file.dat');
 7   ## get a marc record from the MARC::File object
 8   ## $record will be a MARC::Record object
 9   my $record = $file->next();
11   ## print the title contained in the record
12   print $record->title(),"\n";
14   ## we're done so close the file
15   $file->close();

Checking for errors

It is a good idea to get in the habit of checking for errors. MARC::* has been designed to help you do this. Here is example 1 rewritten to use the $MARC::File::ERROR and $MARC::Record::ERROR variables. To save space many of the examples in the cookbook will not do this error checking.

 1   ## Example 2 
 3   ## create a MARC::FILE::USMARC object
 4   use MARC::File::USMARC;
 5   my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in('file.dat');
 7   ## if $file isn't defined we had trouble with the file
 8   ## so exit
 9   if (not($file)) {
10     print $MARC::File::ERROR,"\n";
11     exit(0);
12   }
14   ## get a marc record from the MARC::File object
15   ## $record will be a MARC::Record object
16   my $record = $file->next();
18   ## if $record is not defined then we had trouble reading a record
19   if (not($record)) {
20     print $MARC::Record::ERROR,"\n";
21     exit(0);
22   }
24   ## print the title contained in the record
25   print $record->title(),"\n";
27   ## we're done so close the file
28   $file->close();

Lines 7-12 check to make sure that $file contains a valid MARC::File::USMARC object. If the call to MARC::File::USMARC->in() fails it will return undef and set the $MARC::File::ERROR variable to something meaningful. The same goes for lines 18-22 which check to see that valid record was obtained from the file.

Iterating through a batch file

Now imagine that 'file.dat' actually contains multiple records and we want to print out the title for all of them. Our program doesn't have to change very much at all: we just need to add a loop around our call to next().

 1   ## Example 3 
 3   ## create a MARC::File::USMARC object
 4   use MARC::File::USMARC;
 5   my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in('file.dat');
 7   ## if $file isn't defined we had trouble with the file
 8   ## so exit
 9   if (not($file)) {
10     print $MARC::File::ERROR,"\n";
11     exit(0);
12   }
14   while (my $record = $file->next()) {
16     ## print the title contained in the record
17     print $record->title(),"\n";
19   }
21   ## we're done so close the file
22   $file->close();

The call to the next() method at line 14 returns the next record from the file. next() returns undef when there are no more records left in the file, which causes the while loop to end. This is a useful idiom for reading in all the records in a file.

Looking at a field

Examples 1.1 - 1.3 use MARC::Record's title() method to easily access the 245 field...but you probably will want to write programs that access lots of other MARC fields.

MARC::Record's field() method gives you complete access the data found in any MARC field. The field() method returns a MARC::Field object which can be used to access the data, indicators, and even the individual subfields. Example 1.4 shows you how this is done.

 1   ## Example 4
 3   ## open a file
 4   use MARC::File::USMARC;
 5   my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in('file.dat');
 7   ## read a record
 8   my $record = $file->next();
10   ## get the record's 100 field as a MARC::Field object
11   my $field = $record->field('100'); 
12   print "The 100 field contains: ",$field->as_string(),"\n"; 
13   print "The 1st indicator is ",$field->indicator(1),"\n";
14   print "The 2nd indicator is ",$field->indicator(2),"\n";
15   print "Subfield d contains: ",$field->subfield('d'),"\n";

Looking at repeatable fields

So how do you retrieve data from repeatable fields? The field() method can help you with this as well. Above in example 1.4 on line 11 the field() method was used in a scalar context, since the result was being assigned to the variable $field.

However in a list context field() will return all the fields in the record of that particular type. For example:

 1   ## Example 5 
 3   use MARC::File::USMARC;
 4   my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in('file.dat');
 5   my $record = $file->next();
 7   ## get all the 650 fields (list context)
 8   my @fields = $record->field('650');
10   ## examine each 650 field and print it out
11   foreach my $field (@fields) {
12     print $field->as_string(),"\n";
13   }

field() also allows you to retrieve similar fields using 'X' as a wildcard. For example, this functionality allows you to retrieve all the note fields in one shot.

1   ## Example 6
3   use MARC::File::USMARC;
4   my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in('file.dat');
5   my $record = $file->next();
7   foreach my $field ($record->field('5XX')) {
8     print $field->tag(),' contains ',$field->as_string(),"\n";
9   }

Notice the shorthand in line 7 which compacts lines 7-13 of Example 1.5. Instead of storing the fields in an array, the field() still returns a list in the for loop. Line 8 uses the tag() method which returns the tag number for a particular MARC field--which is useful when you aren't certain what tag you are dealing with.

Looking at all the fields in a record

The last example in this section illustrates how to retrieve all the fields in a record using the fields() method.

 1   ## Example 7
 3   use MARC::File::USMARC;
 4   my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in('file.dat');
 5   my $record = $file->next();
 7   ## get all of the fields useing the fields() method
 8   my @fields = $record->fields();
10   ## print out the tag, the indicators and the field contents
11   foreach my $field (@fields) {
12     print 
13       $field->tag(), " ", 
14       $field->indicator(1),
15       $field->indicator(2), " ",
16       $field->as_string, " ",
17       "\n";
18   }


The examples in the section 1 covered how to read in existing USMARC data in a file. Section 2 will show you how to create a MARC record from scratch. The techniques in this section would allow you to write programs that create MARC records that could then be loaded into an online catalog, or sent to a third party.

Creating a record (pt. 1)

To create a record you need to:

  1. Create a MARC::Record object.

  2. Add a leader to the record.

  3. Create MARC::Field objects for each field you want to have in the record.

  4. Add each of the MARC::Field objects to the MARC::Record object.

For example:

 1   ## Example 8 
 3   ## create a MARC::Record object
 4   use MARC::Record;
 5   my $record = MARC::Record->new();
 7   ## add the leader to the record 
 8   $record->leader('00903pam   2200265 a 4500');
10   ## create an author field 
11   my $author = MARC::Field->new(
12     '100',1,'',
13       a => 'Logan, Robert K.',
14       d => '1939-'
15     );
17   ## create a title field
18   my $title = MARC::Field->new(
19     '245','1','4',
20       a => 'The alphabet effect /',
21       c => 'Robert K. Logan.'
22     );
24   ## now add the fields to the record
25   $record->add_fields($author,$title);

Creating a record (pt. 2)

MARC::Record has some shortcuts to make it possible to add fields without having to create separate MARC::Field objects for each field.

 1   ## Example 9 
 3   ## create MARC::Record object
 4   use MARC::Record;
 5   my $record = MARC::Record->new();
 7   ## add the leader to the record
 8   $record->leader('00903pam  2200265 a 4500');
10   ## add the author
11   $record->add_fields(
12     '100',1,'',
13       a => 'Logan, Robert K.',
14       d => '1939-'
15     );
17   ## add the title
18   $record->add_fields(
19     '245','1','4',
20       a => 'The alphabet effect /',
21       c => 'Robert K. Logan.'
22     );

Notice how MARC::Field objects ($author and $title in Example 2.1) are not created?

Creating a record (pt. 3)

add_fields() supports another short cut which allows you to add all the fields in one fell swoop.

 1   ## Example 10 
 3   ## create MARC object
 4   use MARC::Record;
 5   my $record = MARC::Record->new();
 7   ## add the leader to the record
 8   $record->leader('00903pam  2200265 a 4500');
10   ## now add all the fields
11   $record->add_fields(
12     [ '100','1','', a =>'Logan, Robert K.', d=>'1939-' ],
13     [ '245','1','4', a=>'The alphabet effect /', c=>'Robert K. Logan.' ]
14     );

The three idioms for adding fields to a record all have the exact same effect. If you find one more readable or understandable than the other then use it with abandon!

Creating a record from raw MARC data in a variable

The above examples illustrated how to create a record from MARC data stored on disk. However you may have the raw USMARC data stored in a variable and want to create a MARC::Record from it. This situation can arise when you are able to pull the MARC data out of a database, or using some input method other that the filesystem. If you ever find yourself in this position take a look at MARC::Record's new_from_usmarc() method which allows you to create a MARC::Record object from the USMARC data stored in a variable.


Sections 1 and 2 showed how to read and create USMARC data. Once you know how to read and create it becomes important to know how to write the USMARC data to disk in order to save your work. In this example we will create a new record and save it to a file called 'record.dat'.

Writing records to a file

 1   ## Example 11 
 3   ## create MARC object
 4   use MARC::Record;
 5   my $record = MARC::Record->new();
 6   $record->leader('00903pam  2200265 a 4500');
 7   $record->add_fields(
 8     [ '100','1','', a=>'Logan, Robert K.', d=>'1939-' ],
 9     [ '245','1','4', a=>'The alphabet effect /', c=>'Robert K. Logan.' ]
10     );
12   ## open a filehandle to write to 'file.dat'
13   open(OUTPUT, '> record.dat');
14   print OUTPUT $record->as_usmarc();
15   close(OUTPUT);

The as_usmarc() method call at line 14 returns a scalar value which is the raw USMARC data for $record. The raw data is then promptly printed to the OUTPUT file handle. If you want to output multiple records to a file you could simply repeat the process at line 14 for the additional records.

Note to the curious: the as_usmarc() method is actually an alias to the MARC::File::USMARC::encode() method. Having separate encode() methods is a design feature of the MARC class hierarchy since it allows extensions to be built that translate MARC::Record objects into different data formats. More about this later in HACKING & EXTENDING.

Debugging with as_formatted()

Since raw USMARC data isn't very easy for humans to read, it is often useful to be able to see the contents of your MARC::Record object represented in a 'pretty' way for debugging purposes. If you have MARC::Record object you'd like to pretty-print use the as_formatted() method.

 1   ## Example 12
 3   ## create MARC object
 4   use MARC::Record;
 5   my $record = MARC::Record->new();
 6   $record->leader('00903pam  2200265 a 4500');
 7   $record->add_fields(
 8     [ '100','1','', a=>'Logan, Robert K.', d=>'1939-' ],
 9     [ '245','1','4', a=>'The alphabet effect /', c=>'Robert K. Logan.' ]
10     );
12   ## pretty print the record
13   print $record->as_formatted();

Unlike in Example 3.1 this code will pretty print the contents of the newly created record to the screen.

Debugging with marcdump()

If you have written USMARC data to a file as in example 3.1 and you would like to verify that the data is stored correctly you can use the marcdump command line utility that was installed when you installed the MARC::Record package.

 % marcdump record.dat
 LDR 00122pam  2200049 a 4500
 100 1  _aLogan, Robert K.
 245 14 _aThe alphabet effect /
        _cRobert K. Logan.

  Recs  Errs Filename
 ----- ----- --------
     1     0 record.dat

As you can see this command results in the record being pretty printed to your screen (STDOUT). It is useful for verifying your USMARC data after it has been stored on disk. More details about debugging are found later in VALIDATING.


Now that you know how to read, write and create MARC data you have the tools you need to update or edit exiting MARC data. Updating MARC data is a common task for library catalogers. Sometimes there are huge amounts of records that need to be touched up...and while the touch ups are very detail oriented they are also highly repetitive. Luckily computers are tireless, and not very prone to error (assuming the programmer isn't). 5B

When libraries receive large batches of MARC records for electronic text collections such as NetLibrary, Making of America, or microfiche sets such as Early American Imprints the records are often loaded into an online system, and then the system is used to update the records. Unfortunately not all these systems are created equal, and catalogers have to spend a great deal of time touching up each individual record. An alternative would be to process the records prior to import, and then once in the system the records would not need touching up. This scenario would save a great deal of time for the cataloger who would be liberated to spend their time doing original cataloging...which computers are notably bad at!

Adding a field

Imagine that you have a batch of records in a file called 'file.dat' and that you would like to add a local note to (590) to each record and save it as 'file_2.dat'.

 1   ## Example 13 
 3   ## create our MARC::Batch object
 4   use MARC::Batch;
 5   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
 7   ## open a file handle to write to
 8   open(OUT,'>new.dat');
10   ## read in each record 
11   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
13     ## add the note
14     $record->add_fields(
15       '590','','',
16         a => 'Access provided by Enron.'
17       );
19     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
21   }
23   close(OUT);

Notice on lines 2-3 how MARC::Batch is used instead of MARC::File::USMARC. MARC::Batch provides an alternate way of reading records from files, and provides a uniform interface to the different MARC::File modules.

Deleting a field

You can also delete fields that you don't want. But you will want to check that the field contains what you expect before deleting it. Let's say Enron has gone out of busines and the 590 field needs to be deleted.

 1   ## Example 14 
 3   use MARC::Batch;
 4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','new.dat');
 5   open(OUT,'>newer.dat');
 7   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
 9     ## get the 590 record
10     my $field = $record->field('590');
12     ## if there is a 590 field AND it has the word Enron in it
13     if ($field and $field->as_string() =~ /Enron/i) {
15       ## delete it!
16       $record->delete_field($field);
18     }
20     ## output possibly modified record to our new file
21     print OUT $record->as_usmarc(); 
23   }

The 590 field is retrieved on line 8; but notice how we check that we actually got a 590 field in $field, and that it contains the word 'Enron' before we delete it. You need to pass delete_field() a MARC::Field object that can be retrieved with the field() method.

Changing existing fields

Perhaps rather than adding or deleting a field you need to modify an existing field. This is achieved in several steps:

  1. Read in the MARC record that you want to update.

  2. Retrieve the field you want to update.

  3. Call the field's update() method or replace_with() method to modify the contents of the field.

  4. Save the record.

Below is an example of updating any existing 590 field's containing the word 'enron' to indicate that access is now provided through Arthur Andersen.

 1   ## Example 15
 3   use MARC::Batch;
 4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','new.dat');
 5   open(OUT,'>newer.dat');
 7   while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
 9     ## look for and a 590 field containing 'enron'
10     my $field = $record->field('590');
11     if ( $field and $field->as_string =~ /enron/i ) {
13       ## create a new 590 field
14       my $new_field = MARC::Field->new(
15         '590','','',
16           a => 'Access provided by Arthur Andersen.'
17         );
19       ## replace existing 590 field with the our new one
20       $field->replace_with($new_field);
22     }
24     ## print out our (possibly) modified record
25     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
27   }

In this example we used MARC::Field's method replace_with() to replace an existing field in the record with a new field that we created. To use replace_with() you need to retrieve the field you want to replace from a MARC::Record object (line 7), create a new field to replace the existing one with (lines 13-17), and then call the existing field's replace_with() method passing the new field as an argument (lines 19-20). You must pass replace_with() a valid MARC::Field object for things to work.

Updating subfields and indicators

If you'd rather not replace an existing field with a new one, you can also edit the contents of the field itself using the update() method. Let's say you've got a batch of records and you want to make sure that the 2nd indicator for the 245 field is properly set for titles that begin with 'The'. The 2nd indicator should be '4' for titles beginning with 'The'.

 1   ## Example 16
 3   use MARC::Batch;
 4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
 5   open(OUT,'>new.dat');
 7   while (my $record = $batch->next()) {
 9     ## retrieve the 245 record
10     my $field_245 = $record->field('245');
12     ## if we got the 245 and it starts with 'The'
13     if ($field_245 and $field_245->as_string() =~ /^The /) {
15       ## if the 2nd indicator isn't 4 we need to update
16       if ($field_245->indicator(2) != 4) { 
17        $field_245->update( ind2 => 4 );
18       }
20     }
22     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
24   }

The call to update() at line 17 sets the second indicator of the existing 245 field to 4. In a simliar fashion you can also update individual or multiple subfields.

$field_245->update( a => 'History of the World :', b => 'part 1' );

But beware, you can only update the first occurrence of a subfield using update(). If you need to do more finer grained updates you are advised to build a new field and replace the existing field with replace_with().

Changing a record's leader

This procedure works for fields, but editing the leader requires that you use the leader() method. When called with no arguments leader() will return the current leader, and when you pass a scalar value as an argument the leader will be set to this value. This example shows how you might want to update position 6 of a records leader to reflect that the record is for a computer file.

 1   ## Example 17
 3   use MARC::Batch;
 4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
 5   open(OUT,'>new.dat');
 6   my $record = $batch->next();
 8   ## get the current leader
 9   my $leader = $record->leader();
11   ## replace what is in position 6 with 'm'
12   substr($leader,6,1) = 'm'; 
14   ## update the leader
15   $record->leader($leader);
17   ## save the record to a file
18   print OUT $record->as_usmarc();

Modifying tags without indicators

MARC::Record and MARC::Field are smart and know that you don't have field indicators with tags less than 010. Here's an example of updating/adding an 005 field to indicate a new transaction time. For a little pizzazz we use Perl's localtime() to generate the data we need for this field.

 1   ## Example 18
 3   use MARC::Batch;
 4   my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC','file.dat');
 5   open(OUT,'>new.dat');
 7   while (my $record = $batch->next() ) {
 9     ## see if there is a 005 field 
10     my $field_005 = $record->field('005');
12     ## delete it if we found it
13     $record->delete_field($field_005) if $field_005;
15     ## figure out the contents of our new 005 field
16     my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime();
17     $year += 1900;
18     $mon += 1;
19     my $datetime = sprintf("%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.0",
20       $year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec); 
22     ## create a new 005 field using our new datetime
23     $record->add_fields('005',$datetime);
25     ## save record to a file
26     print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
28   }


Finding particular records

Removing particular records from a batch

Outputting specific information from a batch

Comparing collections of records


using MARC::Record::ERROR

using MARC::Lint

extending MARC::Lint





Call numbers

Subject headings






