Changes for version 1.11
- Added a 99.pod.t to check pod
- insert_fields_before(), insert_fields_after(), appned_fields(), and insert_grouped_fields() now call croak() instead of _gripe in order to help MARC::Record users to locate where their call is failing. Thanks to Jackie Shieh for pointing this out.
- MARC::Batch is now fault tolerant, in that it will store warnings about file format problems, but will not bomb out. The method MARC::Batch::warnings() can be used to get info about what went wrong while reading a record, and users can determine what to do. Thanks to Betsy Earl for solidifying the need for this.
A documentation-only module for new users of MARC::Record
MARC record dump utility
MARC record dump utility
Perl module for handling files of MARC::Record objects
Perl extension for handling MARC fields
Base class for files of MARC records
MicroLIF-specific file handling
USMARC-specific file handling
Perl extension for checking validity of MARC records
Perl extension for handling MARC records