Changes for version 1.39_01 - 2004-07-26
- Support for UTF8 in Perls >= 5.8.1. When using a utf8 friendly Perl all file streams will be opened in utf8 mode, and the bytes pragma will be used to create and use direcotry byte offsets.
- Added MARC::File::Utils which contains utf8 safe functions.
- marcdump now sets STDOUT to utf8 if it is able to.
- t/utf8.t is no longer skipped.
- removed redundant record length check in MARC::File::USMARC::_next() and adjusted tests in t/75.warnings.t
- All tests run under -T.
MARC record dump utility
MARC record dump utility
A documentation-only module for new users of MARC::Record
Perl module for handling files of MARC::Record objects
Perl extension for handling MARC fields
Base class for files of MARC records
MicroLIF-specific file handling
USMARC-specific file handling
Perl extension for checking validity of MARC records
Perl extension for handling MARC records
in lib/MARC/File/