Changes for version 1.11_02 - 2013-11-03

    • Added Bangs::ProhibitUselessTopic to warn against constructs like:
      • $_ =~ /foo/
    • or my $size = -s $_;
    • where the $_ is unnecessary.

Changes for version 1.11_01 - 2013-06-24

    • The Bangs::ProhibitVagueNames and Bangs::ProhibitNumberedNames policies have been updated in much the same way:
    • They now check names of subroutines as well as variables.
    • Their checks are now case-insensitive.
    • They only check variables or subroutines that you declare. They will no longer complain if you are forced to use someone else's poorly-named variable.
    • NOTE: The functionality of checking subroutines is experimental. If it causes too many problems, I may remove it, or make it its own policy.
    • Added more documentation about how ProhibitNumberedNames does its matching. There was nothing in there that said that if "utf8" was an exception that "foo_utf8" would pass cleanly.


A collection of handy Perl::Critic policies
Bitwise operators are usually accidentally used instead of logical boolean operators.
Commented-out code is usually noise. It should be removed.
Prohibit loading of debugging modules like Data::Dumper
Don't use XXX, TODO, or FIXME.
Know what you're going to test.
Prohibit variables and subroutines with names that end in digits.
Create a clone() method if you need copies of objects.
Adding modifiers to a regular expression made up entirely of a variable created with qr() is usually not doing what you expect.
Explicitly checking a regex against $_ is unnecessary
Don't use generic variable and subroutine names.