Changes for version 2.47_01 - 2005-02-21

    • Fixed a problem submitted by Craig Berry:
      • Several of the Test::Harness tests now fail on VMS with the following warning:
      • Can't find string terminator "]" anywhere before EOF at -e line 1.
      • The problem is that when a command is piped to the shell and that command has a newline character embedded in it, the part after the newline is invisible to the shell. The patch below corrects that by escaping the newline so it is not subject to variable interpolation until it gets to the child's Perl one-liner.
    • Test::Harness::Straps now has diagnostic gathering without changing how tests are run. It also adds these messages by default. Note that the new method, _is_diagnostic(), is for internal use only. It may change soon. Thanks to chromatic.
    • Expanded Test::Harness::TAP.pod, and added examples.
    • Fixed a crucial documentation typo in Test::Harness::Straps.


A command-line tool for running tests against Test::Harness
Documentation for the TAP format


Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
simple assert
Internal Test::Harness Iterator
detailed analysis of test results


in lib/Test/Harness/
in lib/Test/Harness/