Test::Pod::Coverage - Check for pod coverage in your distribution.


Version 1.00

$Header: /home/cvs/test-pod-coverage/,v 1.19 2004/04/29 05:01:23 andy Exp $


Checks for POD coverage in files for your distribution.

use Test::Pod::Coverage tests=>1;
pod_coverage_ok( "Foo::Bar", "Foo::Bar is covered" );

Can also be called with Pod::Coverage parms.

use Test::Pod::Coverage tests=>1;
    { also_private => [ qr/^[A-Z_]+$/ ], },
    "Foo::Bar, with all-caps functions as privates",

The Pod::Coverage parms are also useful for subclasses that don't re-document the parent class's methods. Here's an example from Mail::SRS.

pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS" ); # No exceptions

# Define the three overridden methods.
my $trustme = { trustme => [qr/^(new|parse|compile)$/] };
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS::DB", $trustme );
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS::Guarded", $trustme );
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS::Reversable", $trustme );
pod_coverage_ok( "Mail::SRS::Shortcut", $trustme );

If you want POD coverage for your module, but don't want to make Test::Pod::Coverage a prerequisite for installing, create the following as your t/pod-coverage.t file:

use Test::More;
eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage required for testing pod coverage" if $@;

plan tests => 1;
pod_coverage_ok( "Pod::Master::Html");

Finally, Module authors can include the following in a t/pod-coverage.t file and have Test::Pod::Coverage automatically find and check all modules in the module distribution:

use Test::More;
eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00 required for testing POD coverage" if $@;


all_pod_coverage_ok( [$parms, ] $msg )

Checks that the POD code in all modules in the distro have proper POD coverage.

If the $parms hashref if passed in, they're passed into the Pod::Coverage object that the function uses. Check the Pod::Coverage manual for what those can be.

pod_coverage_ok( $module, [$parms, ] $msg )

Checks that the POD code in $module has proper POD coverage.

If the $parms hashref if passed in, they're passed into the Pod::Coverage object that the function uses. Check the Pod::Coverage manual for what those can be.

all_modules( [@dirs] )

Returns a list of all modules in $dir and in directories below. If no directories are passed, it defaults to "blib".

Note that the modules are as "Foo::Bar", not "Foo/".

The order of the files returned is machine-dependent. If you want them sorted, you'll have to sort them yourself.


Written by Andy Lester, <>.


Copyright 2004, Andy Lester, All Rights Reserved.

You may use, modify, and distribute this package under the same terms as Perl itself.