JQuery::Taconite - an Ajax interface
Version 1.00
JQuery::Treeview shows a information as a tree.
use JQuery;
use JQuery::Treeview;
my $list =<<EOD;
folder 1(fc)
file 1.1
file 1.2
file 1.3
folder 1.2(f)
file 2.1
file 2.2
file 2.3
folder 1.3(fc)
folder 1.4(f)
file 1.4
folder 2(f)
file 2.1
folder 3(f)
my $tree = JQuery::Treeview->new(list => $list,
id => 'mytree',
separator => "/",
addToJQuery => $jquery,
treeControlId => 'myTreeControl',
treeControlText => ['Collapse All','Expand All','Toggle All'],
defaultState => 'open',
highlightNodes => 1,
highlightLeaves => 1,
highlightUnderline => 1,
type => 'directory',
rm => 'MyTreeView',
debug => 0,
remoteProgram => '/cgi-bin/') ;
my $htmlControl = $tree->HTMLControl ;
my $html = $tree->HTML ;
Treeview shows data in a tree format. For an example see
The simplest way to present the data is in the format shown above. Each indentation represents another level. The letters in brackets stand for
- f
A folder or node
- c
The node is initially closed
- o
The node is initially open
(Putting all this information in a Perl array with embedded hashes is possible, but really ugly, and hard to debug visually. I tried, but didn't like the result.)
The other parameters are:
- list
The list in the format show above
- id
The css id of the element
- separator
When an item is pressed, the it and all ancestors are concatenated and sent to the calling program. The item called 'data' contains just the data as shown at the leaf or node. 'data1' gives the whole path, each element being separated by the separator.
In other words, you might get data=myfile, and data1=dir/dir1/dir2/myfile
- addToJQuery
The JQuery container
- treeControlId
The id of a control element. JQuery::Treeview can generate the control HTML, which is just a set of links allowing the user to manipulate the tree. The user can collapse all, expand all, and toggle all.
- treeControlText
These are the text items needed for the treeControlId
- defaultState
The default state of the tree, either open or closed.
- highlightNodes
If highlightNodes is set, then nodes will be underlined
- highlightLeaves
If highlightLeaves is set, then the leaves will be underlined
- type
If type is 'directory', the folder and file icons will be used in the display. If the type is gray, red or black no icons are used.
- rm
This is the runmode to be used when running an external program
- remoteProgram
This is the name of the remote program to be used when an item is pressed.
- new
Instantiate the object.
Produce the HTML code
- HTMLControl
Produce the HTML code for the control
Peter Gordon, <peter at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-jquery-taconite at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc JQuery
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Copyright 2007 Peter Gordon, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.