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# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
# (C) Paul Evans, 2013-2015 -- leonerd@leonerd.org.uk
use Object::Pad 0.09;
class Tickit::Widget::GridBox 0.29
extends Tickit::ContainerWidget;
use Carp;
use Tickit::Utils 0.29 qw( distribute );
use List::Util qw( sum max );
=head1 NAME
C<Tickit::Widget::GridBox> - lay out a set of child widgets in a grid
use Tickit;
use Tickit::Widget::GridBox;
use Tickit::Widget::Static;
my $gridbox = Tickit::Widget::GridBox->new(
style => {
col_spacing => 2,
row_spacing => 1,
children => [
[ Tickit::Widget::Static->new( text => "top left" ),
Tickit::Widget::Static->new( text => "top right" ) ],
[ Tickit::Widget::Static->new( text => "bottom left" ),
Tickit::Widget::Static->new( text => "bottom right" ) ],
Tickit->new( root => $gridbox )->run;
This container widget holds a set of child widgets distributed in a regular
grid shape across rows and columns.
=head1 STYLE
The default style pen is used as the widget pen.
The following style keys are used:
=over 4
=item col_spacing => INT
The number of columns of spacing between columns
=item row_spacing => INT
The number of rows of spacing between rows
style_definition base =>
row_spacing => 0,
col_spacing => 0;
style_reshape_keys qw( row_spacing col_spacing );
use constant WIDGET_PEN_FROM_STYLE => 1;
=head2 $gridbox = Tickit::Widget::GridBox->new( %args )
Constructs a new C<Tickit::Widget::GridBox> object.
Takes the following named arguments:
=over 8
=item children => ARRAY[ARRAY[Tickit::Widget]]
Optional. If present, should be a 2D ARRAYref of ARRAYrefs containing the
C<Tickit::Widget> children to display in the grid. They are all added with no
additional options.
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
exists $args{$_} and $args{style}{$_} = delete $args{$_} for qw( row_spacing col_spacing );
my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %args );
$self->{grid} = [];
$self->{max_col} = -1;
if( my $children = $args{children} ) {
foreach my $row ( 0 .. $#$children ) {
foreach my $col ( 0 .. $#{ $children->[$row] } ) {
$self->add( $row, $col, $children->[$row][$col] );
return $self;
sub lines
my $self = shift;
my $row_spacing = $self->get_style_values( "row_spacing" );
my $max_row = $#{$self->{grid}};
my $max_col = $self->{max_col};
return ( sum( map {
my $r = $_;
max map {
my $c = $_;
my $child = $self->{grid}[$r][$c];
$child ? $child->requested_lines : 0;
} 0 .. $max_col
} 0 .. $max_row ) ) +
$row_spacing * $max_row;
sub cols
my $self = shift;
my $col_spacing = $self->get_style_values( "col_spacing" );
my $max_row = $#{$self->{grid}};
my $max_col = $self->{max_col};
return ( sum( map {
my $c = $_;
max map {
my $r = $_;
my $child = $self->{grid}[$r][$c];
$child ? $child->requested_cols : 0;
} 0 .. $max_row
} 0 .. $max_col ) ) +
$col_spacing * $max_col;
sub children
my $self = shift;
my $grid = $self->{grid};
map {
my $r = $_;
map {
$grid->[$r][$_] ? ( $grid->[$r][$_] ) : ()
} 0 .. $self->{max_col}
} 0.. $#$grid;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 $count = $gridbox->rowcount
=head2 $count = $gridbox->colcount
Returns the number of rows or columns in the grid.
sub rowcount
my $self = shift;
return scalar @{ $self->{grid} }
sub colcount
my $self = shift;
return $self->{max_col} + 1;
=head2 $gridbox->add( $row, $col, $child, %opts )
Sets the child widget to display in the given grid cell. Cells do not need to
be explicitly constructed; the grid will automatically expand to the size
required. This method can also be used to replace an existing child at the
given cell location. To remove a cell entirely, use the C<remove> method.
The following options are recognised:
=over 8
=item col_expand => INT
=item row_expand => INT
Values for the C<expand> setting for this column or row of the table. The
largest C<expand> setting for any cell in a given column or row sets the value
used to distribute space to that column or row.
sub add
my $self = shift;
my ( $row, $col, $child, %opts ) = @_;
if( my $old_child = $self->{grid}[$row][$col] ) {
$self->SUPER::remove( $old_child );
$self->{max_col} = $col if $col > $self->{max_col};
$self->{grid}[$row][$col] = $child;
$self->SUPER::add( $child,
col_expand => $opts{col_expand} || 0,
row_expand => $opts{row_expand} || 0,
=head2 $gridbox->remove( $row, $col )
Removes the child widget on display in the given cell. May shrink the grid if
this was the last child widget in the given row or column.
sub remove
my $self = shift;
my ( $row, $col ) = @_;
my $grid = $self->{grid};
my $child = $grid->[$row][$col];
undef $grid->[$row][$col];
# Tidy up the row
my $max_col = 0;
foreach my $col ( reverse 0 .. $#{ $grid->[$row] } ) {
next if !defined $grid->[$row][$col];
$max_col = $col+1;
splice @{ $grid->[$row] }, $max_col;
# Tidy up the grid
my $max_row = 0;
foreach my $row ( reverse 0 .. $#$grid ) {
next if !defined $grid->[$row] or !@{ $grid->[$row] };
$max_row = $row+1;
splice @$grid, $max_row;
$self->{max_col} = max map { $_ ? $#$_ : 0 } @$grid;
my $childrect = $child->window ? $child->window->rect : undef;
$self->SUPER::remove( $child );
$self->window->expose( $childrect ) if $childrect;
=head2 $child = $gridbox->get( $row, $col )
Returns the child widget at the given cell in the grid. If the row or column
index are beyond the bounds of the grid, or if there is no widget in the given
cell, returns C<undef>.
sub get
my $self = shift;
my ( $row, $col ) = @_;
return undef if $row >= @{ $self->{grid} };
return $self->{grid}[$row][$col];
=head2 @children = $gridbox->get_row( $row )
=head2 @children = $gridbox->get_col( $col )
Convenient shortcut to call C<get> on an entire row or column of the grid.
sub get_row
my $self = shift;
my ( $row ) = @_;
return map { $self->get( $row, $_ ) } 0 .. $self->colcount - 1;
sub get_col
my $self = shift;
my ( $col ) = @_;
return map { $self->get( $_, $col ) } 0 .. $self->rowcount - 1;
=head2 $gridbox->insert_row( $before_row, [ @children ] )
Inserts a new row into the grid by moving the existing rows after it lower
down. Any child widgets in the referenced array will be set on the cells of
the new row, at an column corresponding to its index in the array. A child of
C<undef> will be skipped over.
sub insert_row
my $self = shift;
my ( $row, $children ) = @_;
splice @{ $self->{grid} }, $row, 0, [];
foreach my $col ( 0 .. $#$children ) {
next unless my $child = $children->[$col];
$self->add( $row, $col, $child ); # No options
=head2 $gridbox->insert_col( $before_col, [ @children ] )
Inserts a new column into the grid by moving the existing columns after it to
the right. Any child widgets in the referenced array will be set on the cells
of the new column, at a row corresponding to its index in the array. A child
of C<undef> will be skipped over.
sub insert_col
my $self = shift;
my ( $col, $children ) = @_;
my $grid = $self->{grid};
foreach my $row ( 0 .. max( $self->rowcount, scalar @$children ) - 1 ) {
splice @{ $grid->[$row] //= [ ( undef ) x $col ] }, $col, 0, ( undef );
next unless my $child = $children->[$row];
$self->add( $row, $col, $child ); # No options
=head2 $gridbox->append_row( [ @children ] )
Shortcut to inserting a new row after the end of the current grid.
sub append_row
my $self = shift;
$self->insert_row( $self->rowcount, @_ );
=head2 $gridbox->append_col( [ @children ] )
Shortcut to inserting a new column after the end of the current grid.
sub append_col
my $self = shift;
$self->insert_col( $self->colcount, @_ );
=head2 $gridbox->delete_row( $row )
Deletes a row of the grid by moving the existing rows after it higher up.
sub delete_row
my $self = shift;
my ( $row ) = @_;
$self->remove( $row, $_ ) for 0 .. $self->colcount - 1;
splice @{ $self->{grid} }, $row, 1, ();
=head2 $gridbox->delete_col( $col )
Deletes a column of the grid by moving the existing columns after it to the
sub delete_col
my $self = shift;
my ( $col ) = @_;
$self->remove( $_, $col ) for 0 .. $self->rowcount - 1;
splice @{ $self->{grid}[$_] }, $col, 1, () for 0 .. $self->rowcount - 1;
sub reshape
my $self = shift;
my $win = $self->window or return;
my @row_buckets;
my @col_buckets;
my $max_row = $self->rowcount - 1;
my $max_col = $self->colcount - 1;
my ( $row_spacing, $col_spacing ) = $self->get_style_values(qw( row_spacing col_spacing ));
foreach my $row ( 0 .. $max_row ) {
push @row_buckets, { fixed => $row_spacing } if @row_buckets;
my $base = 0;
my $expand = 0;
foreach my $col ( 0 .. $max_col ) {
my $child = $self->{grid}[$row][$col] or next;
$base = max $base, $child->requested_lines;
$expand = max $expand, $self->child_opts( $child )->{row_expand};
push @row_buckets, {
row => $row,
base => $base,
expand => $expand,
foreach my $col ( 0 .. $max_col ) {
push @col_buckets, { fixed => $col_spacing } if @col_buckets;
my $base = 0;
my $expand = 0;
foreach my $row ( 0 .. $max_row ) {
my $child = $self->{grid}[$row][$col] or next;
$base = max $base, $child->requested_cols;
$expand = max $expand, $self->child_opts( $child )->{col_expand};
push @col_buckets, {
col => $col,
base => $base,
expand => $expand,
distribute( $win->lines, @row_buckets );
distribute( $win->cols, @col_buckets );
my @rows;
foreach ( @row_buckets ) {
$rows[$_->{row}] = [ $_->{start}, $_->{value} ] if defined $_->{row};
my @cols;
foreach ( @col_buckets ) {
$cols[$_->{col}] = [ $_->{start}, $_->{value} ] if defined $_->{col};
foreach my $row ( 0 .. $max_row ) {
foreach my $col ( 0 .. $max_col ) {
my $child = $self->{grid}[$row][$col] or next;
# Don't try to use zero-sized rows or cols
next unless $rows[$row][1] and $cols[$col][1];
my @geom = ( $rows[$row][0], $cols[$col][0], $rows[$row][1], $cols[$col][1] );
if( my $childwin = $child->window ) {
$childwin->change_geometry( @geom );
else {
$childwin = $win->make_sub( @geom );
$child->set_window( $childwin );
sub render_to_rb
my $self = shift;
my ( $rb, $rect ) = @_;
$rb->eraserect( $rect );
=head1 TODO
=over 4
=item *
Add C<move_{row,col}> methods for re-ordering existing rows or columns
=item *
Make C<{insert,append,delete,move}> operations more efficient by deferring the
C<children_changed> call until they are done.
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>