eachperl - a wrapper script for iterating multiple perl binaries
$ eachperl exec -E 'say "Hello"'
--- perl5.30.0 ---
--- bleadperl ---
perl5.30.0 : 0
bleadperl : 0
This script iterates over a collection of multiple perl installations, allowing the same command to be invoked across each of them. The list of available perl binaries is given by a config file (see "CONFIG"). The main mode of operation is that each perl binary in turn is executed with supplied commandline arguments; though several other convenience commands are provided for common actions.
Prints a list of each configured perl binary and the detected version.
All configured versions are printed; the selected versions are prefixed by an asterisk.
$ eachperl --since 5.31 list
perl5.30.0: /usr/bin/perl5.30.0 (v5.30.0)
* bleadperl: /home/user/bin/bleadperl (v5.32.0)
The default command. Invokes each perl binary with the given arguments.
Afterwards a table of exit codes is printed, to summarize the run in case the output was long and scrolled away.
$ eachperl exec -E 'say $]'
--- perl5.30.0 ---
--- bleadperl ---
perl5.30.0 : 0
bleadperl : 0
The word exec
is optional if the commandline otherwise begins with a hyphenated option name - which it usually does for short one-line scripts with -M
or -E
$ eachperl -E 'say 1+2'
$ eachperl -MConfig -E 'say $Config{nvsize}'
A convenient wrapper for installing a module using CPAN.
$ eachperl install A::CPAN::Module
When the module name is exactly .
this command is an alias for install-local
Install the distribution in the current working directory by directly invoking the build script.
This command implies the --no-system-perl
A convenient wrapper for testing a module using CPAN.
$ eachperl test A::CPAN::Module
When the module name is exactly .
this command is an alias for test-local
Install the distribution in the current working directory by directly invoking the build script.
Builds and tests the distribution in the current working directory, then invokes perl on the remaining commandline. Remember to include -Mblib
to instruct the perl to use the newly-built code
$ eachperl build-then-perl -Mblib -MMy::Module -E'say My::Module::func()'
Prints the version of the named module.
$ eachperl modversion CPAN
perl5.30.0: 2.22
bleadperl: 2.27
Prints the path to the named module.
$ eachperl modpath CPAN
perl5.30.0: /usr/share/perl/5.30/
bleadperl: /home/user/perl5/perlbrew/perls/bleadperl/lib/5.32.0/
--since VER
Selects only perl versions that are at least as new as the requested version. Any perl binaries older than this will be skipped.
--until VER
Selects only perl versions that are at least as old as the requested version. Any perl binaries newer than this will be skipped.
Deselects the system perl version. The perl version matching the system version (or rather, the version running this script) is skipped.
Skip the Build test
or make test
step when building a local distribution.
The list of available perls is given by a config file, which is found in the user's home directory at $HOME/.eachperlrc. This should be a file in INI format.
In addition, a file of the same name can be placed at the current working directory (presumably the root directory of a project) to override any settings in the main file.
The following keys are recognised
A space-separated list of command names. Each should be searchable using $PATH
but need not be specified as a fully-qualified path.
perls = perl5.30.0 bleadperl
Default Commandline Options
Default values for the following commandline options can also be supplied:
since_version = 5.16
until_version = 5.30
Paul Evans <>