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Device::Chip::MAX11200 - chip driver for MAX11200


my $chip = Device::Chip::MAX11200->new;
$chip->mount( Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new )->get;
printf "The reading is %d\n", $chip->read_adc->get;


This Device::Chip subclass provides specific communications to a Maxim MAX11200 or MAX11210 chip.

The reader is presumed to be familiar with the general operation of this chip; the documentation here will not attempt to explain or define chip-specific concepts or features, only the use of this module to access them.


The following methods documented with a trailing call to ->get return Future instances.



Performs startup self-calibration by setting NOSCG and NOSCO to zero then requesting a calibration cycle.


$status = $chip->read_status->get

Returns a HASH reference containing the chip's current status.

RDY => 0 | 1
MSTAT => 0 | 1
UR => 0 | 1
OR => 0 | 1
RATE => 1 | 2.5 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 60 | 120
SYSOR => 0 | 1


$config = $chip->read_config->get

Returns a HASH reference containing the chip's current configuration.

SCYCLE => 0 | 1
SIGBUF => 0 | 1
REFBUF => 0 | 1
EXTCLK => 0 | 1
LINEF => "60Hz" | "50Hz"
NOSCO => 0 | 1
NOSCG => 0 | 1
NOSYSO => 0 | 1
NOSYSG => 0 | 1
DGAIN => 1 2 4 8 16 # only valid for the MAX11210


$chip->change_config( %changes )->get

Changes the configuration. Any field names not mentioned will be preserved at their existing values.



Requests the chip perform a self-calibration.



Requests the chip perform the offset part of system calibration.



Requests the chip perform the gain part of system calibration.


$chip->trigger( $rate )->get

Requests the chip perform a conversion of the input level, at the given rate (which must be one of the values specified for the RATE configuration option); defaulting to the value of "default_trigger_rate" if not defined. Once the conversion is complete it can be read using the read_adc method.


$rate = $chip->default_trigger_rate
$chip->default_trigger_rate = $new_rate

Lvalue accessor for the default trigger rate if "trigger" is invoked without one. Initialised to 120.


$value = $chip->read_adc->get

Reads the most recent reading from the result register on the tip. This method should be called after a suitable delay after the "trigger" method when in single cycle mode, or at any time when in continuous mode.

The reading is returned directly from the chip as a plain 24-bit integer, either signed or unsigned as per the FORMAT configuration.


$ratio = $chip->read_adc_ratio->get

Converts a reading obtained by "read_adc" into a ratio between -1 and 1, taking into account the current mode setting of the chip.


$chip->write_gpios( $values, $direction )->get


$values = $chip->read_gpios->get

Sets or reads the values of the GPIO pins as a 4-bit integer. Bits in the $direction should be high to put the corresponding pin into output mode, or low to put it into input mode.

As an alternative to these methods, see instead "gpio_adapter".

Calibration Registers

$value = $chip->read_selfcal_offset->get;
$value = $chip->read_selfcal_gain->get;
$value = $chip->read_syscal_offset->get;
$value = $chip->read_syscal_gain->get;
$chip->write_selfcal_offset( $value )->get;
$chip->write_selfcal_gain( $value )->get;
$chip->write_syscal_offset( $value )->get;
$chip->write_syscal_gain( $value )->get;

Reads or writes the values of the calibration registers, as plain 24-bit integers.


$adapter = $chip->as_gpio_adapter

Returns an instance implementing the Device::Chip::Adapter interface, allowing access to the four GPIO pins via the standard adapter API.


Paul Evans <>