Changes for version 0.03

  • No longer build_requires 'Glib' - print a warning if it's not installed but carry on anyway.
  • IO_Poll->loop_once() now returns the result from the poll() call
  • Added concept of nested child notifiers within Notifier object
    • Fix to test scripts that call IO_Poll's loop_once() with a timeout of zero. This can cause a kernel race condition, so supply some small non-zero value instead.


a collection of modules that implement asynchronous filehandle IO


a class which implements asynchronous sending and receiving data buffers around a connected handle
a class which implements event callbacks for a non-blocking file descriptor
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using the Glib::MainLoop object.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using an IO::Poll object.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using the select() syscall.
a class to allow handling of POSIX signals with IO::Async-based IO