Changes for version 0.06

  • Allow 'env' setup key to ChildManager->spawn() to change the child's %ENV
  • Updated the way some of the ->spawn() tests are conducted. There seems to be massive failures reported on cpantesters against 0.05. These changes won't fix the bugs, but should assist in reporting and tracking them down.
    • Don't rely on existence of /bin/true - test for /usr/bin/true as well, fall back on "$^X -e 1"
    • Avoid kernel race condition in t/32childmanager-spawn-setup.t by proper use of select() when testing.


a collection of modules that implement asynchronous filehandle IO


a class which implements asynchronous sending and receiving data buffers around a connected handle
a class which facilitates the execution of child processes
a class which implements event callbacks for a non-blocking file descriptor
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using the Glib::MainLoop object.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using an IO::Poll object.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using the select() syscall.
a class to allow handling of POSIX signals with IO::Async-based IO