Changes for version 0.08

  • Added ChildManager->detach_child() method
  • Added DetachedCode object
    • Better tests for presence of Glib to improve test false failures
    • More lenient times in test script 11set-IO-Poll-timing to allow for variances at test time
    • Avoid bugs in post_select()/post_poll() caused by some notifier callbacks removing other notifiers from the set


a collection of modules that implement asynchronous filehandle IO


a class which implements asynchronous sending and receiving data buffers around a connected handle
a class which facilitates the execution of child processes
a class that allows a block of code to execute asynchronously in a detached child process
a class which implements event callbacks for a non-blocking file descriptor
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using the Glib::MainLoop object.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using an IO::Poll object.
a class that maintains a set of IO::Async::Notifier objects by using the select() syscall.
a class to allow handling of POSIX signals with IO::Async-based IO


in lib/IO/Async/DetachedCode/
in lib/IO/Async/DetachedCode/