Changes for version 0.16

  • Loop->requeue_timer()
  • Magic constructor in IO::Async::Loop which tries to find the best subclass
  • 'chdir' and 'nice' ChildManager operations
    • Make sure that top-level objects are refcount-clean by using Test::Refcount, and Scalar::Util::weaken()
    • Keep perl 5.6.1 happy by not passing LocalPort => 0 when constructing IO::Socket::INETs
    • Pass the Type option to IO::Socket::INET constructor in test scripts


a collection of modules that implement asynchronous filehandle IO
facilitates the execution of child processes
perform non-blocking socket connections
execute code asynchronously in child processes
listen on network sockets for incoming connections
core loop of the IO::Async framework
a Loop using an IO::Poll object
a Loop using the select() syscall
resynchronise diverged control flow
event callbacks for a non-blocking file descriptor
performing name resolutions asynchronously
handle a serial pipeline of requests / responses (EXPERIMENTAL)
handle POSIX signals with IO::Async-based IO
read and write buffers around an IO handle
Utility functions for use in test scripts
a queue of future timed event callbacks


in lib/IO/Async/DetachedCode/
in lib/IO/Async/DetachedCode/
in lib/IO/Async/TimeQueue/